Hugo Blanco: Summary report on the March for Water
Summary report on the March for Water
It was proposed by Father Marco Arana and approved by the fronts
Defence and Peasant Patrols of Cajamarca.
Arana's father was named chairman of the committee coordinator.
Their demands were:
- Conga does not go.
- Declare water a human right.
- No mining in basin headwaters.
- Prohibiting the use of mercury and cyanide.
He left on February 1 of the lakes threatened by the project Conga
and culminated in Lima on February 9, 2012
On 9, 10 and 11 included presentations on the problem of mining
and water from representatives of various parts of the country, as it is a
national threat. Naturally the main speakers were
representatives of popular organizations of Cajamarca.
The march ended its activities with a major rally in the Plaza San Martin.
A key feature is that it was not led by any
party or any national peasant organization but by the
defense fronts and the peasant patrols of Cajamarca.
We started walking from the towns and villages for miles,
paraded through the streets of the town, we walked on foot from
miles before the population centers. When the villages were
relatively close, we did the whole journey on foot.
A notable aspect was the warm welcome we had in
cities and towns of the way. In many places the mayors
led the welcome. Receive room and board
whom we performed acogían.Se rallies in the towns,
initiated after the hosts.
In Trujillo, capital of Freedom, he joined a strong
contingent, especially from Santiago de Chuco, which is threatened
South Laguna project.
He shouted: "Conga does not go, South Laguna, either."
Along the way, in addition to applaud, people regaled us water and food.
Another remarkable fact was that every part of the journey had "its own
Conga, "his own threat to water: In the mining established in its
zone. For receiving contaminated water, and for the district of San
Pedro de Lloc, for serving as a mining dump by a
company in charge of that task. Another village suffered the theft of water
for an agribusiness company that absorbed the groundwater
leaving it to poor farmers in the area.
Next step. - Edy's partner Benavides, Front representative
Defense Hualgayoc Bambamaca proposed the occupation of the
gaps. This proposal seems sound, I imagine that consist
where groups of Cajamarca, especially in the provinces of
Celendín Hualgayoc and those most affected by the project, go to
Time to care gaps. As seen, the Conga project
concerns the entire country, so I think it would be consistent
invite the rest of the Peruvians to participate in this task. Are
Cajamarca brothers who must decide.
When on the march I was interviewed by Channel N. See on youtube:
On Channel 2 reporter interviewing me Beto Ortiz on Monday 20
February-hours 7 am.
written by Hugo Blanco