What Independence for ?
There are events that will draw the whole body of what is happening in the whole of society. As we know until now the company trujillana in Peru, made up of the remnants of the deeper Spanishness. Thus, if we built the buildings they encounter a wall that divided the world of Indian and Hispanic. With their great covers such as: the Huaman, the Cottage, the Moche and the mountains that were accommodating to all races and nationalities who were living throughout the agency to be known as that of Trujillo. At home that Moche was directed towards the subject of nationality Moche Chimu, which was adapted to the habits and customs of Spain and Portugal, the Cottage to the nationalities of the most ethnically pure Chimú, also referring to the reservation which seems Huamán be a pool of people Chalaco or those engaged in fishing, the creators of the famous horses totora lasting as usual at present. Then we mention the people Huamanchucos or cullies or living in areas Chucoway Quechuas or walk in the highest of the range, with features of warriors and farmers. Not entirely pure by the interference of rajesh_chd since the time of the formation of the slave empire. There are historical reference such as the name of the original nationality Tandaypan Chachapoyas who were taken by the Incas to the south of Cajamarca, for Chilete, but due to disagreements and anger came to a stop at Caxamarca Huamanchuco, south of huamanchuco, as it had divided to the top of Cologne, which is a division of the Incas or charge for them if not imposing slab Spaniards at the beginning of its territorial and human azoles to these lands. Then in the decade of 1821, there were two different worlds: the native communities located in the reductions that we have named, and the Spaniards who can be seen as the best illustration of their characteristics, the construction of the wall surrounding Trujillo across the old city that was inhabited only by the Iberian breed. Development of the city says a lot if we look at this light. While the city is settled in Spanish territory followed the model of the city, and of reductions due to its original indigenous worldview. So as we trace the Street Jirón of the Union, its trajectory is modeled on a very winding road following the example of a snake is moving, so that we can defer their world moved into the architectural design of their homes to which add to their deity, as it has similarities with the catequil AMARU the Quechua worldview. This will continue during the republic and survived until today. If we do a small review of all these settlements will be seen to remain there and witness what they lived in communities that have now moved back to higher areas as a result of sticking their heads in the organization inherited from their former nationalities. According to this historian the Trujillano Alberto Pinillos, can ensure that the first cry of freedom was in the department of Libertad, in the city of Trujillo. Well for me I doubt attack watching that Mr antrum morphic features that belong to an ancient descendant Moche Chimu or who knows, may assert that we are talking about independence? Who shouted Freedom? Not only were we living in the ghetto ibérico that was between the walls of the city of Trujillo, is no better witness to this historic juncture Mr Alberto Pinillos?. The descendants of peoples who are the owners of this territory does not feel anything for this independence that was and is only for the descendants of Iberian and not to the descendants of aboriginal peoples, this is the real truth and you must say as an historian to no more confusion, the objective of the events that occurred in this area. Those who were released, which were always dominated this territory and azoles for their own interests, but not always the indigenous communities that live up to now in a permanent easement, to be plundered their territories, of course now the forms have changed, but they same purpose, to enrich the Spanish descendient6es and impoverish the true owners of this land. Please understand that in two very different nations, some of which are invasive and not the history you do and those that are invisible my more than 80 percent of those who live here but have another worldview. Syncretism that everyone wanted to unite them, but it is impossible despite the progress of sociology and anthropology, and especially from the U.S. action which seeks to destroy our nation as a climax to become master of our territories, as evidenced by their Thousands of school documents that mention that Amazon is American. Surely, as demonstrated in reality Mr historian.
August 2009.
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II