Many years ago, we opposed the draft Callacuyan, which until then was known as Alto Chicama Project. But we lived in a dictatorship fujimontesinista Narco, where the Narco Jets, narco ships everywhere circulated and the fortunes that have been built in the current judicial system has never condemned by these rich criminals whether they be military or financial guarantee senior officials from Congress or other branches of government. And so we were branded as crazy and subjected to a judicial system that we mercilessly persecuted. Not only that, but it was endorsed by the new bosses or landowners, be they called Juan Gabriel, Pauline and Hilda now serves comparsas officials or elected representatives of the mining that pollutes our lakes.
And I still remember the epithets of social resentment, that he saw that mining is going to address the backlog that was confined to our people. But unfortunately we are still in the backlog, even with much more verve and vigor. Only built white elephants, which have no utility, no doubt with that dark interests, which are opposite to those in our communities.
We had to make several strikes in order to build a road that we see now of dubious quality, it will be like Otuzco diversion road, Shorey that only lasted barely a year and now looks more like a log carriages.
Spill incident was already happily fuel was only near Motil, which pollutes the river Moche in the upper part of its course, but to date there is no exemplary punishment for the company that contracted the services of half transport, as always the line broke down on the weaker side.
But that is only a small pearl in the long list, since all that has happened is that the cost of living, with the advent of mining rises to the heavens and for example we pay teachers with the more miserable we can not survive, if for example a teacher works in the vicinity of the mine, you will pay as the price of your daily diet the amount of twenty sols a day, which makes staying in the community costs the sum of one hundred suns week. To which we must add the carriage with a cost of thirty soles at a time, sixty soles week. What amounts to approximately six hundred and soles, which comes to represent more than half the salary of a teacher hired.
We wonder where the development and good life, for farmers to bring their produce to consume, they must bring in small towns where the supply, which is compounded by high prices they must pay. That is development that has brought the exploitation and plunder of our wealth.
But the last thing is the last straw on responsible mining, we do not see anywhere, as we have evidence that it is not, as so pompously proclaims Mr. Military Ollanta Humala, if you do not see the link below to see that there treatment:
http://www.youtube.com/user/HUAMANPUKa # p/u/8/2Ec62quS5ow
There you corroborate what my words. And it is this memory task to me what is said in many of his lectures from the previous environment minister, when he had no political power and had not been purchased by the power of mining, but in university classrooms mentioned, that there was responsible mining, because the mere fact modify the course of the waters and if natural concatenation, and it was an attack against nature and that the damage was irreversible. After trying to disprove you, we understand their need to make money to leave their offspring to inherit. We are therefore disappointed after what was said in the classroom and in his lectures.
But what is most striking to us is the passivity of the Andean peasant patrols Libertad. Passivity is huge, it is known of the serious problems we are putting into evidence, but nobody does anything. They are as invisible and put a number of excuses, as we also know of many employees and new landowners who receive crumbs from Barrick to serve as a defense of the great interests of imperialism. Pollution does not only advances, but also to destroy other lagoons such as Laguna del Toro and others. But this outrage has not only gone there, but it has dared to Barrick to file an action under that has been accepted by a judge who is in our province, to the peasant Rounds will allow such an affront? Or do they live off the crumbs that gives them or some of its Barrick Felipillo are transmission belts?
Such is the passivity that has become an ordinance to the extent of the transnational, from which is already a betrayal of the people, but not only that, some communities have mercenerizado to support him in his follies. You expect the people of Santiago de Chuco? That within a few years the whole territory is turned into a desert filled with holes and toxic that you can not develop any agricultural activity, where will they go? Men become the new Octopus or criminal gangs or to be?
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.