Above all

Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Bolivia Continues Fight for Human Survival and Mother Earth

Bolivia Continues Fight for Human Survival and Mother Earth

Dear friends,

Two years ago, the Bolivian government initiated the Cochabamba
conference, where tens of thousands of participants rallied behind a
world plan to defend the rights of Mother Earth and oppose the ravages
of capitalism against our environment. Since then, Bolivia has
continued to advocate this agenda in world diplomatic forums.

In the statement at a world conference in Qatar on global warming
(below), Bolivia strongly reiterates its opposition to profiteering
from the world's forests ("REDD"), an approach which threatens the
rights of indigenous peoples in forest areas.
Bolivia's Proposal: Strengthening Non-market Based Forest Management:
In Qatar, at the UN COP 18, Bolivia continues fight for Mother Earth

During the 18th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change in Doha, Qatar, the Bolivian
delegation reaffirmed its rejection of the use and expansion of the
carbon market as a tool to reduce emissions that cause climate change
in the world and presented a proposal with alternative tools in carbon

The Plurinational State of Bolivia proposed the implementation of a
new mechanism to prevent deforestation and avoid the emission of
millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which will
be funded through the Green Fund of the Convention, by public funds
from developed countries, historical causes of the problem, in line
with the commitments made by these countries for a decade with no
results to date.

The mechanism proposed by Bolivia, different and critical of REDD
represents are real and consistent with the principles of the
Convention, notably with the principles of equity, historical
responsibility and climate debt. This proposal seeks to achieve real
reductions and not speculation about trends, supplemented by actual
reduction actions within industrialized countries, thus avoiding
transfer their responsibilities to developing countries.

Bolivia Presented the Non-Market based Join Mitigation and Adaptation
Mechanism for the Integral and Sustainable Management of Forests

December 1 Bolivian delegation in Doha

The struggle to curb forest carbon markets continues in Doha. Bolivia
has raised in the sessions of the Working Group on "Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation" the need to take seriously
into account the document of Rio + 20 "The future we want" in which it
is stated that there are different approaches to achieve sustainable
development and the need for developing holistic and integrated
approaches taking into account harmony with nature.

Bolivia is proposing at Doha the recognition by the Convention of a
"Joint Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanism for the Integral and
Sustainable Management of Forests" as a non-market approach to promote
reduction of emissions in the context of deforestation and forest
degradation, giving continuity to the agreements reached at COP17 in
Durban 2011, when a decision for the development of non-market based
approaches was achieved.

The Bolivian proposal is oriented to establish a mechanism to promote
reduction of deforestation and forest degradation in the context of
the sustainable management of forests which is based in the following
foundations: the non-commercialization of the environmental functions
of forests, the recognition of the multiple and holistic functions of
forests, and the strengthening of local forest governance. Instead of
promoting ex post payments once reduction of carbon stocks are
achieved, the Bolivian proposal calls for ex ante long-term finance
not only to achieve mitigation goals but also adaptation needs in
order to help local communities and local population to facilitate
forest conservation and the transition to better land use through the
development of more sustainable production system (linking agriculture
and forestry).

Also, Bolivia has submitted to the Secretariat a proposal to
incorporate the consideration of the Joint Mitigation and Adaptation
Mechanism in the working group of "various approaches to promote
mitigation", calling also for the halt in the implementation of market
mechanisms in climate change. Bolivia has suggested that any approach
or mechanism oriented to promote mitigation should take into account
the following principles: principles of equity and Common but
Differentiated Responsibilities of the Convention; sustainable
development in harmony and balance with Mother Earth, including
ethical responsibility, and change of unsustainable patterns of
consumption and production; non-commodification and
non-financialization of the environmentally functions of Mother Earth;
and conceptual congruity with the basic science of climate change.
Since only non-market based approaches are able to meet such
principles, those should be promoted as the solution to cope climate


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