The stench of Peruvian judiciary
The veto for the prosecutor Avelino Guillén, we know that came from the highest levels of political and economic power have in Peru. On the one hand Offenders Alan García that the fear of being sentenced for their new crimes committed in this part of his government and its partners the Fujimori-Montesinos band that wants to release the leader of the band, for which they are trying not enter the Supreme judges Honest and upright as it should be. They all want to impunity for all crimes they have committed and having completed his government can not cover up more and the cloak of shadows to which APRA is used to doing. But not only the judicial system is corrupted by the filth of corruption, so is the education ministry. Where against all odds have validated a leaked examination answers to its militants could be rewarded with honors, having been battered in previous reviews. APRA will say give me cases and evidence to know whether these claims are true.

I'll tell you chapter and verse. Is the case in civil court in Santiago de Chuco, and the judiciary in the region that gave Liberty protects the right of an individual called QUISPE GARCIA HIPOLITO SANTOS. That with a document setting for the third student was third to be recruited by 2008. The document was false, but as the address of where the study was to APRA Teaching told him it was valid, but the teachers who prepared the document table and say that such assertions are false. Well on with the anomalies mentioned a contract won in 2008, but the professor who had been displaced presenting complaint documented, so this character that APRA was also favored by the judiciary with an action for amparo and prevaricating precautelar .
In his record as a professional service is one of the most mediocre, with little professional and intellectual capacity, but it happens that he has taken note of:
But the most controversial that even intellectually arrives on the heels of one of the best students of teaching that brought the following note:
The man knows not even put two and two, say they are twenty-two. They imagine that all these outrages santiaguinos know and nobody says anything, nor was there any investigation of suspected mental defectives notes that have obtained the highest grades. The experiment was done in the education sector to implement it later in the Justice sector, although there have been bombarded with many law schools where they have grown up to his cronies who then would take the judiciary for their own purposes. Imagine the judgments of this court in Santiago de Chuco, completely prevaricators only are the result of political vendetta and the game to which they are instructed by APRA mafia, since whatever people may say in the judiciary is managed by corruption APRA. But I wonder some congressman will dare to investigate and report such to the judge corrupter of Santiago de Chuco, I doubt it with that mask the foul smell that transmits the judiciary.

Nor does risen averiguaran the genius of this feeble-minded in comparison with a brilliant student dedicated to the study, body and soul against a drunk and stoner APRA of that other student who does not even on the heels of the student, then the they prefer to do that is a companion, rather than be a person with better skills.
• Túpac Isaac II
• Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
• http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com