Report by the first of April.
Many decades ago imperialism danced on one foot, when a wall collapsed supposedly they called Berlin. But the date on which proclaims the end of ideologies and attitudes towards the disadvantaged; imperialism so far can not resolve the serious problem of the daily death of thousands and perhaps millions of hungry and starving people the world .

Army of ghosts who travel the world for a crust of bread, while billions of the world's wealth is still concentrated in few hands and have a policeman who has become the policeman of the world to teach what the real thinking and what is false thinking with adjectives and tick all his enemies as the only way to justify the abuse, conquest, plunder of the nations that do not match the global policeman. Besides you have to limit their germ warfare carried out with the sole purpose of reducing the population is in a state of economic crisis. Policy that are conducted without any world leader joke or claimed by such monstrous genocidal policy that is carrying out the imperialism against the peoples of the world. You have to have half a brain to realize, how the pandemic alone, and are affecting ethnic or social minorities in the imperialist countries and attacking as a pandemic sweeping the few developed countries without a future.

And not to say of the huge debts that are involved in our countries as a form of economic subordination, with the intention of economic and political intervention as seen already in our countries of South America.
Throughout the world stage, adding our own vision of things in our territory, and permanent force emerges heroic and courageous thinking of one of the most lucid and integrity he has and will have all men dispossessed and enslaved by the system, I refer to the Commander Luis Felipe De la Puente Uceda, who remains in force in man's memory of this territory. Their struggle was frank and determined to give his life for his people as demonstrated in Mesa Pelada in the hidden department of Cuzco. Prefaced the story before the person as an individual was due to the revolution and the imminent threat of death does not hesitate to compromise the principles by which arose. With his life and example, is the paradigm for the new men in their quest for liberation must take all. I do not seek power for himself, if not the opposite, I look to others, especially for those who are most deprived. But the main thing was not like those dirigentillos be created with absolute truth, do not want to be wrong to question their positions, believing that their words describe the truth in all its dimensions. To pay homage at every turn, are the clay idols of the problem agree with the enemies of the people to preserve their filthy life, as if this is the main thing. We all owe the people and our life does not matter if she does not agree to the interests of our beloved people.
Today more than ever, honor and glory to fight, our brother, our friend, despite his death, shows us the way and there is no lameness at any time. Only the sacrifice of principles to see our people free from the yoke of imperialism and even more so now that you dishonor your people with the most valuable to have a people. As is to continue encysted in all sorts of thieves who thrive on what little unfair given that the bourgeois state. We do are your heirs. Know that hurts you in the heart within your family follow the contrary, the principles it flies. Perhaps because our blood runs through your blood, but if it goes through your principles and example, which is the shame you have now with your children that you gave birth, but now that you forget that new children are born in men who accompanied you in Your ways to follow the path you drew a day in your life. Like you also hurt in your soul, what happens in your dear beloved people where corruption has dominion led by the party that your report as the most corrupt and manipulative for the wealthy and now is tarnishing the streets the people loved, but we promise it will change, to be your rightful heirs.
Farewell Luis commander
Always Until Victory
Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
First of April 2010