Police strike.
For several years now, the national police is entering and discussing why the enormous responsibility that gives the bourgeois state to sustain the system and therefore those who misuse it as are the social class that holds power. The class is in power takes refuge in them to sustain their foul system of slavery and misery. But now when given as a gift to participate in elections as a way to please the haberles taken his position as human beings in society, and only maintain that it is the duty of the system and therefore are not deliberative, as maintains the bourgeois constitution, is that the couple wants to serve them as a support, but also make them third-class citizens without rights and only with the sole duty of defending the system that I call bourgeois demo bourgeois dictatorship. Must see this police strike that has been announced now for several months and could even say a couple of years, first with the clandestine organization of the police union. To which the State counterintelligence systems have not been able to conjure even see how it was organized. And is that the need of the police family is great. You can not live with salaries that are far below the basic family basket that my skirts and three suns, much more than a thousand dollars. It seems unreal to the same amount as other countries in the European economic community living decently. The real for example we pay the more expensive gasoline in the world, despite being direct producers, the same goes for domestic gas which is used by most households in our countries. For a comparison, which surprised everyone: For ten pounds of domestic gas pay fifteen dollars, compared to Bolivia, where the same amount just comes to cost nearly a dollar. Seeing this, the difference is dramatic. Yet despite the government gets tired of spending on subliminal propaganda we are in the best of worlds, with the decline in poverty, which is not true, because for that use social programs as the makeup of the statistics.
But back to the police strike. The brothers also advocates and mercenaries, hired for their strength to the bourgeois state by a simple tip that fails to meet their needs. This has come to be known by the state since the era of corporatist fascism with his reformism Velasco failed to reconcile the internal contradictions of society living in these countries (to refer to countries, do exist in the area because of what Peru many know as the existence of several nations. Each with its own tradition of culture, organizational and social reference: the Aymara, the Quechua, Los Wampis, Los Awajun, Mestizo, Creole, etc.). And in part by an organization of police forces, especially middle managers, most are descendants of the nations that do not hold political power in this territory is occupied and held by a minority consisting of the Creoles and their mentors, some mestizos outcasts. As they come from a tradition of organizing their respective communities, have endured the most shameful humiliation by their own commanders, who are of the Creole nation. They have been silent since the formation of the republic that dominates the rest native nations. But adjusting to cash them in economic and government propagandized to go, how good we are. That we are in the best of worlds, that we are going to migrate. If here is an opportunity to escape poverty, and comparing them, the only ones who have changed their fate are the generals and lords with APRA card. It would be an imbecile to not realize what is happening in our nations in this region. Presumed to have very strong this police strike looming, if it is made. What jobs or work in the government of Alberto Kenya Fujimori offender as part of the fourth generation warfare, in which bullets are replaced by the war to capture the minds and submit them to fear, fear of protest, fear of feel a claim. I think it is essential that the police enforce their dignity and make you feel this government of fascist extreme right and time is running out and their goodies too, presumably waiting for what they want for us.
Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.