An all this going unnoticed by national politicians. May relate to all candidates, but this goes unnoticed, and what I propose in the conjecture, it is perhaps too bold, but what we intend to confirm the positions at the national policy of chess, in which the alternative would be fascism Aprista and has a strong relationship with many facts that the APRA confirmed again is building an alternative to tape back in 2011, which will leave the government with many tons of scandals that now is in some way capeando. We believe that this building which came to ask of knobs in the year 1990. That after the flight of Alan García outrageous without giving much darker view of his government later that he had to wait for power to prescribe crimes and return to appeal to lack of memory of the Peruvian people to rule again in all of complicity sectors, especially the big bourgeois purchasers who MUC for the dollars, then. Now the recipients of the gift of our natural resources are sources of transnational companies, which it certainly would have softened the hand with many millions of euros to live peacefully in his apartment in Paris with their stolen obtained his first government. That construction of a candidacy of an obscure mathematical former rector of a university of Lima, to the intelligence service and military for his own instrument, as was the Rodrigo Franco. To achieve this, placing everyone in his command murderer in key positions, from where they can handle the electoral prospects for the 2011. These henchmen that once belonged governorates are located in areas such as education managers UGELS well as the management of welfare programs, because if you have no option to have a bench that can taparles backs, their efforts are directed to strengthen the candidate that best suits them at the various options they have. If you look at the purported nomination of foreign Keiko Fujimori, has several sides of his candidacy may give disappointment in defeat. Because it will be impossible to account for its spending on university education in the United States, his train of life that does not say of a supposed daughter of a former president down in disgrace, even though it had been assisted by the mother than with their income as Parliamentary and then as an entrepreneur would justify pre-university school for which such income has in recent years. There is not, nor is it a serious candidate Mr. Castaneda as his drag was only in Lima, which has no separate charisma to convey emotions to the voters, his temperament and quiet park will only result in Lima, but not in the rest of the country. But there is one that we are calling attention, and I hope I'm wrong, for the good of the country. I refer to a character who supposedly represents the hardworking FONAVISTAS throughout the republic, in part because it has a far greater than when Fujimori was released as the cock of aprismo covered. The strange thing is that Alan García was able to fix the problem and choose not to rent such a character, but the opposite happened, he has left to go ahead and get that to defeat a referendum, giving a much greater chance to improve their position in politics national solution has been to deliver a bond to each FONAVISTA not have housing, thereby disrupt the organization of the same character, and most did not generate either the referendum proposed by this organization, I had done, but the ministry of economy does not deliver the funds, giving them a much higher floor. The expectation is growing in the group that leads to fonavistas with the suspension of the election, which will give more ground to their leader. Until then you could say that there is an accomplice of parsimony of the APRA party, some even may think they are none to this presidential candidate based on the FONAVISTA, according to own statements. I suspect that having guns is that cornering the managers of this organization, it does not, I think that there is something hidden that much anger unveiling later. As we know these managers have their stronghold at the Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, which to date has reported the irregularities committed by them, namely the brothers of the leader of the organization fonavista. The other event that draws attention is surprising that it has come out in much less time to set one of the brothers of the leader of the prison serving a sentence for a political crime, which is expected is that a compromise with the leader to be making the cock of the Aprismo covered by its sinuous path as the former leader of Patria Roja Huacho in college, I hope I'm wrong. May 2009. Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui. TUPAC ISAAC II Kapak KUNA Chinchaysuyu Andamarca HUACAPONGO TULLPO.