IS THE LIFTING OF INDIGENOUS Huamachuco is not news?
Any media, and that makes this case more violent uprisings Amazon.
The bigger shame that the man can pass, and I refer not to the common people, if not everything, I turn to those who serve as social communicators ominously. Those who efectivisan also his ardent racial discrimination, his most fanatical injection of invisibility so that what happens to any brother who gets to claim their just rights was not taken into account, from his suffering in the most lethal oblivion. But comparing two events of very high importance: The first removal of all the brothers of the Amazon, who face the threat of confiscation, dispossession of ancestral lands, contamination of their territories, all have come together to protest, but also have come to protest, and very strong indeed, by the criminalization of any attempt by any disención leading indigenal or communal, as in subsequent activities that have called have been cheated and then tried, this is the case that the brother Palomino with forged evidence sought to incriminate the brothers to make the coca zones sedan to control the armed forces and police in the business of controlling the drogas.Pero to make their voice heard that you have resorted to taking the oil centers. There were just doing case. First I would like for a ride, as always, and that these will provide the former and now avowed leftist reader and follower of economic neoliberalism, Yehuda Don Simons Munaro; Artera but his trick was not believed by the brothers and now have to reinvindicaciones be resolved as soon as possible, not so much by the Amazonian Delàs claim, if not by the angry demand of the owners of peru living in big cities of the first world. Hence, if the major media have come to the fore, to call for sanity. Of course talk of sanity, as they live their lucrative salaries cheating consciousness, sold by a small dish of lentils that let managers and masters of the world. The second case is our indigenous brothers Huamachuco, tired of so many promises that have been raised indignant at the scourge of corruption that is spilled by all state agencies that are run by the henchmen of the APRA and now again in a rigged contest have chosen to hold their rightwing sect. For the management units maldirigir local education is that they parapet to waste all that money for us to give the Peruvians a state that does not remember us only when we must give our taxes, joins the expense of our own existence and for what?. If you only do it to save companies that were poorly managed by the rich who live always take refuge at the end in their homes and businesses in Miami. But back to the brothers that are no Huamachuco by the pervasive power of the APRA and the big fellow communicators. That sentence, but once more the brothers will realize that in this land who is not defending, and will have to fight like our ancestors did, with courage and boldness to make known to Mistis we are not invisible. At least they already are realizing that they are indigenous and which are segregated by central Lima, the file that is not the Jr of La Union Valdelomar of Abraham, but that is the Lima of Miami, Los Romero Y Los Garcia and of impunity for Gampietri, that being so far ase4sinos not receive any punishment. TUPAK ISAAC II-CAPAK KUNA Chinchaysuyu-Andamarca-TULLPO VILLALOBOS JUAN ESTEBAN Yupanqui 1 MAY 2009.