A convicted and confessed neo liberal decency makes its norm, it seems very laudable and altruistic. Totally naked to our political class. Its smallness, especially the filthy, their behavior supported by their hypocritical behavior. Decency had the first glimpse of that is consistent both their thinking and their attitudes, which is not the same can be said of Mario Vargas Llosa is the result of informal marketing advertising agencies. Jaime Bayly, must be said, was building his reputation through the entrance to the small screen very young. He went on to become a writer it lightly, but with wisdom has been tracing his path in the literature.
Now he brings a novelty, allowing clear and amaze the audience in order to challenge the political class that rules from the colony to our territory. The first to fall on their networks of irony, which says its extensive ability to laugh and teach, a taciturn of the political class, the most opportunistic of all as is Jose Barba Caballero, who along with Rafael Rey are the matchmaking of our local fauna. The very loose bones, dabase not realize how Jaime Bayly was amusing and took his game to show who was the character of our politics. Such was his game that promised to join the irony of his class demonstration class and all viewers realized that was the likes of Jose Barba. In a second stage that it wanted to recoup the program Bayly, but I think what made full body drawn, both the King and his partner, which is instructive to the public, that before voting for they take your measurements and will not therefore presuppose that disappear as a rara avis of the national fauna.
In the game that is taking Jaime, introduced into the situation irony of Fujimori, first saying that he pardon the criminal and genocidal makes us think if this criminal may have the grace of forgiveness for their crimes committed. In a second stage, we referred to convene a referendum for the people to rule on the decision to pardon him. By engaging in this field is showing that the offender will have their followers and brings up their crimes, without saying so, for it will use those against the dictator, already pronounced in all media, which has brought Consequently the electoral downturn of the heiress of the criminal, we refer to Keiko Fujimori. She also has noticed, and, like many feel that what he is doing our new Socrates is just doing pantomime, or as the vulgar say street walkers of the district of victory: "He's doing Chongo. It is mocking the electoral process. And so, this masterfully as demonstrating our wildlife, we seem to have forgotten, and hardened our minds, before the corruption that is beyond our inclusive Peruvian society. The outcome has been that all of it to come to rant against it, only some restraint, but were counted on the fingers of the hand and I left over in my mind. But with it all you've done is just put on evidence of what his soul and his intentions towards our brothers around this territory. "Healthy intentions? None of this is the demonstration that Jaime Bayly boasts the likes of people we have in this Creole society that does not think of rest, if not only in herself, in her life and comfort while the rest starve. Also why are so many laws that criminalize the protest action, saying they claim to pacifism. Then they are imposed without armies and police to protect all their interests.
Finally politically naked Carlos Arana, a rustic priest with presidential aspirations, which will only be the stooge of all this is called electoral circus coming from the founding republics of Peru call it Creole. Born in hatred and showing some intentions that is just an opportunist who wants to participate more parliamentary cretinism which gives us the big bourgeoisie in our country now.
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.