Above all

Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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martes, 9 de febrero de 2010




With my way I stopped in a hurry Guardianship of Iroz Apu, where my Tata took the water that would cure my eyes were bleeding endlessly. All follow me, everybody. All those brothers who studied with me the master's in education. I stopped by the respect of being the Apu who gave me the new view, which would look at life differently with my eyes to the world of the spirit in which I live. Everyone rose to the skies and wonder who ran all over the space that distance with the Apus of the Cordillera Blanca, including the Huascaran and champagne. They said: How do we want to be in those clouds that seem to cotton pillow?. How beautiful is this landscape. All detainees were clouds pass silently, some raised their arms to capture the energy of the Great Apu Inka Sapa Mitma left them as gifts to accompany him on this great crusade to rescue his essence which came from the great Pacha Mama. What are their origins. They saw the majesty of the APU which dominates the vast Cordillera Blanca with her best presented veils and clouds show us where they are. Little by little it was clearing and begin to see the great valley that forms the Huaychaca Yacumama, as she alone is to twin the Sanyac or Santa as he called the Westernized. We all sat and held hands as we could see was the healing of his friend Tupac Isaac, when he was born, it was with bleeding eyes. His father was scared, but the big brother knowing everything that was in the apu HIRC Keel, mentioned him is his destiny as Sapa Inca, heir to the great Pachakuti and Mister condor, only water Bring the Apu puquios Iroz and if he wants to heal him. So heal me, and therefore want my classmates to see what is the majestic Apu, where you can watch all the apus of the mountains to the Pariacaca that is in the south of Lima. I rejoiced to see them as enjoying the scenery and peace he felt in their hearts. I also was comforted with the good intention for them. It took many pictures and some videos to be taken as reference for our visit. I always visit when I look beyond my present. Lately I am inspired by a new prophecy emerged as sensed. The betrayal of the community of the cob to the Sapa Inca Apu. Only the Apu Iroz punish them for their offense, so patience to myself that it will make them think Apu disorder.
After sharing some meats with Apu and guardians of the respective offerings do we went to Caypanda community, home to a very spiritual man, known as Don Goyito, but before we go through Don Santos is one of the few who know weaving to the Sapa Inca and for the runes, is not well known because it says that Western man should not reveal your secrets and although I put on you tube despite its opposition, it is a living relic of history of our people, with who knows how tissues and their meanings, which were taught through many generations and today there who wants to get an apprenticeship. My goal was to rescue thought and knowledge of this amauta of tissues, but it seems that Apu did not want or who knows you want this knowledge is lost and only I and the community knows him, I felt a lot, but not I have enough time, if I had not put as his apprentice, despite their opposition. I have much respect for, and when we reached the inn Goyito gift, all is bustle and immediately put his huarmi is to cook for all visitors. The preparation of guinea pig is different from other communities, since they must seasoned with achiote, stick and chicha de Jora mature including grasses native to the community that make them different and that they alone know apart from their offspring. So we ate them all and in deference bestowed what we brought to the area of the husk, and the Amazon, such as different fruit that grows in your community, part of the buffer zone of reserve Calipuy.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos



Here I am...