In no time fossil fuels, which are called from the fermentation of huge quantities of organic waste entering the end of its exploration and consumption. As in most industrialized countries today are seeking alternative energy sources like sun or wind energy called wind. The territory around the globe has been explored ad nauseum by the large multinationals and not think there is some uncharted territory with its consuming appetite for everything, especially the economic returns that this leaves. Their main problem is to relate oil Alvarito ideological problem with the underlying some states and their rulers. We must extricate ourselves from them to make a more objective assessment of things. You can not sustain a theory with the excreta of the liver. If we do fall into the error of conception and thus delegitimize our position. It's like holding a book he wrote with family Apuleius to justify neo-liberal theories. He looked sideways because they resisted the slightest analysis to support neoliberalism as economic theory that underpins the social and cultural arena. Democracy is conceived as collective participation in power and its economic benefits, not based on the dispossession of some to others, unless the contrary in the equal benefit for all. This is true democracy, but who guarantees it? The market, market forces in their free will. Do not you think? For the human subject is an agent of petty passions, that in the course of history has shifted precisely because of the hordes that are contrary to the culture and respect. In this respect we can say that Christian preaching initials were on that road, which later went undermining precisely because of its close relationship with power. One who corrupts and destroys if not well cemented their morals and ethics. The bourgeoisie itself support the capitalist system is amoral and unethical, it would have to share everything they produce their workers and left for himself a small part, because it does not work if there is an amoeba that consumes what others produce, but the real example would be the leech. This is thinking that the pears would elm, is impossible because it is based precisely on the growth of capital and which is also based imperialism. Alvarito ranting against governments which are against his friends who are in the government of world policeman and those who argue against bildeberg club. What you see is not the atrocities committed by his friends to sustain their wealth for which use the same status to commit or who committed them in either the State alleged democracy. It is perhaps true that the various U.S. agencies use religion as elements or weapons of psychological warfare in poor countries and a few developed to search for your charge of natural resources?. Perhaps not a crime that people lose their identity in order to not present problems for the looting of their territories, as do many multinationals, such as Barrick Gold intention to make the land of Cesar Vallejo and Luis de la Puente in a contaminated desert without inhabitants. Where will the entire population? Surely the shantytowns populated coastal cities. Some bands to join the petty criminals not finding jobs and others are heading in the oldest job in the world. Well that has brought new jobs to this region, not to say almost none, except for the family of many APRA and none are in the province of Santiago de Chuco. Alvarito then laments the inorganic emission made by the U.S. Federal Reserve to support the bankruptcy of most major U.S. banks. It was great despair that today is bringing the currency because the dollar into a tailspin in this recovery in the currency market, strengthening its framework in the euro single currency which is the European economic community. But what he wants is that those sources do not enter the markets of the countries that does not like to hold as their vocabulary, autocracies, but also are autocracies in which the champions, following their line that the proposed concept. Tupac Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com