As always Mr. Trahtemberg is like Abraham would say ironically Valdelomar criticized Lima society. "Peru is Lima, Lima is the Union street, on Jiron de la Union is the Palais Concert, and the concert Palias me" . So Mr. Leon believes the same thing, but adds that the university file is peaceful. NOT know that in Peru there are many nations that are invisible to your eyes is the same attitude as an educational psychologist was when he mentioned that Peruvian society can not be measured with Western standards.

To answer went on a tangent, but could never answer the question asked.
Start by doing the question: how relevant is the school education in academic performance? Referring to the survey conducted by Arlette Beltran and Karlos La Serna of Pacific University. What that says is that this study population segment represents and which can not be generalized to the entire population. Or is it as dull as the educational psychologist who works for phone, unable to see the most obvious, which is the difference between a nation and subjective and unreal real number of nations that seek their inclusion in the economic and social life in this territory controlled by subjectivism. And is that only knows the territory, its geography apparent that only you can see when you visit any tourist does, except that he knows more of our land that our brand academics.
In what would be recognized, and it is true and valid, as to the observation made at pre-university schools mislabeled. Here, as educators we should denounce the abuses done in these studies centers pedagogical principles, as only interested in the level of numeracy and the odd word element, not including other areas that are more than essential. And this as a student without an identity, it sounded hollow everything you want to learn and teach, it does not make sense, hence should be paramount courses that deal with identity, leaving lake and some courses not are scientists and that have nothing to do with the identity of each human group.
We should add Trahtemberg what you think about the quality of education. If the bottom line for is the institutional environment in the school, so it should be in all estates, as I add to their position they have to correct something, but we must also add that it is also conserve dignity of the teaching profession in terms of salaries. How is it possible that any child who enters the national and sub police officer and quit receiving a higher salary than teachers hired and that does not reach even for the month of maintenance. The fallacies to which we have subjected the government of Alan García, who deceives the teacher is above the salaries of all state administrative system. If you look for a professional who has spent five years studying in a state university, and those ending in a private, working in the state, leaving the labor area to receive a salary of misery that comes even to the three hundred dollars and a policeman instead of the national police prepares only a single year end earning twice what she earns a master contract.

Here is what was done to rescue the former ruler that if, at least care about the pay gap for teachers, but with this we are going back to points that are unimaginable. And that's what the teachers' union says, is the question I would and most reply, nothing. To this end the Government has implemented the strategy in the contest in November to enter most of their coreligionists, and it did in the first decade of his government, which resulted as higher education faculty, who could not had stepped on a college. Thus we have the case of a teacher in all evaluations of the training and competition in the bag a little less than zero, but nevertheless in the final qualifying insolvency has taken 19.8, or is that just because a question was the super genius. That is the APRA peers.
Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui