Ollanta Humala Tasso is a creation of his brother Antauro and as it has been the Trojan Horse of American imperialism. Here we have to ask the creator, in that moment it became such an instrument?. Well do not conceive that the creator was not aware in what has now become her brother, but we assume that if you have not participated in it, will now have to demarcate very strongly with his brother and fight for that most immediately out of the post he helped put in now holds. Well as a student, murderers School of the Americas, where the Lord Ollanta was one of the smartest students in the school of dictators and murderers in America. But as it was unpresentable and take power today for allegedly living a prosperous stage of democratic activity, it was not advisable to take power as in the past in taking power at gunpoint and tanks. To do this we believe that very conveniently planned once the tyranny of the dictator and genocidal Fujimori had spent abroad. So by the time the offender escaped from Vladimiro Montesinos Fujimori or believe his friend was a screen trying to get the videos, that committed atrocities in a series of financial and human rights violations. It is in these circumstances that existed a number of uncertainties about the future of the country, is that the military stands Ollanta, most of all in a pantomime that he had nothing of rebellion or uprising in arms, he had left his headquarters and wandered through the mountains of southern wandering in a sort of rebellious, but to no avail against the line of circumstances for solving problems that lived in the country.
The newspapers reported and gave no importance, because they did not influence anything to the unfolding of events that occurred in our country. But they took advantage of this to take a principled stand in defense of so-called democracy we live. I think that was the position of the Central Intelligence with respect to our country. It plays here very clearly reporting huge profits on materials that can now argue that northern country does not end up falling in the final bankruptcy.
If we see the major shareholders of both Newmont and the Barrick Gold, has its main deposits in South America. This is clear to us and even the position now taken the same as before Mr. Ollanta, which is the defense of the Great Mining predatory. The ecological damage and environmental liabilities will be incalculable, we are seeing what has happened in the same Oroya and Cerro de Pasco. There we can see what has brought mining to the environment and health of the population and the great development that results in more poverty and misery.
The same thing we already see in the communities of Santiago de Chuco, that large-scale mining, is only giving crumbs that do not translate into anything for the great development of our communities, but if the environmental liabilities that accumulate each day more and that will eventually translate into poverty and unemployment in our communities.
We therefore believe that the Lord Humala Tasso is the Trojan horse of imperialism to continue to maintain dominance in our country and the extraction of our natural resources. This is undeniable, misleading first all the old revisionists who still believe that pigs fly and APRA are immaculate and honest.
The CIA knew that would not win in the first instance, as it were, because they afraid of everything right and tell them that the CIA will not go away privileges, such as politically backward and just prefer to have the remote in your hand to feel they are privilege did not agree to that given by the CIA. It can be seen in the bark that gives the little boy in his rag Mariátegui mail and right there he writes one of the main agents of the CIA, as is Mr. Rey de Castro.
Well, the CIA had to put Alan García Thief as his undercover officer was placed more appropriate to the circumstances and could win the sympathies of the working class, and it is precisely there where the big shots of revisionism help you overcome this valley that in the second round to get the job. And so determined were rendered revisionists, who were the Lord's head Javier Diez Canseco. The rest is history we all know.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II