Anyone who has withdrawn the claim to muzzle the press with the draft presented by APRA congressman sacrificed and supported by the famous Baguazo responsible for the ineffable Meche Cabanillas, the other component that expresses the desperation is Carlos Arana impose the Funds management FONCODES (Fund for Cooperation and Development). The same words to declare suicide Congressman Vargas reveals so very cool but does not realize what has been submitted by his party colleagues. The experience of his APRA in his long years of deceit by the just expectations of the population, which is the same traffic to their ideological positions and movements that actually counterfeit foremothers by popular demand and not shown. Everything was calculated, including with those who are affected or is in any way the press, which at times is disgusted by the APRA government complicity and cover all its string of corruption is that the trash when you get home, it stinks a lot and not let our eyes focus on the rich dishes consumed at home. But they were being handled as they were building smoke screens to feast your projects APRA and so in this case the press were not so disgusted and have to bear the stench emanating from the APRA government's actions. Smoke curtains were in all their power of distraction for people, so that no shadow on these plans happen. Everyone was entertained by many press reports on the case of the businesswoman and her murder as well as the alleged murderer Meza Abencia his partner, another Andean music singer. In the sub that sets the agenda Mecha Cabanillas the controversial project for approval once the standing committee, despite other more urgent projects in need of discussion, but I dusted it very wise for approval. The opposition benches noticed and came to protest and warn those partners of the press and government. They realized their use and the back of Damocles, but they do not because the principles that supposedly flying in his associations, if not for profit, nothing more by profit, as being gagged and can not negotiate their fat spoils with them. By putting into effect the fatal law, they could no longer negotiate and therefore should be subject to the dictates of APRA without providing any benefits, but rather against their chests, since for that APRA is their ally and frozen peers in the judicial system. The clear example as it is handling cases of petroaudios and the case of espionage by former marine. This is the lengthening maliciously because they commit the most cans levels of government. As discovered the ruse, all left alone to the first chairman of the committee constitution. As we know Dona Meche is whether Alan García within and would not have operated without the permission and order of his boss, but was left alone to swallow the frog, after being ordered to pass such a project, as did with Jose Vargas Fernandez, the congressman who had the great idea to propose such a monstrosity, but neither was his idea, but as we know them leaders of his party. So much so that has been caught unawares, it shows its face in not knowing how to respond to the harassment of the press itself, to know their intentions, could not sustain any argument in their defense, which would show that they came from the government palace, in Regarding intentions to propose the project of yore. They were in limbo, not react and that they would do if the directive and order came from the government palace. In their reflections to be made and a scandal that could dent the government's image but internationally, gave the directive to withdraw the project, but before them, I mean the maximum chieftains to rule very hurt, as if they had been surprised by who in their free will had made without consulting them. It is there that the Congressman Jose Vargas, does not know that answer, then is struck by the ambivalence of the decisions of the Party and its leaders in attempt to save his honor and self-esteem, which is well below most Peruvians I try to test an apology from the retreating under the pressure of the press itself but the conviction in terms of the project sought to defend its citizens' rights. Good is his excuse, but this does not convince anyone, nor the removal of Vargas, chairman of the committee on Constitution, an Olympian who said that consultants would be good to work better in developing projects. We believe that there is no way the issue of if not the management consultants and the construction of the impunity of all APRA that will be processed in a new government and we will be related, as was the offender's Alberto Fujimori 1990. Tupac Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com