WHY THIS Evo Morales playing bow down before oppressive EL MISTI
Cree well as you can fool the old mole, who starts again broken through the earth to find the shadow to emerge again in a new stage of the emerging continental movement, to say the new wave world. We can not contain the efforts of imperialism brought to the theater you want to discredit the claims of more than half the world population is torn between hunger and misery. It is no coincidence that the crisis of the capitalist system in this overwhelming and walk later than never though it is to deceive the old mole, all operated with a stridency that ensordársela throughout the world. But you can not llevársele out with champions of reform, as now presented. Many of them are made to face blurred, or does not have the vision of the new man and only shelter on the advice of those who do not have the appropriate perspective on what lives in the present world in its present. Or as I mentioned the Great Lenin, many shelter behind the cloak of the new just to try to thrive and benefit from, are like puppets of their own selfish whims and interests of individuals who do not think about the future of humanity, if not all Otherwise they are the world, and after them there is infinitely more than them and there is only your ego. In this line is its action. Every day we see it, and it's called Mauricio Funes, Daniel Ortega, Fernando Lugo, Cristina Kirchner or Lula D'Silva; all have the same current, the same horizon, not to say Evo, who are suffering the biggest disappointment. Chavez can not talk because it belongs to the line of fascism with the patchwork of U.S. Trotskyism in salad pro. But what with Evo Morales is the theatrical pose that this assumption in the Congress to declare a hunger strike, in order according to their position on it, trying to convince the representatives of white oligarchs to power in Bolivia to a law to allow new elections in the highlands, which is so brought their hair, that was the way to try and change a picture when we know that revisionism and opportunism have been frozen to the marrow in his government. This is being done the important representatives of these sects to discredit the historical anti progressive positions of all the Bolivian political left. Which has had to leave to start infiltrating the government of Evo Morales, who has not seen the problem in its general or particular aspects of those who accompanied him in his government, much of who was his principal adviser that belonged to the military mercenarism pro-fascist, who fled this part of geography in order not to be in the contest for the suns that had usurped them as to make changes in this part, but were not more than in the pockets of personal and their families. That was his contention, the agency proceeds from its mercenary bandit. His misconception so specified, could go no further, because its origins and what they say point. Thus we see how wrong the way Evo, if that was really the spirit of change for my brothers from beyond these individuals. So far walk aimlessly in the tomb and the tomb, which is digging its own grave, not only our people but also to mislead our people who are looking for an outlet to the hopes of improving their status life. Therefore it is necessary to give a strong and convincing parallels to the lords of the oligarchy who are trying to undermine the fight, like those in your environment that you like birds Ominous clouds the view to see things. Is that they try to mislead in order to give access to the gentlemen of the lowland owners believe that a country that is not theirs, they belong to other sites and that they should return whence they came, they and their ancestors. First q ue for the territories that they want to become owners, they did so in bad gear parents looting the nations from which we originate, of which we have inherited and that therefore they did not belong and should and return them back where they came razed plagued our nation's Abya Yala, who are our only and our future and the heirs of the invaders, and genocidal looters throughout coat. Túpac Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui