On a hot morning and cloudy in my city after I read the article by Mr. Ivan Slocovich Pardo who has the last name associated with the Peruvian oligarchy, the most abject traitors from the war with Chile, but not with adjectives can refute another position, it makes those who have no arguments with which to refute the opposite position and say to Mr. Ivan, which is what DEMOCRACY:
The government of the majority and our Andean tradition is that of consensus.
But that's hard to understand who has no roots here in this territory, because you have not lived, not out of any Andean or Amazonian community to understand this dimension, it comes as a dog that barks at the obvious risk of eviction something that is not yours, because if you have to be balanced and impartial would be against the criminal gang promoted and sponsored by another band that is in power. Sorry, there are two other bands is comunicore Castañeda and strength is the screen 2011 that drug trafficking and other outrages that are groups Alana favorite band and company, supposedly now divided by narrow interest.
To do this you must remember the Lord Ivan Slocovich the thousands of women from the Andes that were sterilized in medical centers without even saying anything and so we'll give you a small example you should see and do remind the nation as is the small town of Mollepata whose women were deluded if not operated no longer going to get the largess of the program is now called "PROGRAM TOGETHER."

Today Mollepata suffers a major problem throughout the province and which has the largest elderly population and young people rarely or of childbearing age, has an estimated Mr highest negative rate of birth. You will see the elderly living alone in this great nation that once was the natural port for most of the interior beyond.
What I speak is a crime against humanity for which a conviction sentenced has not purged, or your daughter who has now very coolly took to the presidential race, but that's little he never explained to the people of our country which were their revenues to pay his studies of her and her brothers in the most expensive universities in the United States if the house who tried to justify the payment was sold after it was formed and I was doing a postgraduate course.
Needless to say the candidate is of great change, to be finance minister in the government of Toledo in his office or former office there is no file on the Camisea gas business, so there is no strategic plan for negotiations, not There is economic report which led to the comptroller of the republic in the confidential report No. 240 makes us see that the Camisea contract was a fraud and a scam for our beloved country. Needless to say the case is Comunicore in which the judicial machinery has stopped research APRA not to affect the darling of Alan Alibaba our Peruvian politics.
Nor is less talk about the many death squads, Rodrigo Franco Command spoke with Alan Mantilla in the lead, or command headed up Hill is Mr. Kenya Alberto Fujimori and his staff what was the lawyer Vladimiro Montesinos.
If this is so the organization Mr. Ivan FORCE 2011, is the figurehead of the terrorist organization that planned and is still working to do the will of Sentenced Alberto Fujimori, and then by his logic Mr. Ivan particular because it allows you to participate in the electoral contest present? Would not you agree that all those registered in 2011 will force them to prosecute and sentence for advocacy of terrorism and Mrs. Keiko to life imprisonment for being the accomplice of his Father convicted of yore?
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.
Túpac Isaac II