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Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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sábado, 18 de junio de 2011



The principle of implementing its own vision and conception of development is underpinning the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the famous right to consultation is only appropriate for those who can declare the same due to be equal peoples, but also rural communities originate, as are the peoples of the Amazon, are different people now in power, because the difference is that we the peoples of the Andean Zone and the Amazon, we are not represented either in the current Congress or the next to be sworn in July 2011 a new period of government, since this representation has arisen a system of government and society with which native peoples are not compatible with its history and form of organization, even in the historical development of the same. It holds the same philosophy that sees the world, so that the organization of our people reflects a philosophy that has developed in our country through centuries of contemplation and harmony with nature, with no nicks, not degrade, no disappear, so do not share the same objectives and the same hopes, except that we respect our lifestyles, our culture, our cultures and to halt the mental colonization that do the same in our territories soldiers from a philosophy has given rise to chaos and misery in the world. For it is the inalienable right of self-determination and therefore the query does not fit here, if not consent, because the query only be if we were equal to those peoples who came to receive hospitality from us, but their children and children their children have taken over our territories mercy as they improve our conditions of poverty and misery.

In recent events that have happened in the city of Puno with our brothers of the Aymara nation, and I say Aymara nation, they are different from other members of any group in this country called Peru territorial demarcation, but only recognized as distinguishing those who come from outside this territory, this referring to their ancestors when it comes to the Aymara nation, they are, they have a language that distinguishes them from others, have a worldview that is different from that of other peoples apart with a spirituality that has resisted all invasions ethnocidal of different religious sects like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists different coats that have come with large luggage even for the most blatant handouts, in order to make its cultural genocide but have not made as if they have achieved in the Andean peoples from the north, where they have been committing their crimes cultural ethnocide.

Then the Aymara people and nation is different, so it is necessary to respect their feelings about anti mining, since there really has not helped anything to solve their problems more serious than even the state has to resort to its coffers to solve the problem of cold spell that occurs in the months of July and August and large mining companies do not give hot water to the communities of Aymara people, then what is the gain for the Aymara people, so they must decide what to do with their land, that other people can not do, since the five centuries of cultural genocide that has permeated the West with its services and philosophy, we have become the pariahs of the world that does not realize anything if they violate many times, the north Indian for example will not say anything, just say that the gringo continues to violate. The Indian and Indian San Román Acuña is a case in point.

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

Here I am...