Virtual Sheet No. 1377
A foot and aboard dozens of pickup trucks ADVANCE SIGN UP FOR NATIONAL WATER and life, bound for Lima, where on Friday 10 do their mobilization center. The march began water from the lagoons of the Conga mining project with a series of rituals and payments to the earth (Pachamama).
As is public knowledge, the Conga mining project is an investment company Yanacocha was installed twenty years ago in Cajamarca and evidence of damage are there, Cajamarca is the poorest department in Peru, the clearest example that Yanacocha a shit life of future generations.
Yanacocha Cajamarca with a risk of losing its springs and finished waters polluted with mercury and cyanide. In the end, Cajamarca to remain without water, farming without livestock and doomed to remain the poorest department in Peru.
This regard we attach a note published by the Journal of The First 04/01/12
Water is already underway in Trujillo.
From various parts of the country social organizations move towards Lima.
With support from more than 120 regional, patrolmen, peasants and delegations from various regions continues its advance into the capital, where columns converge representatives of central and south.
The main column of the March for Water arrived yesterday in the city of Trujillo, comprising over a thousand patrolmen, farmers and residents of the regions of Cajamarca and La Libertad, as well as delegations from different localities of the northern macro-region, escorted by strong police protection.
In its third day, the main leaders arrived at the headquarters of the Regional Government of La Libertad, which could only meet with some officials, because of the unexpected absence of its owner, Jose Murgia, who had promised to meet them.
After arriving in the city, conducted a series of cultural activities, forums and popular mobilization in order to further expand the call for dealers.
Then another group of more than 700 patrolmen also came from Cajamarca to Trujillo, pass-Lima, in a place of sacrifice. They are led by regional vice president of the town, Cesar Aliaga Diaz, and the priest Marco Arana.
At the same time, delegations from other towns in central and southern macro-regions continue to move in their respective jurisdictions, to converge, this Feb. 9, in the capital of the Republic.
Manuel Castillo, a member of the organizing committee of the National Coordinator of the March for Water, told the FIRST peaceful demonstration is supported by over 120 regional organizations, which, strictly scored, avoid falling into provocations and avoid seeking infiltration denature the protest.
After demanding the need for constitutional reform that considers water as a human resource to ensure its proper use, Castillo said the main objective of this national effort to defend the water and in the specific case of Cajamarca, their participation is oriented to express that "Conga will not."
The leader also reported that the Lima branch of the National Coordinator of the March for Water works closely with the mothers' clubs and other organizations, to prepare the necessary logistics to deal with the thousands of demonstrators who come to Lima in defense of water resource.
"We are working with the mothers' clubs, soup kitchens and other social organizations receiving the respective committees will be responsible for the logistics to welcome", he said.
Meanwhile, the head of Environmental Defense Front Cajamarca, Wilfredo Saavedra warned that the international expertise of the Environmental Impact Study Conga driving the Prime Minister, Oscar Valdés, aims to impose the mining project.
Similarly, the president of the Confederation of Communities Affected by Mining (Conacami), Magdiel Carrión, said Cajamarca "can roll back the ambition of the multinationals," saying that "the peasant patrols have the strength, so the state has to understand that water is a human right, not a commodity. "
Government agrees to talks with Tacna
The solution to the problem of water and mining in the Tacna region, viable and sustainable measures will be defined in two weeks with a "top-level meeting" between the leader Ollanta Humala, and representatives of that jurisdiction.
That was the unanimous agreement reached by the Working Committee Multisectoral Tacna, formed by the ministerial team chaired by Oscar Valdes, who personally went to the area, and local and regional authorities.
At a press conference, Valdes acknowledged that previously, you must define, by consensus, specific agreements on water issues, agriculture, environment and mining, before submission to the President Humala. "The final solution does not impose the government, but will be the result of consensus," he said.
Even came to express their solidarity with the province of Candarave facing serious consequences for lack of water and economic resources.
Official position
According to the Minister of Energy and Mines Jorge Merino, the Grand National March for Water "does not contribute to national development" but said he respected the will of the people of Peru to support the protest action.
Javier Soto
Posted by EMILIO TORRES MELENDEZ at 2:07 a.m.