Above all

Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009


Popular press-WAUQI wauqiprensapopular@gmail.com

PERSECUTION OF INDIGENOUS TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM FORMABIAP BILINGUAL TEACHER OF THE PERUVIAN AMAZON FORMABIAP APRISTA STATEMENT AGAINST PERSECUTION CONTINUES INDIGENOUS MOVEMENT AND TEACHERS EIB FORMABIAP rejects and condemns the persecution of our fellow RAMIREZ MARITZA SIZE, a fact that is part of the systematic repression unleashed APRA government against the indigenous movement, its leaders and teachers. Tamani Professor Maritza Ramirez, has been notified by the 5th. Maynas Provincial Prosecutor to appear on 26 this month, accused of "crimes against property, extortion and the support of the blockade of the river (sic) and Curaray Napo, which shows the prosecution policy of criminalization of popular protest and the repressive nature of government against any expression other than the political and economic model that promotes. Maritza Ramirez Tamani, full professor Kukama affirmed in their identity, has developed an active role as member of the American Indian Anti Loreto in recent months. Maritza Ramirez's actions, as well as brothers and sisters thousands of Indians and mestizos in the country, were made in defense of territory and rights of indigenous peoples harmed by the current government, a fact recognized by various institutions and national and international. The role as leader of our colleague, is far from the accusation that the government presented, referring to it as a common criminal for the "crime against property and extortion", an allegation that we reject categorically and we demand immediate rectification. On the other hand, the charge of supporting the "blockade of the river (sic) and Napo Curaray" is totally false. Professor Maritza at no time has gone by that area during the time of the Indian uprising. The unsustainable those complaints can only be explained within the framework of a policy of persecution and harassment to all voices who disagree with the government. The charges against the teacher Maritza Ramirez Tamani and the recent persecution Quechua Professor Roberto Martinez-ex-President ANAMEBI also relates to the struggle to develop bilingual teachers and the indigenous movement against the devices taken by this government, which prevent entry training teachers in intercultural bilingual education (IBE) of indigenous youth, risking the EIB as a right of indigenous children to be educated as part of their languages and cultures. With this prosecution, which extends to many national leaders, regional and AIDESEP base, the government also seeks to silence and demobilize the indigenous movement to renege on commitments of the Roundtable and others made in order to resolve the fair claims of indigenous peoples. Also express our solidarity with indigenous leaders and other victims of this persecution perpetrated by the government. Iquitos, August 21, 2009 Interviews Professor Maritza Ramirez Tamani: Mobile: 065-965673946Email: kuarachi@hotmail.com



Anyone who has withdrawn the claim to muzzle the press with the draft presented by APRA congressman sacrificed and supported by the famous Baguazo responsible for the ineffable Meche Cabanillas, the other component that expresses the desperation is Carlos Arana impose the Funds management FONCODES (Fund for Cooperation and Development). The same words to declare suicide Congressman Vargas reveals so very cool but does not realize what has been submitted by his party colleagues. The experience of his APRA in his long years of deceit by the just expectations of the population, which is the same traffic to their ideological positions and movements that actually counterfeit foremothers by popular demand and not shown. Everything was calculated, including with those who are affected or is in any way the press, which at times is disgusted by the APRA government complicity and cover all its string of corruption is that the trash when you get home, it stinks a lot and not let our eyes focus on the rich dishes consumed at home. But they were being handled as they were building smoke screens to feast your projects APRA and so in this case the press were not so disgusted and have to bear the stench emanating from the APRA government's actions. Smoke curtains were in all their power of distraction for people, so that no shadow on these plans happen. Everyone was entertained by many press reports on the case of the businesswoman and her murder as well as the alleged murderer Meza Abencia his partner, another Andean music singer. In the sub that sets the agenda Mecha Cabanillas the controversial project for approval once the standing committee, despite other more urgent projects in need of discussion, but I dusted it very wise for approval. The opposition benches noticed and came to protest and warn those partners of the press and government. They realized their use and the back of Damocles, but they do not because the principles that supposedly flying in his associations, if not for profit, nothing more by profit, as being gagged and can not negotiate their fat spoils with them. By putting into effect the fatal law, they could no longer negotiate and therefore should be subject to the dictates of APRA without providing any benefits, but rather against their chests, since for that APRA is their ally and frozen peers in the judicial system. The clear example as it is handling cases of petroaudios and the case of espionage by former marine. This is the lengthening maliciously because they commit the most cans levels of government. As discovered the ruse, all left alone to the first chairman of the committee constitution. As we know Dona Meche is whether Alan García within and would not have operated without the permission and order of his boss, but was left alone to swallow the frog, after being ordered to pass such a project, as did with Jose Vargas Fernandez, the congressman who had the great idea to propose such a monstrosity, but neither was his idea, but as we know them leaders of his party. So much so that has been caught unawares, it shows its face in not knowing how to respond to the harassment of the press itself, to know their intentions, could not sustain any argument in their defense, which would show that they came from the government palace, in Regarding intentions to propose the project of yore. They were in limbo, not react and that they would do if the directive and order came from the government palace. In their reflections to be made and a scandal that could dent the government's image but internationally, gave the directive to withdraw the project, but before them, I mean the maximum chieftains to rule very hurt, as if they had been surprised by who in their free will had made without consulting them. It is there that the Congressman Jose Vargas, does not know that answer, then is struck by the ambivalence of the decisions of the Party and its leaders in attempt to save his honor and self-esteem, which is well below most Peruvians I try to test an apology from the retreating under the pressure of the press itself but the conviction in terms of the project sought to defend its citizens' rights. Good is his excuse, but this does not convince anyone, nor the removal of Vargas, chairman of the committee on Constitution, an Olympian who said that consultants would be good to work better in developing projects. We believe that there is no way the issue of if not the management consultants and the construction of the impunity of all APRA that will be processed in a new government and we will be related, as was the offender's Alberto Fujimori 1990. Tupac Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com



Many detailed study, do not understand, or otherwise distort the analysis to understand the drug problem in our territory. As a phenomenon that has invaded all the bowels of society, but we do not want to see more clearly what that is. Many see that the fight is to defeat or disappearance of the last link in the entire system that protects and promotes the Drug Trafficking. The weakest link does not interfere in any architecture that supports this scourge. The only loess can be attributed effects of a whole system that has built to make this business one of the most prosperous as it feeds off the degradation of the human condition. The most despicable is the biggest hypocrisy in showing our Peruvian political and social class. The last class that is in the frame of the drug, is in the small coca and who agrees to be small producers of cocaine base. The most famous crop substitution programs failed alternative, precisely in part by the fault of those who wanted to implement and deploy in the coca zones. It is sold as a panacea, for example the cultivation of oil palm, but this crop has not even solved the great problem of crop substitution to improve the economic conditions of the area where the problem is settled. Without communication channels that allow the transportation of local produce that they have no further recourse to the planting of coca and the processing of cocaine paste. For several years it has sought to implement the famous program, that all he has accomplished is to make more rich to officials of the programs that have succeeded in all governments. As has been their source of money to solve personal problems. The lower middle class drug it up the assemblers of cocaine base, who hire backpackers who transport it to the place of processing into cocaine hydrochloride, which are held by middle-class drug intermediate, which may have some political influence and more than all his economic and even geographical region. This is where the Maoist acts to gain the confidence of the lower classes of this scheme because the lower middle class tries to validate and assert their position of advantage before the big drug dealers that if they are of the greatest political influence and economic, which is supported by the bourgeoisie of the drug that works with the consent of all U.S. intelligence agencies and why not say the same core of American government that protects the entire scheme will ease the drug company The upper middle class drug that has all the political control also directing all national economic system. Is the class that provides the funding of political activities of most political parties, as witnessed in the documentary could spread by the American television channel TV, where just one of the largest drug money launderers mobility provided the candidate of the rightist National Unity Party. She has tried to lay hands on fire, but unfortunately the research being done by anti-drug police are demonstrating and questioning the same immaculate image of the leader of the extreme right. Needless to say, the greatest record that holds the current ruling party, which is not accidental, rather they full-body paint. The national bourgeoisie is the drug that pulls the strings of the entire financial system, the best evidence is that we are the leading exporter of cocaine, whose income for such illicit business, we wonder where they end up? There is nothing more than the legal financial system to support the glitzy fortunes of many that can not fail to be noticed. Actually Narco Peru is a republic, where it looks good and it also suits the American giant. In fact since they also are based on the same. Tupac Isaac 2 Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com




In no time fossil fuels, which are called from the fermentation of huge quantities of organic waste entering the end of its exploration and consumption. As in most industrialized countries today are seeking alternative energy sources like sun or wind energy called wind. The territory around the globe has been explored ad nauseum by the large multinationals and not think there is some uncharted territory with its consuming appetite for everything, especially the economic returns that this leaves. Their main problem is to relate oil Alvarito ideological problem with the underlying some states and their rulers. We must extricate ourselves from them to make a more objective assessment of things. You can not sustain a theory with the excreta of the liver. If we do fall into the error of conception and thus delegitimize our position. It's like holding a book he wrote with family Apuleius to justify neo-liberal theories. He looked sideways because they resisted the slightest analysis to support neoliberalism as economic theory that underpins the social and cultural arena. Democracy is conceived as collective participation in power and its economic benefits, not based on the dispossession of some to others, unless the contrary in the equal benefit for all. This is true democracy, but who guarantees it? The market, market forces in their free will. Do not you think? For the human subject is an agent of petty passions, that in the course of history has shifted precisely because of the hordes that are contrary to the culture and respect. In this respect we can say that Christian preaching initials were on that road, which later went undermining precisely because of its close relationship with power. One who corrupts and destroys if not well cemented their morals and ethics. The bourgeoisie itself support the capitalist system is amoral and unethical, it would have to share everything they produce their workers and left for himself a small part, because it does not work if there is an amoeba that consumes what others produce, but the real example would be the leech. This is thinking that the pears would elm, is impossible because it is based precisely on the growth of capital and which is also based imperialism. Alvarito ranting against governments which are against his friends who are in the government of world policeman and those who argue against bildeberg club. What you see is not the atrocities committed by his friends to sustain their wealth for which use the same status to commit or who committed them in either the State alleged democracy. It is perhaps true that the various U.S. agencies use religion as elements or weapons of psychological warfare in poor countries and a few developed to search for your charge of natural resources?. Perhaps not a crime that people lose their identity in order to not present problems for the looting of their territories, as do many multinationals, such as Barrick Gold intention to make the land of Cesar Vallejo and Luis de la Puente in a contaminated desert without inhabitants. Where will the entire population? Surely the shantytowns populated coastal cities. Some bands to join the petty criminals not finding jobs and others are heading in the oldest job in the world. Well that has brought new jobs to this region, not to say almost none, except for the family of many APRA and none are in the province of Santiago de Chuco. Alvarito then laments the inorganic emission made by the U.S. Federal Reserve to support the bankruptcy of most major U.S. banks. It was great despair that today is bringing the currency because the dollar into a tailspin in this recovery in the currency market, strengthening its framework in the euro single currency which is the European economic community. But what he wants is that those sources do not enter the markets of the countries that does not like to hold as their vocabulary, autocracies, but also are autocracies in which the champions, following their line that the proposed concept. Tupac Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009



Alvarito potato son of the Great Great Novelist international bourgeoisie believes that financial bubbles is a great thing even sincere Oil prices, which are not in the hands of true friends of the Club if the opposite Bildeberg in nationalist hands Fascists either religious or military. Not understanding that oil prices as seen in the whole historical process management is different from the rest of the world economy. Knowing beforehand that this was handled through the confrontation with the policeman who found the Great Northern Empire. But I do not understand that the price of oil was added to the price mechanism as conceived by Adam Smith in his book the Wealth of Nations. If so what reason is that this price is playing according to the convenience of Islamic States that are large producers. So what reason is the war in Iraq and its puppet government in trying to maintain a hegemonic space by the world's policeman. Trying to justify his position by the hair starts the economic theory of Adam Smith, not seeing that the application resulted in the collapse of the entire international financial system against their same precepts have appealed to the state to solve their wrongs, for bullish expectations that oil prices was due to the need to address the arms race and the defense of Zionism is seen as a threat companion and partner of world policeman trying to destabilize the Islamic peninsula to settle their economic problems within their territory. So it is inconceivable that the mighty forces of the market is that prices have intervened. What has intervened is the need to feel secure with the treacherous attack of Zionism who works for the policeman, is a double-barreled shotgun, but as the world policeman preaches peace, is supporting Zionism Agreda all Islamic nations and the other felt the need to protect all Moslem nations to buy their arms deceiving him that way can protect themselves from their enemy intruder. If it had this need, the Islamic nations have made enormous progress made without running after the deceptions of the officer and his partner Zionist. Concentrate on that oil is the deciding international trade has its implications, since we know the fuels of biological origin are entering an era of scarcity and if discovered, would not get to meet international demand, as some countries are being targeted in their replacement. Alternative fuels. As also dangerous entry using certain varieties of species for the production of fuels or also known as biofuels, especially from corn and soybeans, which are foods high global demand for food, it is entering a trend very Most dangerous for humanity, for his position to increase the problems of malnutrition and hunger in over half the world population that is coming to fill the three third parties who are hungry. The funny thing is to name and scummy as democratic Mexico. I did not know that Narcocracias be democratic. As we know the World Narcocracia is in Mexico to their operational and financial bourgeoisie in this country and so is the Gran Colombia in both countries, the structures of drug trafficking to the marrow have corroded the political system, finance in these countries and because Cultural say no, because no intellectual voice has spoken out to protest the state lumpenization and especially politics. Where abounds as he pleased the business ties of predation on the lives of thousands of millions of young people worldwide. And it's ironic that as the talk do not win the rich who want to make up their businesses with the lives of young people mentioned the incompetence wins the state distributes to the needy. Tremendous mistake or delirium tremens of his mind. Are there other civilizations more civilized and uncivilized? Another contradiction because we will have scope to analyze all our perspective and still be limited by our terms of origin, but if we understand from the Western dimension we shall see as backward, but they will see Westerners as antiquated, technology can not determine this variable, the size of the child calling potato Alvarito as uncivilized their ability to live together with nature instead surprising capacity for self-destruction of the West is also amazing, not only Western man wolf man himself, if not just of himself. Tupac Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009



Many men are afraid to swim against the flow even knowing you are on the wrong side, or no truth that our arguments, we see them or is unable to substantiate our link to the source of knowledge. We aim to fit in Fillers inconsequential as we reach to sustain our empty arguments before the obvious. Therefore can not agree that having presented arguments that make known the reality or otherwise described, then we intend to ignore what they had said. Some may say that is because of having found the truth from another edge. Is the truth a string of corners which can be viewed indifferently from the perspective that a look? Or only the individual as an individual can recognize the truth from his cubicle, which can be complemented by the display of the other which is in its vicinity. So if the truth is the description of reality from one perspective, when you raise from individual knowledge, but when it arises from the community or society would think a closer proximity in their description of things. In humans realize that a shift in their conceptions, may be a justification for their lack of correct understanding of the thinking that had previously embraced as a convenience to the individual interests of person. Many times we hope that our vision reaches us another level of recognition within the group to which humans belong. Thus we see that truth in the individual pace according to the level of recognition they get the individual in his group or society to which it belongs. Also enters into the proof of the excitement of life and plan what we might call existential crisis. The search for the man to remain in the world, seeks to rely on to give encouragement to enable it to take even a small hope of transcendence to it. O as well as to justify a state of things, has a religious aspect in this regard Tannates. This is found in the medieval period of history when Western Catholicism in his witch hunt to sustain their state of the economic system, had to justify the Holy Inquisition that killed all kinds of scientists. The truth is that when it builds to fear those who do not want to advance knowledge. Truth evolves and destroys the comfortable ledge where we observe reality, we argue tooth and nail to not want to understand that the landscape is changing, as when the day changes to night. I am here to discuss the position of those who justify the imposition of neoliberal democracy. Is this the best system for mankind? If the best system, that increases every day and grows geometrically people die of hunger while using millions of tons of food to distill agro fuels. Because they deforest huge million hectares of forest, removing the home to thousands of living creatures including humans who are indigenous or originating. Here too, the question might be that the economic only a small part of humanity that is so well focused that produces the vast majority. Because the most powerful countries is appropriate all the wealth of the poorest to sustain their own system, it is as if the majority were in slavery for which you have to pay pleitesía to the most powerful, and yet to give its natural resources, with the only promise to be in their area of influence. Therefore I think it impossible now to say that neo-liberal democracy is the best system for mankind, because their action is precisely what has come to humanity in crisis, and now the danger that the human habitat is destroyed and to destroy humanity and all that surrounds it. August 2009.

Tupab Isaac II

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.





Farándula As the saying goes: The journalism may be the vilest of trades or the most remarkable of the defenses of the principles that moves a society. How is the current information society that feeds? Journalism is having to defend the principal evil in all societies, such as disinformation. To which we add the fascistization the conduct of government. And that goes as comparsa of abuse, which will cover up the atrocities committed by all actors. Political press no longer exists on our territory, they are all praise for this dictator, who they call ignores the just demands of the people. But suddenly all that succeed in the press, all of it, should become police press, as if there were no major problems to solve and discuss in our territory. To cover, the first crime of Bagua and exit from its patrons of corruption, as Romulo Leon Alegria. He dedicated himself all the press to cover up the least and procaz event of the death of a singer, as if the only reason to make public the illness of the population. Is to dig through the least that happened in the parallel lives of two lesbian singers, giving the public the need for carefree curiosity that the biggest problem we have is their need to survive. But this is a very important need that is covered by the fourth generation war in which they capture people's minds, to think only what you give them publicity. This contributes to some religious sects that set on a depersonalized individuals, to see that the economic problem is its implementation with its theological perspective of faith. We have found such a degree of depersonalization, that an event occurred precisely at the same events for our brothers in Bagua Grande, was a fanatical sect which burned alive its members, to atone for their sins in his own words. Were arrested for this crime to their spiritual leader, who repeated that they had been touched by God to form the city of Israel, the new heavenly Jerusalem, containing all saved from the evil of the world. Thence to the seriousness of the facts he had to arrest everyone in a town of ethnic living near the city of Nauta in Loreto, as all were related to the criteria of their religious leader, who had a complete disregard for human life. Here we must assert that the first weapon used is the handling of internal conflicts, especially when in crisis in perspective, personal goals that guide their lives, the scheme of values which have developed throughout their lives. What we might call the existential crisis, when questioned by the same individual, and even this may conflict with those of the same environment to which the individual lives, this is in weak position to challenge even the assertions of religious sects anti. Then the psychological conditions, with which they create a different view of things, and these are contrary to the customary, they may not realize they are being manipulated, why the big defense spending that is not against United States the manufacture and use of weapons, if not the infiltration of the countless sects exit from its territory, with the sole purpose of controlling the territories of the world, therefore its continuing attack on the Muslim faith in all the countries that profess, because there is quite difficult to manipulate for their purposes of this rule, since the Muslim faith has something that no other religious faiths, such as its Super exaggerated nationalism and care for some of their habits and customs, where it is difficult because ideological penetration confirms that the acquisition of economic power of transnational corporations, as are attached to this business, has used the faith to enter a country ideologically and conquer it without spilling a single bullet or by a blood. In our drug has the personality of all our compatriots is football and the press shows. For which all companies and transnational companies are dedicated to promote and care, allowing them to be a misogynist people who do not know the present or future interest, so we have a beardless in government that make and break your cravings committing major atrocities, all those who have been enthroned as a target destination for many of the institutions of the state. So the press has become the police and farandulera.

Túpac Isaac II Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

August 2009.


sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Gorillas in the fog or buffaloes
Desperate not to be invisible in the 2012 election
The presidential address of July 28 has many edges that no longer have to take into smaller panels to the entire Peruvian population, partly because we already know the direction of the actions taken by the government to maintain the privileges of large transnational capital. Continue in the direction of blood and fire to implement the dictates of neoliberal skeletons, perhaps with the hope to be able to get the most juice from sales to that subject throughout the country. No interest for what is happening to the world economy is discussed in more shaken by this crisis that all countries that joined the scheme, the market economy. That failure in past centuries, and again will fail again in this century, since all it does is to increase the social and economic differences around the world. The first step that has arisen and as always offered to the audience that the town is again a trace more hope that it will be disappointed as always his style. Congress for the renewal of half of half a congressional period. If you sent it because we do not know, but for his party in a shotgun that launched anonymity as a political party. Most of their congressmen are discredited, not only in their areas of origin if it is known throughout the republic, so that the original measure APRA disappear as a force, if not already doing at present and as I mentioned in an article several years ago past. As that promise to consolidate the Constitution spurious Fujimori have not changed for tactical reasons not to agree to Major Transnational Capital, as it would have to review every contract that they are too harmful for the country, it is not agreed by the lobbyists and their financial commitment that you have with them, especially the rulers-they-thinking about their future when they can not be elected to anything in the current political system. Beyond this constitutional amendment needs two regular terms and where a qualified majority vote in favor of reform. Which could not be applied to the elections of 2012, which is discarded at this stage of the government because there has to agree with their affinity for secure impunity for their government just completed its phase. But what it says on the solution of many social problems afflicting the entire territory and begins to take more measures are designed to use force and bullets as a solution to the problem. Avoids ruling on the merits of cases that have generated the various conflicts, there is already a feeling among the people who use force to resolve them from the bullets and the death of key leaders who are involved in these, for it has called a man with experience in such skills as his Minister of Interior to organize a paramilitary to deal with crime in the city of Trujillo. Had good results but at the expense of the lives of people while criminals were highly ranked, it was judged that the punishment falls on the side of justice and not to hand the police who organized death squads. Well in that both have much experience, especially Alan García who is behind in his inauguration to go unnoticed, being under control, which fulfill orders, those who suffer the consequences of their orders, so was what happened on the Island Fronton, Lurigancho and Santa Barbara, where his explicit order was to kill hundreds of political prisoners and common, with the aim not to overshadow the meeting of the Socialist International, which now is certainly upset by belonging, being a fan extreme political and economic neoliberalism. The most despicable is his failure to recognize the barbarity committed with the native peoples who see their contempt for our communities and nationalities, this comes as we are not represented as an agent, the opposite is the transnational or her own ego and pocket, and all their fellow classmates or the call as they do where they are in the regional government. Such is the case that was posted and made a compañerito to win the leadership of a Local Management Unit to a teacher who is illiterate and in educational administration, to commit an unreasonable person unfit administration also knows that those who accompany them have characters and abilities but the regional president in a burst of pride and folly that is intended to continue to keep this gentleman. The same policy applies to your partner in Liberty Mr Garcia applied at national level, so we hold off, it's his way of seeing things, which some believe could make this government in its wisdom or to any past pathology, so we are vulnerable to this threat, as was our beloved figure of Diana Fosey, the scientist who wanted to protect the government of the extinction of these primates and that is precisely the arguments that Mr. Garcia faces were the same as those used to kill this science I wanted to preserve nature. August 2009. Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com

Gorillas in the fog or buffaloes
Desperate not to be invisible in the 2012 election
The presidential address of July 28 has many edges that no longer have to take into smaller panels to the entire Peruvian population, partly because we already know the direction of the actions taken by the government to maintain the privileges of large transnational capital. Continue in the direction of blood and fire to implement the dictates of neoliberal skeletons, perhaps with the hope to be able to get the most juice from sales to that subject throughout the country. No interest for what is happening to the world economy is discussed in more shaken by this crisis that all countries that joined the scheme, the market economy. That failure in past centuries, and again will fail again in this century, since all it does is to increase the social and economic differences around the world. The first step that has arisen and as always offered to the audience that the town is again a trace more hope that it will be disappointed as always his style. Congress for the renewal of half of half a congressional period. If you sent it because we do not know, but for his party in a shotgun that launched anonymity as a political party. Most of their congressmen are discredited, not only in their areas of origin if it is known throughout the republic, so that the original measure APRA disappear as a force, if not already doing at present and as I mentioned in an article several years ago past. As that promise to consolidate the Constitution spurious Fujimori have not changed for tactical reasons not to agree to Major Transnational Capital, as it would have to review every contract that they are too harmful for the country, it is not agreed by the lobbyists and their financial commitment that you have with them, especially the rulers-they-thinking about their future when they can not be elected to anything in the current political system. Beyond this constitutional amendment needs two regular terms and where a qualified majority vote in favor of reform. Which could not be applied to the elections of 2012, which is discarded at this stage of the government because there has to agree with their affinity for secure impunity for their government just completed its phase. But what it says on the solution of many social problems afflicting the entire territory and begins to take more measures are designed to use force and bullets as a solution to the problem. Avoids ruling on the merits of cases that have generated the various conflicts, there is already a feeling among the people who use force to resolve them from the bullets and the death of key leaders who are involved in these, for it has called a man with experience in such skills as his Minister of Interior to organize a paramilitary to deal with crime in the city of Trujillo. Had good results but at the expense of the lives of people while criminals were highly ranked, it was judged that the punishment falls on the side of justice and not to hand the police who organized death squads. Well in that both have much experience, especially Alan García who is behind in his inauguration to go unnoticed, being under control, which fulfill orders, those who suffer the consequences of their orders, so was what happened on the Island Fronton, Lurigancho and Santa Barbara, where his explicit order was to kill hundreds of political prisoners and common, with the aim not to overshadow the meeting of the Socialist International, which now is certainly upset by belonging, being a fan extreme political and economic neoliberalism. The most despicable is his failure to recognize the barbarity committed with the native peoples who see their contempt for our communities and nationalities, this comes as we are not represented as an agent, the opposite is the transnational or her own ego and pocket, and all their fellow classmates or the call as they do where they are in the regional government. Such is the case that was posted and made a compañerito to win the leadership of a Local Management Unit to a teacher who is illiterate and in educational administration, to commit an unreasonable person unfit administration also knows that those who accompany them have characters and abilities but the regional president in a burst of pride and folly that is intended to continue to keep this gentleman. The same policy applies to your partner in Liberty Mr Garcia applied at national level, so we hold off, it's his way of seeing things, which some believe could make this government in its wisdom or to any past pathology, so we are vulnerable to this threat, as was our beloved figure of Diana Fosey, the scientist who wanted to protect the government of the extinction of these primates and that is precisely the arguments that Mr. Garcia faces were the same as those used to kill this science I wanted to preserve nature.
August 2009.
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II

Gorillas in the fog or buffaloes

Gorillas in the fog or buffaloes
Desperate not to be invisible in the 2012 election
The presidential address of July 28 has many edges that no longer have to take into smaller panels to the entire Peruvian population, partly because we already know the direction of the actions taken by the government to maintain the privileges of large transnational capital. Continue in the direction of blood and fire to implement the dictates of neoliberal skeletons, perhaps with the hope to be able to get the most juice from sales to that subject throughout the country. No interest for what is happening to the world economy is discussed in more shaken by this crisis that all countries that joined the scheme, the market economy. That failure in past centuries, and again will fail again in this century, since all it does is to increase the social and economic differences around the world. The first step that has arisen and as always offered to the audience that the town is again a trace more hope that it will be disappointed as always his style. Congress for the renewal of half of half a congressional period. If you sent it because we do not know, but for his party in a shotgun that launched anonymity as a political party. Most of their congressmen are discredited, not only in their areas of origin if it is known throughout the republic, so that the original measure APRA disappear as a force, if not already doing at present and as I mentioned in an article several years ago past. As that promise to consolidate the Constitution spurious Fujimori have not changed for tactical reasons not to agree to Major Transnational Capital, as it would have to review every contract that they are too harmful for the country, it is not agreed by the lobbyists and their financial commitment that you have with them, especially the rulers-they-thinking about their future when they can not be elected to anything in the current political system. Beyond this constitutional amendment needs two regular terms and where a qualified majority vote in favor of reform. Which could not be applied to the elections of 2012, which is discarded at this stage of the government because there has to agree with their affinity for secure impunity for their government just completed its phase. But what it says on the solution of many social problems afflicting the entire territory and begins to take more measures are designed to use force and bullets as a solution to the problem. Avoids ruling on the merits of cases that have generated the various conflicts, there is already a feeling among the people who use force to resolve them from the bullets and the death of key leaders who are involved in these, for it has called a man with experience in such skills as his Minister of Interior to organize a paramilitary to deal with crime in the city of Trujillo. Had good results but at the expense of the lives of people while criminals were highly ranked, it was judged that the punishment falls on the side of justice and not to hand the police who organized death squads. Well in that both have much experience, especially Alan García who is behind in his inauguration to go unnoticed, being under control, which fulfill orders, those who suffer the consequences of their orders, so was what happened on the Island Fronton, Lurigancho and Santa Barbara, where his explicit order was to kill hundreds of political prisoners and common, with the aim not to overshadow the meeting of the Socialist International, which now is certainly upset by belonging, being a fan extreme political and economic neoliberalism. The most despicable is his failure to recognize the barbarity committed with the native peoples who see their contempt for our communities and nationalities, this comes as we are not represented as an agent, the opposite is the transnational or her own ego and pocket, and all their fellow classmates or the call as they do where they are in the regional government. Such is the case that was posted and made a compañerito to win the leadership of a Local Management Unit to a teacher who is illiterate and in educational administration, to commit an unreasonable person unfit administration also knows that those who accompany them have characters and abilities but the regional president in a burst of pride and folly that is intended to continue to keep this gentleman. The same policy applies to your partner in Liberty Mr Garcia applied at national level, so we hold off, it's his way of seeing things, which some believe could make this government in its wisdom or to any past pathology, so we are vulnerable to this threat, as was our beloved figure of Diana Fosey, the scientist who wanted to protect the government of the extinction of these primates and that is precisely the arguments that Mr. Garcia faces were the same as those used to kill this science I wanted to preserve nature.

August 2009.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

Tupac Isaac II




What Independence for ?

There are events that will draw the whole body of what is happening in the whole of society. As we know until now the company trujillana in Peru, made up of the remnants of the deeper Spanishness. Thus, if we built the buildings they encounter a wall that divided the world of Indian and Hispanic. With their great covers such as: the Huaman, the Cottage, the Moche and the mountains that were accommodating to all races and nationalities who were living throughout the agency to be known as that of Trujillo. At home that Moche was directed towards the subject of nationality Moche Chimu, which was adapted to the habits and customs of Spain and Portugal, the Cottage to the nationalities of the most ethnically pure Chimú, also referring to the reservation which seems Huamán be a pool of people Chalaco or those engaged in fishing, the creators of the famous horses totora lasting as usual at present. Then we mention the people Huamanchucos or cullies or living in areas Chucoway Quechuas or walk in the highest of the range, with features of warriors and farmers. Not entirely pure by the interference of rajesh_chd since the time of the formation of the slave empire. There are historical reference such as the name of the original nationality Tandaypan Chachapoyas who were taken by the Incas to the south of Cajamarca, for Chilete, but due to disagreements and anger came to a stop at Caxamarca Huamanchuco, south of huamanchuco, as it had divided to the top of Cologne, which is a division of the Incas or charge for them if not imposing slab Spaniards at the beginning of its territorial and human azoles to these lands. Then in the decade of 1821, there were two different worlds: the native communities located in the reductions that we have named, and the Spaniards who can be seen as the best illustration of their characteristics, the construction of the wall surrounding Trujillo across the old city that was inhabited only by the Iberian breed. Development of the city says a lot if we look at this light. While the city is settled in Spanish territory followed the model of the city, and of reductions due to its original indigenous worldview. So as we trace the Street Jirón of the Union, its trajectory is modeled on a very winding road following the example of a snake is moving, so that we can defer their world moved into the architectural design of their homes to which add to their deity, as it has similarities with the catequil AMARU the Quechua worldview. This will continue during the republic and survived until today. If we do a small review of all these settlements will be seen to remain there and witness what they lived in communities that have now moved back to higher areas as a result of sticking their heads in the organization inherited from their former nationalities. According to this historian the Trujillano Alberto Pinillos, can ensure that the first cry of freedom was in the department of Libertad, in the city of Trujillo. Well for me I doubt attack watching that Mr antrum morphic features that belong to an ancient descendant Moche Chimu or who knows, may assert that we are talking about independence? Who shouted Freedom? Not only were we living in the ghetto ibérico that was between the walls of the city of Trujillo, is no better witness to this historic juncture Mr Alberto Pinillos?. The descendants of peoples who are the owners of this territory does not feel anything for this independence that was and is only for the descendants of Iberian and not to the descendants of aboriginal peoples, this is the real truth and you must say as an historian to no more confusion, the objective of the events that occurred in this area. Those who were released, which were always dominated this territory and azoles for their own interests, but not always the indigenous communities that live up to now in a permanent easement, to be plundered their territories, of course now the forms have changed, but they same purpose, to enrich the Spanish descendient6es and impoverish the true owners of this land. Please understand that in two very different nations, some of which are invasive and not the history you do and those that are invisible my more than 80 percent of those who live here but have another worldview. Syncretism that everyone wanted to unite them, but it is impossible despite the progress of sociology and anthropology, and especially from the U.S. action which seeks to destroy our nation as a climax to become master of our territories, as evidenced by their Thousands of school documents that mention that Amazon is American. Surely, as demonstrated in reality Mr historian.

August 2009.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

Tupac Isaac II


Here I am...