After walking more than four hours on a road that seemed endless stairs, like the Spanish steps had taught them to build their homes, so this rise seemed to Icchal. Just spotted the houses built of stone, were approaching the Umu Villac amauta and religious center of the Andes. We received with great kindness and told them where they should rest and telling them what they had to do them away from the Yatiris, Yachachis, amautas and Umo Villac coming from Cuzco on behalf of the Sapa Inca. For them to be considered in the Andean priestly class did not have to fast, but the newcomers, if they had to do. It was fast eat only white corn and drinking water from standing around Yapan ceremonial mound, where offerings were made to the Father Katequil. Although they also wore a very frugal life, food, nutrition was bearing fruit all bidders at this sanctuary, apart from roasted corn Callanan. Also did not eat any meat, or even the guinea pig is much appreciated by all the runes and Tawantisuyu Panaka.

All entered their rooms to rest, for it was put by the Shulcahuanca Apu Inti Taita. While watching both entries rites in charge of the religious ceremony of farewell to all the gods that were worshiped there and especially the Taita Katequil.
Wilka dawned and daddy came like a bolt that flooded the entire sanctuary and houses that surrounded it and lit a small fire that was in the middle, a sort of altar, like a stone, but heavy. No one in many years had tried to lift it. We knew that papa had sent that stone Katequil unknown to the offerings made there in his honor. This was recognized in charge of the sanctuary and only came for the ceremonies. While in the chambers of Capac and the other visitors already appeared Wilka tata rays and it showed them that they should rush to bathe in the stone pond, where water flowed, limpid and crystalline. And so they did. They bathed every male

While one of the Huarmi Shumaj aunts took the girl to the bathroom for the daughters of the Panaka. After all gathered in their best dresses around the stone together with all the priests of the shrine and left in the first place all the bags full of cocaine brought from the Marañón and the knapsack that sent the Sapa Inca Apu as an offering to his most beloved niece. The Umu Villac Sanctuary in conjunction with the spread of Cuzco all saddlebags on the stone table.
16.Huarmi: Runasimi women in Cuzco.
17.Llacta: city, town
18.Callana: a kind of pan, but an ovoid and semi-closed, that's where the corn is roasted and nunas without any fat.
19.Cuy: domesticated rodent that is the base of the Andean diet.
20.Inti: refers to the Sun
21.Alforja: Exchange of two containers used in the Andes.
To be continued ...
Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos