What is the price of water?
Nothing - for large transnational mining spread throughout the territory of Peru today.
Nothing - as these mining pay nothing to the state whose wealth plundered shameless .. Conga - Newmont Mining Corporation, Barrick - Misquichilca SA, Tingo Maria - Gold Mine Holding SAC and many others ..
Nothing - despite disappearing lakes, mountains, unique flora and fauna!
And once again ask: What is the price of water?
In fact the water has a different price depends on the country and the region where you live .. For example:
At Hurlingham, Buenos Aires Province have no running water - must pay a Water Drum 10 liter and pay $ 2 and a quarter.
The water problem in the capital of Peru is to have water only those with high incomes in Lima for the cheapest costs about $ 80 or 150 soles a month and Maranga is about 100 dollars a month for water.
Water is cheap for the rich and very expensive for the poor ..

And once again ask: What is the price of water?
Here in the Andean region but no running water so the lakes and rivers belong to all! or free??
Is it really free?
Transnational mining companies deprive the water and then reinvested in the ponds but already contaminated mercury, cyanide and other chemicals harmful to human health ..
Do you think free water for which you pay with your health?, With the health of their children and grandchildren .. Do you think free water for which you pay with your life?
I assure you that nothing is free but has the highest price may be paid by a person!
And once again ask: What is the price of water?
For the traveler in the desert who is out of water and suffers immense thirst and soon real threat of losing his own life: for this the water is priceless! It is priceless!
Both water costs ...
Tanyita Yupanqui