Above all

Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

What is the price of water?

What is the price of water?

Nothing - for large transnational mining spread throughout the territory of Peru today.
Nothing - as these mining pay nothing to the state whose wealth plundered shameless .. Conga - Newmont Mining Corporation, Barrick - Misquichilca SA, Tingo Maria - Gold Mine Holding SAC and many others ..
Nothing - despite disappearing lakes, mountains, unique flora and fauna!
And once again ask: What is the price of water?
In fact the water has a different price depends on the country and the region where you live .. For example:
At Hurlingham, Buenos Aires Province have no running water - must pay a Water Drum 10 liter and pay $ 2 and a quarter.
The water problem in the capital of Peru is to have water only those with high incomes in Lima for the cheapest costs about $ 80 or 150 soles a month and Maranga is about 100 dollars a month for water.
Water is cheap for the rich and very expensive for the poor ..

And once again ask: What is the price of water?
Here in the Andean region but no running water so the lakes and rivers belong to all! or free??
Is it really free?
Transnational mining companies deprive the water and then reinvested in the ponds but already contaminated mercury, cyanide and other chemicals harmful to human health ..
Do you think free water for which you pay with your health?, With the health of their children and grandchildren .. Do you think free water for which you pay with your life?
I assure you that nothing is free but has the highest price may be paid by a person!
And once again ask: What is the price of water?
For the traveler in the desert who is out of water and suffers immense thirst and soon real threat of losing his own life: for this the water is priceless! It is priceless!

Both water costs ...

Tanyita Yupanqui

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Hugo Blanco: Summary report on the March for Water

Hugo Blanco: Summary report on the March for Water

Summary report on the March for Water

It was proposed by Father Marco Arana and approved by the fronts
Defence and Peasant Patrols of Cajamarca.
Arana's father was named chairman of the committee coordinator.
Their demands were:
- Conga does not go.
- Declare water a human right.
- No mining in basin headwaters.
- Prohibiting the use of mercury and cyanide.

He left on February 1 of the lakes threatened by the project Conga
and culminated in Lima on February 9, 2012
On 9, 10 and 11 included presentations on the problem of mining
and water from representatives of various parts of the country, as it is a
national threat. Naturally the main speakers were
representatives of popular organizations of Cajamarca.
The march ended its activities with a major rally in the Plaza San Martin.
A key feature is that it was not led by any
party or any national peasant organization but by the
defense fronts and the peasant patrols of Cajamarca.
We started walking from the towns and villages for miles,
paraded through the streets of the town, we walked on foot from
miles before the population centers. When the villages were
relatively close, we did the whole journey on foot.
A notable aspect was the warm welcome we had in
cities and towns of the way. In many places the mayors
led the welcome. Receive room and board
whom we performed acogían.Se rallies in the towns,
initiated after the hosts.
In Trujillo, capital of Freedom, he joined a strong
contingent, especially from Santiago de Chuco, which is threatened
South Laguna project.
He shouted: "Conga does not go, South Laguna, either."
Along the way, in addition to applaud, people regaled us water and food.
Another remarkable fact was that every part of the journey had "its own
Conga, "his own threat to water: In the mining established in its
zone. For receiving contaminated water, and for the district of San
Pedro de Lloc, for serving as a mining dump by a
company in charge of that task. Another village suffered the theft of water
for an agribusiness company that absorbed the groundwater
leaving it to poor farmers in the area.
Next step. - Edy's partner Benavides, Front representative
Defense Hualgayoc Bambamaca proposed the occupation of the
gaps. This proposal seems sound, I imagine that consist
where groups of Cajamarca, especially in the provinces of
Celendín Hualgayoc and those most affected by the project, go to
Time to care gaps. As seen, the Conga project
concerns the entire country, so I think it would be consistent
invite the rest of the Peruvians to participate in this task. Are
Cajamarca brothers who must decide.

When on the march I was interviewed by Channel N. See on youtube:
On Channel 2 reporter interviewing me Beto Ortiz on Monday 20
February-hours 7 am.

written by Hugo Blanco

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Environmentalists to support Argentina in their fight against mining in the open - Andalgalá, Famatina, Tinogasta

Environmentalists to support Argentina in their fight against mining in the open - Andalgalá, Famatina, Tinogasta


The situation in Andalgala - Argentina is terrible!
Para-policemen are looking for and kidnapped civilians.
The para-policemen give orders to the national police.
Do not allow anyone to enter or exit the area of mines Andalgalá, Famatina, Tinogasta.
Do not let even the Nobel Peace Prize - Perez Esquivel, enter them in the protected areas to negotiate an end to the occupation.

Cameras and mobile phones of journalists were forcibly taken away.

In the area Tinogasta, cross trucks coming from Chile and carrying explosives which were used during WWII / the Second World War /...



viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012


A few times I received this letter from my dearest brother ..

"March of the pitchers, so they called this national demonstration in defense of water has reached the gates of Lima, capital of Peru, to be heard and this government put aside the people and fulfill its promise to defend water against the greed of the mining.

We are pleased that within the dealers are our brothers of the Andes Libertad, there confusion among thousands of protesters, we're sure his voice thrill with the consciousness of Lima, who are mostly migrants and Lima is a city that for all your pores breathe province particularly in the provinces.

Before the protesters from the Andes to Lima partieran Libertad in support of Cajamarca made ​​an offering in front of the Toro Lagoon, located in the district of Quiruvilca, province of Santiago de Chuco, Department of La Libertad, capturing the mystique of our ancestors Pre-Inca and Inca, to thank Mother Earth for the blessing of the water!

And you know, in these last days, it rained in the mountains as you can imagine not!

The peasants say it will be a good year, I travel and I oobservar the Cordillera Blanca and the green fields where turf soccer field, is a very beautiful landscape and the shots I send you these days ... "

thanks, my soul brother!

Tanyita Yupanqui

Here is a video with more views on the subject:

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012




Virtual Sheet No. 1377

A foot and aboard dozens of pickup trucks ADVANCE SIGN UP FOR NATIONAL WATER and life, bound for Lima, where on Friday 10 do their mobilization center. The march began water from the lagoons of the Conga mining project with a series of rituals and payments to the earth (Pachamama).

As is public knowledge, the Conga mining project is an investment company Yanacocha was installed twenty years ago in Cajamarca and evidence of damage are there, Cajamarca is the poorest department in Peru, the clearest example that Yanacocha a shit life of future generations.
Yanacocha Cajamarca with a risk of losing its springs and finished waters polluted with mercury and cyanide. In the end, Cajamarca to remain without water, farming without livestock and doomed to remain the poorest department in Peru.

This regard we attach a note published by the Journal of The First 04/01/12
Water is already underway in Trujillo.

From various parts of the country social organizations move towards Lima.
With support from more than 120 regional, patrolmen, peasants and delegations from various regions continues its advance into the capital, where columns converge representatives of central and south.

The main column of the March for Water arrived yesterday in the city of Trujillo, comprising over a thousand patrolmen, farmers and residents of the regions of Cajamarca and La Libertad, as well as delegations from different localities of the northern macro-region, escorted by strong police protection.

In its third day, the main leaders arrived at the headquarters of the Regional Government of La Libertad, which could only meet with some officials, because of the unexpected absence of its owner, Jose Murgia, who had promised to meet them.

After arriving in the city, conducted a series of cultural activities, forums and popular mobilization in order to further expand the call for dealers.
Then another group of more than 700 patrolmen also came from Cajamarca to Trujillo, pass-Lima, in a place of sacrifice. They are led by regional vice president of the town, Cesar Aliaga Diaz, and the priest Marco Arana.

At the same time, delegations from other towns in central and southern macro-regions continue to move in their respective jurisdictions, to converge, this Feb. 9, in the capital of the Republic.


Manuel Castillo, a member of the organizing committee of the National Coordinator of the March for Water, told the FIRST peaceful demonstration is supported by over 120 regional organizations, which, strictly scored, avoid falling into provocations and avoid seeking infiltration denature the protest.
After demanding the need for constitutional reform that considers water as a human resource to ensure its proper use, Castillo said the main objective of this national effort to defend the water and in the specific case of Cajamarca, their participation is oriented to express that "Conga will not."

The leader also reported that the Lima branch of the National Coordinator of the March for Water works closely with the mothers' clubs and other organizations, to prepare the necessary logistics to deal with the thousands of demonstrators who come to Lima in defense of water resource.

"We are working with the mothers' clubs, soup kitchens and other social organizations receiving the respective committees will be responsible for the logistics to welcome", he said.

Meanwhile, the head of Environmental Defense Front Cajamarca, Wilfredo Saavedra warned that the international expertise of the Environmental Impact Study Conga driving the Prime Minister, Oscar Valdés, aims to impose the mining project.

Similarly, the president of the Confederation of Communities Affected by Mining (Conacami), Magdiel Carrión, said Cajamarca "can roll back the ambition of the multinationals," saying that "the peasant patrols have the strength, so the state has to understand that water is a human right, not a commodity. "

Government agrees to talks with Tacna

The solution to the problem of water and mining in the Tacna region, viable and sustainable measures will be defined in two weeks with a "top-level meeting" between the leader Ollanta Humala, and representatives of that jurisdiction.
That was the unanimous agreement reached by the Working Committee Multisectoral Tacna, formed by the ministerial team chaired by Oscar Valdes, who personally went to the area, and local and regional authorities.

At a press conference, Valdes acknowledged that previously, you must define, by consensus, specific agreements on water issues, agriculture, environment and mining, before submission to the President Humala. "The final solution does not impose the government, but will be the result of consensus," he said.
Even came to express their solidarity with the province of Candarave facing serious consequences for lack of water and economic resources.

Official position
According to the Minister of Energy and Mines Jorge Merino, the Grand National March for Water "does not contribute to national development" but said he respected the will of the people of Peru to support the protest action.

Javier Soto

Posted by EMILIO TORRES MELENDEZ at 2:07 a.m.


martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Water and life versus mining - Peru goes up so that water is a right

Water and life versus mining
Peru goes up so that water is a right

Since last February 2, runs a massive march to arrive to Lima Peru on Thursday with the claim of cessation of mining and the impact on aquifers that hurt emerging communities in the Andean country.

The mobilization is organized by communities, social, educators and farmers demanding the government stop the project Ollanta Humalla gold extraction in the region of Conga and several other affecting drinking water sources and irrigation.

Also, claiming the ban mobilized cyanide and mercury in mining and compulsory social license to operate the mines. During their march of over a thousand people, were repeated slogans like "small creeks make a big river and powerful" and "water itself, not gold."

The Conga project involves an investment of 4800 million dollars and the use of four gaps in Cajamarca, two to extract gold and the other to store the tailings. An unofficial report of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment warned about the vulnerability of the ecosystem where they plan to run the project and the risk they are exposed to site groundwater.

The mining project generated a strong strike in the affected area in November 2011 and a political schism in the executive branch of Ollanta Humala, who relieved some secretaries of state who criticized the project. In addition, the Regional Government of Cajamarca declared the project feasible and give a boost to await the decision in the long walk of 10 days to arrive to Lima.

The days of running will be full of activities are the principal moments of Justice Water Forum, scheduled for the day 9, in Lima, and a festive and peaceful mobilization by water on 10, also in the capital city.

Parallel to the march, there will be other support activities. In Lima, youth groups, social organizations and human rights groups held a march through the streets to support and celebrate the beginning of this demonstration peaceful and democratic. Also in Cusco, Espinar, Canchis, Tambo, Arequipa, Tacna, Ancash, Iquitos and other parts of the macro-regions North, Central, South and East of the country will be held rallies and demonstrations.

Another measure included in the platform of this mobilization is to create a Truth Commission on Mining, to investigate any injury caused by extractive industries in the last 20 years.

Real World Radio shares a report from Radio Contagion fellow who collected the testimony of Leoncio Vallento, local authority of the village Nuevo Peru, present in the movement, who points to Humala government for position in favor of the mining project, thereby thwarting their pre-election commitments.

Photo: diarioelpopular.com
(2012) Real World Radio




Monday February 6, 2012 1:49


Farmers, fishermen, and environmentalists joined the march of sacrifice for the water made by the delegation of Cajamarca against the project "CONGA"

More than 500 people arrived on foot at Rio Santa from Cajamarca and other cities in the north to meet with a delegation of Chimbote, including farmers, fishermen and environmentalists, waiting for the start of the march for Water and Life.

By joining all civil society groups rejected the intervention mining in the headwaters of the basin and the State asked the strict protection of natural resources, especially water, charged protesters with banners and posters in hand staged a sit-in Bridge Santa, there the father of one of the missing Santa, Jorge Cardoso Noriega, threw a flower arrangement to the river and took the microphone to ask the President, Ollanta Humala Tasso, that his government fulfills its offer of campaign, which was the defense of nature reserves.

"The formal and informal mining are polluting the waters, and the life of Peruvians are at risk, in the case of the valley of Santa we perjudicándonos because river water product comes with heavy metals from mining effluents resulting in the headers and no one controls it, I wonder, what do we need to receive both canon Ancash if we are killing ourselves with pollution? "said Jorge Noriega.
for his part, Marco Arana Zegarra Ppadre, national coordinator of the march, said they have scheduled to arrive in Lima on February 10 to hold meetings with various organizations in defense of water resources also reiterated as in every city that visit to "Conga no go", and will not allow the development of this project.

"We do not care how far we have come but we reject the mining because it damages the water and harms the entire crop and livestock production in Cajamarca. We will not give our arm twisted "said the protesters Cajamarca.
It should be noted that the march by the State Water seeks ban mining in the headwaters, the use of cyanide and mercury, the right to consultation and the defense of 036, Cajamarca regional ordinance declaring the execution unfeasible Conga project.

In the afternoon, demonstrators marched on Nuevo Chimbote Chimbote, today are scheduled to be in Casma and Huarmey and February 10 in Lima.


Long March for Water and Life in Peru

PERU. - 1 to February 11 develops the Long March in Peru National Right to Water and Life, in defense of natural assets and to reject mining in the region of Cajamarca. Convened under the auspices of the social opposition front Minas Conga project.

Against mining communities.
Minas Conga is a mining mega-project, managed by the transnational Yanacocha, a consortium formed by Newmont and Peru's Buenaventura, also counting on support from the World Bank through the International Finance Corporation. The project aims to begin the extraction of heavy metals (gold and copper) in two lagoons open to the northwest of the capital of the province, in the territory of several indigenous communities. This would mean the drying of several of these gaps, which are central to the local ecosystem, and the contamination of other water resources in the area, among other serious environmental, social, economic and cultural.
In an interview with the newspaper Diagonal, Secundino Silva, president of the Committee to Support Celendín Cajamarca, claimed that the population of the region "is a victim of more than 18 years of pollution of their water, soil and air, plus other abuses and irresponsibility Yanacocha mining company. They include poisoning, unpunished today, over 1,200 families in Choropampa mercury spill in 2000, the murder of Isidro Llanos Combayo farmer, in 2006, and the aggression of November 29 peasants who defended the The Conga lagoon Perol, with at least two gunshot wounds that left with lifelong disability. "
Such transnational mining company, had had conflicts with local communities in the case of Cerro Quilish (also in Cajamarca) a fragile ecosystem in which Yanacocha intended to intervene to extract gold. Also in that case was put in serious risk of water resources that provided water to local communities, and then, public pressure managed to stop the project.

Crisis of government.
As in the Cerro Quilish, in the case of Minas Conga, the Regional Government of Cajamarca itself declared the project feasible, noting among other reasons, its proximity with respect to important water sources.
Meanwhile, the Peruvian government, headed by President Ollanta Humala, seems to be located on the side of the transnational mining. Thus, as Secundino Silva, "to quell the indefinite strike began on November 24, declared a state of emergency [which ended on December 15], then moved to temporary stop arbitrarily and illegally to our leaders, and harassing activists anti-Conga. Lately, ignoring the people's representatives Cajamarca, the government recruited people linked to Yanacocha, and mayors of districts where the project is not presenting them as new partners. "
In fact, it was the Prime Minister, Oscar Valdés, who announced the filing of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the regional government ordinance that raises the impossibility, considering that the regional government "overstepped his duties." Some social organizations now demand pressures on the Constitutional Tribunal (TC) for rapid resolution of the process.
These institutional actions have not only questioned Humala's commitment to defend communities against mining TNCs, but provoked a deep crisis in his government (in December gave the former prime minister, Solomon Lerner with his entire cabinet, which called for a resolution to the conflict through dialogue Minas Conga).

The Long March for Water and Life.
In this scenario, has been called the Grand National March for Water and Life, with the primary objective of protecting water and natural assets, including those to be affected by the Minas Conga project. It also calls for the prohibition of the use of cyanide and mercury mining.
The call for the march was conducted by the Regional Defense Coalition and Environmental peasant patrols and Cajamarca Regional Council (regional government) and has received numerous supports, social and indigenous organizations, including those of the Interethnic Association for Development Peruvian Jungle (AIDESEP) and the National Confederation of Communities Affected by Mining Peru (CONACAMI)
The mobilization, which began on February 1, left Cajamarca, with a visit to the lakes threatened by transnational mining and ending in Lima, 10 this month.
In a statement from the CONACAMI, materialize the objectives of the march in the need to sensitize the state and civil society around the collective rights of peoples of Peru, primarily the right to choose "development that we as a people, based on the Good Life, and respect for Mother Nature. "
According to the Confederation, the Peruvian government violates human rights and imposes a model that has not been consulted or have the consent of the communities. This model takes into government support for its Minas Conga emblematic reference, in view of the terrible impact that the project will have on communities, should be approved.

Against this, the Long March proposed an alternative lifestyle, based on "the defense of human dignity, respect and environmental rights of all living beings that we are welcomed by the Pachamama."


Report on 3 March National Water

Report on 3 March National Water

On arrival at Trujillo, 8000 people joined the 700 walkers. 400 walkers came out of Cajamarca, who joined 300 patrolmen and peasants of Lambayeque, Piura, San Ignacio and San Pedro de Cutervo Lloc. The day before, had arrived in Trujillo ronderos Huamachuco, Quiruvilca and Santiago de Chuco, a total of 800 people, accompanied by the Mayor of Quiruvilca. Also joined residents of the place, trade organizations, Christian and citizen, and hundreds of migrants settled in Cajamarca the capital of La Libertad. Thus more than 20 trade associations, peasant patrols, representatives of water fronts in defense of northern Peru participated in the third day of the Long March for Water. In total, 120 organizations macro-northern, central, south and east, and Lima, Lima and Callao provinces, have joined the initiative. The patrolmen and various social organizations of Trujillo said the lunch and overnight at the marchers.

Hosting by Trujillo was festive, with bands that played huaynos and carnival songs, with lyrics alluding to the defense of water. In the Plaza de Armas of Trujillo, the mayor spoke of Quiruvilca, Cajamarca regional directors and former priest Marco Arana by the National Organizing Commission of the March for Water. The speeches stressed the need to protect water sources, emphasizing the peaceful and democratic character of the March. He explained the proposal to prohibit by law the mining with mercury and cyanide in basin headwaters and gave prominence to the concerns of patrolmen by the impacts of mining in their areas. During the night there was a musical culture, organized by the patrolmen of the Sierra Libertad, who have brought several bands as is customary in the festivities in the area.

After a day in Trujillo, forums and "citizen dialogues", it is expected that 1,200 people go to Chimbote, Casma, Huarmey, Pativilca, Supe, Paramonga and Huacho, where the protests began and to receive the March.

Leaders of peasant patrols give their testimony
The leader Gilberto Cayotapa Chugur province in Bambamarca explained that have joined the march because the Santa Huatay mining project has directly affected the head of basin that feeds the tributaries of the Chancay, hurting the community access and water availability.

Idelso Hernandez, leader of the Unified Peasant Patrols of Peru and a native of the province of Jaen in Cajamarca, said "more than six river basins would be prejudiced if practiced open-pit mining, and so to join the march" .

Quispe Elpinaldo Mega, president of the peasant patrols in the province of Santa Cruz, Cajamarca, explained that for 13 years the population suffers pollution of the rivers St. Lawrence and St. Peter, by residues of the mining project "The Ditch" of Buenaventura Mining. That end up affecting the river and the valley Chancay Jequetepeque.

Incidents are reported repressive Huarmey
The National Organizing Committee of the National Water Long March has been reported and claims a repressive action by police. On Thursday night, Huarmey, one of the expected concentration in the March, clashes between police and the population within a 48-hour strike against the Antamina mine, which was accused of contaminating the aquifer that provides water for drinking.

Posted by at 1:30 negromartinez


miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

Statement of CORECOQA: Regional Coordinator of Communities Affected by Mining and Petroleum

A: National and International Community.

DE: Regional Coordinator of Communities Affected by Mining and Petroleum

DATE: January 29, 2012



In accordance with the agreements of those affected by mining activities of the assembly on Sunday January 29 in Juliaca Puno reminded that:

Our ayllus, Mark, Suyus are one of the great civilizations of Suyu Qullana Tawantinsuyu in Peru were violently cut our historical development by invading armies self-imposed genocide, ethnocide, the destruction of Mother Earth through colonization , evangelization and for the last 500 years and denounce:

Puno is the second region with the highest number of hectares under concession, presents 2'551, 933.27 hectares of mineral rights concessions are pending, representing 38.09% of the entire country, about 14%. The provinces of Lampa, San Roman, Puno and Carabaya, are found in greater number of concession area, in the Puno region recorded 53 production units, 5 mills, 16 mining projects in exploration, 38 abandoned mines and 257 mining environmental liabilities inventoried.

Mining concessions in Lampa, open pit mining in Santa lucia leave a dead river across Green River Basin, Cabanillas, Juliaca .... CHEST Ciemsa in Parati, Santa Lucia Ciemsa, open pit operation within 2 miles of the dam ponds deglaciation threatening pollution of freshwater and this ore is located at the foot of the snowy peaks, glaciers, springs that feed the Green River Basin, Santa Lucia, Cabanillas, Juliaca, ARASI SAC. MINSUR SA, San Rafael Antauta, the other projects affect the glaciers and in Rinconada, Ananea khpac allin, kenamary, kunurana, Sillapaca, the San Carlos apu, Ppilinco of Lampa, aflueente and leading to Lake Titicaca,

Faced with the encroachment and violation of the rights of the people in highland community lands by mining activities, these companies expropriate, displace, pollute, communities face in this last decade we've articulated affected the visibility of the current status of all the families affected by extractive companies in business.

The diversion of freshwater from the place of Pampautaña EGASA by the state company to sell and supply fresh water to the Cerro Verde mine in Arequipa, leading to isolation and giving back to the indigenous community affected

Oil projects Lots 155, 156, 141, kill biodiversity Puno and sacred Lake Titicaca,

Inambari Hydroelectric Project between Cusco, Puno and Madre de Dios, the Brazilian will be owned by less than the Quechua and Aymara, affect biodiversity and all proceeds will be for the multinationals ...

Uranium mining project in Carabaya, killing rivers and lagoons, chemical weapons to kill the Indians ....

The SPC mining. Cuajone, Toquepala are using fresh water from headwater agricultural watersheds and killing of Moquegua and Tacna, daily use of 5 to 10 tons of dynamite and the use of chemical reagents to indiscriminately pollute our rivers and soils, are causing serious and irreversible environmental damage

Communities and people of Peru are not fighting for a fee, or for more royalties, are defending the national sovereignty of Peru, the territory of the Andean-Amazonian origin are defending life, water, air, sun the land, respect for the human being, the status of the territory and rights of communities are at risk of being liquidated, exterminated a disproportionate migration to big cities in search of better opportunities.

We deplore and condemn the systematic plunder of the Andean-Amazonian population from their lands and natural resources to the voracious freeing new feudal lords, the oligarchy of the mining, oil, gas, and powerful transnational corporations firmly implanted in indigenous lands and territories .

It is unacceptable that the international financial corporations, in collusion with our government, fire and sword financing the exploitation of our mineral resources, hydrocarbons, hydropower resources and biological conditions detrimental to the national interest and harmful to the environment that is the heritage of our nation and all mankind.

No community consultation or participation as partners and shareholders occupy the lands, water use and exploit the metals gold, silver, tin, copper, imposing social exclusion monopolistic economic benefit only the companies, generating division between commoners and corruption in the authorities, do not control the activities of mining companies, so they are causing pollution by the use of chemicals and it is urgent to monitor water quality, air, land and wildlife and verification flora of the region and of the fishery resources of the rivers and lakes all with the participation of the fair representation of the peoples and communities, contrary to national legislation and international indigenous law.

Note that the mineral occupies about 70% of water in the area, facilities, sludge field, the open pit and ore dumps will be constructed in streams feeding the river, as will the relocation of communities.

Mining companies have tax advantages, to have minimal social investment commitments, low production costs and high environmental costs and pollution.

Mining companies operating in the country since 2004 to date are getting on profits that are not shared with rural communities, the rightful owner of natural resources, however this year with gold metal prices above the $ 2.000 an ounce, the community is excluded.

Tax stability contracts signed during the Fujimori government be allowed 100% of the profits, so it should be proposed to apply the percentage to increase over earnings for the mining royalties by 50% to the affected community.

The voluntary contribution that companies do not meet the social programs revenues of mining companies in the last five years have been exorbitant, is rude mite ridiculous compared to its mining deal with this social conflicts are born not to benefit populations landowners, their unbridled greed and exploitation of malicious laws and contracts.

The forestry law promotes feudalization of territorial space by more than 40 thousand to 100 thousand hectares for logging and tourism area, generating landlordism, as the law provides and supports the implementation of mega projects (Inambari Paquitzapango and others) whose responsibility for environmental impact is not contemplating reforestation, repair, the law excludes the valleys and coastal communities stop and Andean

Law No. 29338 "Water Resources Act," that privatized, commodified and displaces indigenous people, promotes the granting and privatization of the dam, rivers streams and springs, among others, covering the districts and provinces seeking mining companies use and abuse of private and communal property, and shall propose the study of the real balance, updated groundwater and surface waters throughout the southern macro region.

It must offer the protection, preservation of watersheds, wetlands, glaciers, snow in our case, Puno and Cusco regions of (Ausangate, Salkantay, Koyllu riti ...

For the reasons indicated we support and we reaffirm participate in the National March for water and life, which starts from February and first arrived in Lima on February 7.


A NEW MINING LAW THAT effective punishment of those who transgressed ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS AND HUMAN RIGHTS.

For a binding consultation Act ... for a law regulating the right to consultation with Veto

Cajamarca and live live the march for water

Kausachun Jallalla Tawantinsuyu ... ... .. people in struggle.


WHEN the GOLD IS "yes" , the WATER is NOT ...




Here I am...