The news of the death of Mayor Choropampa, Don Vincent Zarate Minchan, with symptoms characteristic of poisoning from mercury. Alerted the irresponsible mining companies in the Management of PAMA. We are more alert that there is the background of the company Minera Barrick in different places. But before we see their actions and their accomplices in these crimes, so we put as accessories to the mayors of which is extracted and contaminates their projects in the Andean region of Freedom: 1. A report by Corpwatch, a research organization and denunciation of human rights violations and environmental crimes produced by large corporations, is looking carefully at the world's largest gold, the Barrick Gold. The study explains how this company pollutes the air and water, and emphasizes community as a victory what happened in La Rioja, where citizens' assemblies of Famatina managed to stop the exploration. 2. BARRICK THREATENS JOURNALISTS: Author: Dr. Roco OLAVARRIA.Comentario. Raul Montenegro and FUNAM President of the Alternative Nobel Prize 2004, reported nationally and internationally that journalists in this province "received death threats because they say the truth about the environmental impact of Canadian mining Barrick Gold" .- added that other journalists' suffering Prior censorship or are displaced from news programs so they do not tell the truth. " 3. Indigenous leaders denounce in Montreal, the activities of the mining Barrick Gold Corporation. Indigenous leaders from Australia, Chile and Papua New Guinea are currently in Canada with the purpose of engaging in parallel to the general assembly of shareholders of the company Barrick Gold Corporation. Indian leaders have come to present their deep concerns from the impacts of mining activities of this company and to denounce the current critical situation facing this kind of exploitation in their territories. Barrick conducts various mining projects in indigenous ancestral lands in those countries, without respecting the rights to self-determination, autonomy and free and informed consent of those communities. In addition, it becomes obvious imbalance of the ecosystem by pollution of soil, air and water pollution caused by mining activities. The quality of life, health, the right to water, access to a water quality and local economic activities are threatened. 4. Since the year 1997, Barrick Gold Corporation entered into Chilean territory with the intention of buying acres to exploit raw materials, the atmosphere enrareció. Already this season opponents have been adding to this initiative called Project Pascualama, "both for their environmental achievements, which would end, according to studies by two-thousand glaciers, as it would be mortgaging one of the largest reserves of water in the world. However, today are the other duties that keep busy at the transnational level. Indeed, lawyers Hernan Montealegre and Monica Madariaga, reported yesterday in the palace court, which was installed corruption in the judiciary. The former Minister of Justice and Education of Pinochet, told Radio Universidad de Chile, there are a minister of the Court of Appeal and two in the Supreme Court, who would be using its influence to prevent the trial of Rodolfo Villar maintains against the Barrick Gold, comes to an end. According to Madariaga, substantial evidence exists that spell serious irregularities in the process giving to think of how badly things were handled in the judiciary. Basically, the lawyers allege an illegal lobbying of advocates of Barrick: Gabriel Caceres, Dario Calderon, Gonzalo Nieto Valdes and the study "Vergara Labarca and Concha," maintained ties with the minister of the room account of the Court of Appeals, Juan Mera Munoz. He is accused of improperly modifying a resolution aimed at adding a final appeal to the ruling that favored the interests of the plaintiffs. The rule of law, warns Madariaga, was established only through the intervention of the president of the Santiago Court of Appeals, Gabriela Perez, who saw the incident and ordered the normal handling of the case. Nevertheless, the ever-called "iron woman" reported that lawyers lobbystas of Barrick, moved to the second floor of the Courts, to exert their influence on the Supreme Court. According to Madariaga, at least 2 ministers of the Supreme Court - whose names wanted to keep hold-mining shady ties with the Canadian, whose directory includes, among other notorious, Father George Bush. The same Barrick's lawyers had warned during the process, several ministers of the Supreme shareholders would be "new partners" of the company. To check the veracity of these, Montealegre and Madariaga, made the complaint to the chairman of the High Court, Enrique Tapia, who should bring a decision if it passes the full background to the Ethics Tribunal of the Judiciary. Both lawyers have a case against the Barrick since 2001, representing the Engineer Rodolfo Villar, who says having been a victim of a scam by the American company which, through a widget, it would have made of Current Pascualama land by the derisory sum of 10 pesos. Here are a few selected at random to illustrate the intentions of the Barrick mining, and warned the population throughout the Andes liberteño of the serious consequences that will have the activities of the Minera Barrick also suspicious of the complicity of many mayors and Leaders in the same holiday. Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos. http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com