Pineiro and WORKING RIGHT.
The choice of Piñeira Sebastian is showing us as progressive forces have always wrong road to follow the path of revisionism to try to use the path of bourgeois system for the alleged construction of the new state without exploited without exploiters. That path is wrong for the simple example in a strange house you can not impose conditions, being someone else's house, where the class enemy, in this case imposes the conditions for development and society movement. What made the revisionism in Chile is to give opportunity for the Bourgeoisie accumulates forces and wash your face after the years he ruled Chile and imposed a genocidal dictatorship to impose a bourgeois economic system, in which the revisionist makeover to make it the masses that this was the way the peace of cemeteries. Or was it? How many were killed after the coup, Salvador Allende, who was a revisionist naive, that for this I pay more than their intention to change the bourgeois system of exploitation, which has now been affirmed with the enthronement of Sebastian Pineiro, but with the face wash : All this confuses the masses in Chile, which has brought as collation to confuse the masses and hope to the bourgeois forces as change. They have given the masses blinders that distort what the eye sees, your eyes see but never perceive what it is. But there is a left-wing revisionism, like Guzman in Peru, who mistakenly tried to do in the manner of medieval dictatorships in shell Marxist war. First, Peru is not a nation. What is Peru is a small splinter group of Dominicans who have been assaulted with an iron hand and imposed its rule other nations, many of them suffering from misogyny can not answer for lack of leadership that hopefully nest in your heart onkoy with taki. They have forgotten their nationality and live in utter misery and neglect economic, social and political. But let the project fail because of Guzman. Medieval wanted to implement a project in a nation that has another conception, another way of seeing and conceiving things is as if to put a pair of a dwarf clown circus to go for a walk through the streets. Everyone will laugh out loud, so funny in the scene and will have no seriousness in their arguments, that's what happened with the draft Guzman, because I do not believe a theory that implies a connection to the world and the Andean cosmic vision Amazon. The no connection between these two approaches was to fail the draft Guzman, is very different in Chile that the project of the bourgeoisie has been disappearing native communities with cultural and social genocide in order to take over a territory. They have done, why the bourgeois project has had successes, but the key was to create a revision that is the binding element, its beachhead inside Delos social movements to manipulate and manage their whim. That is and always will be the coalition and all the social movements who think they are progressive but really they are, they must have the exact intention of building a true partnership without exploited or exploiters, will have to change the hearts and minds of all, to accept those changes. But we know that the big bourgeoisie, as noted by Jesus of Nazareth in many passages: It is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than the rich in the kingdom of heaven. Or in one another who told the young man who said he was very pious giving alms to the poor (Daba gifts for Christmas and gave something to the widows) ordering him to surrender everything stolen from the poor. For there to be rich there must be poor where the rich have stolen.
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.