TRAGEDY IN CHILE my condolences.
Several months ago we wrote of the political tragedy that Chile would live again by the government in their twenties who had her hands on the coalition, which has thrown into the trash people's hopes, but that they themselves commissioned to do more plausible, taking the image became more than the same neo-liberal supporters of Don Adam Smith. And it was not so evident that the implementation and consolidation of neoliberalism in land Mapocho. To which the Coalition did everything that was in their power to fire and sword to consolidate the social and political scheme, but had his counterpart, his detractors and those who remember, are the famous penguins, which attacked the already municipalized schools. It was the most heroic deeds that students performed without further address their needs and which set back the government, which was thought to be socialist, but he was only infiltrated minions of followers of Adam Smith.
But it still remains the struggles of the brothers Mapuche, Rapa Nui, Atacama, Diaguitas; Kolla, Aymara, Quechua, Kaweskar; Yagan and still survive the tax ethnocides foreigners in the territories that called Chile, especially some Chonos brothers. I know they are about to disappear as a nation, but still in my memory are their customs and songs and depict it as their lonko toki ulmen mollkineanti itranpramn wirilum wingkul Treng Treng kuipeden Creoles and whites. May it fill you with pride message, as nations continue to struggle and independence that Mother Nature, Mother Earth is on your side, for the insult that they do everyday whites who murdered millions of brothers who disappeared whole nations to be done in your territory.
But still no one raises his voice to support them, but older siblings are also subdued and imprisoned and persecuted for defending their nations against nations imposed by the colonial bourgeoisie began to Bolivar, San Martin, the only thing they did is give the power to his peers to his own social class, hence not believe they came to save First Nations, unless the contrary came to save the bourgeoisie of colonialism. This we should bear clear. Independence is not one of us held, if not those who actually hold economic power in our territories and they formed their nations, but which are not ours but theirs, because we do not feel in those constituencies which were once the nations of our ancestors. We hear the drums and the voices of all children to let us know that we are from many nations to the Western man tried to subjugate and murder tip made us adopt their customs and religions with which we do not agree because nothing that comes before blood is good if not convinced that this will bring new seed that will bear fruit in our fields. To continue the talks and Apus Tokis to see what they need to emancipate our people and out of the defects to which we are subjected.
So my condolences to the mestizo brothers and sisters who were fired from that territory to the rivers in the south to where the stone was left by my ancestors, cairns, with due respect for until then the sun came emitting his son from the navel of the world. With these songs for the restoration of our order, in which we lived very happily until he came to our lands Viracocha hair on the face and from which many of us do not know, where is our nation and wandered astray in the Mark that created them, like stray dogs with scabies in our bodies and the wounds that stink every summer approaching, there is not anyone who can heal us. Brothers hope that the sun appears.
Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui