In the last days of Peruvian citizens have seen with wonder and shame, as this trilogy that as cancer is consuming the few values of some Peruvians is preying on the same society as a whole. Some might think of political vendettas, that when it comes to such process with newly elected mayor of the city of Lima and precisely by a judge whose past and present is APRA, the same holds his family. Yet, at that moment was not uncovering the rotten and the cancerous APRA government has permeated our society, despite the parliamentarians of every variety have tried to cover up the affairs of some members of Congress and the president himself APRA APRA if of petro audios. There we feel the delay almost as sick of justice to find those responsible and above all intended to punish, as in the case of the first murders of Mr. Alan García, probably wait to hell freezes over which prescribe the crime.

That has always been the tactics that have faced the APRA to get rid of guilt and sentences for crimes committed. Very cool back then and continue to govern our country. It's the same way that criminal organizations are the Fujimori and to the same current former mayor of Lima Castañeda Lossio. Examples calan and panic in our society, there is nothing to do. For all these attitudes and behaviors of people is appointed as local nature and that is the hallmark of Creole ethnic class that governs us.
The second point of the sentence gave clarion call to a journalist who is known across the blog in the overlap of communication like the internet. The coincidence problem is also given the sentence by a judge with a history APRA. At stake here is freedom of expression and opinion that is being curbed by the band of criminals APRA covered by takeover in the judiciary. But that is not there, knowing of the close relationship between drug trafficking and political power have had the impudence, as always, the judges acquitted the background criminal APRA Former mayor of Pucallpa, a convicted and confessed actor large-scale drug trafficking. Therefore not surprise us that the Clan of the Sánchez Paredes Traffickers are acquitted, because their relationships are very close to the entire political class. Not in vain in the recent municipal elections have supported candidates of the APRA party, the National Unity and even some that were believed independent. Some ask you to give us more clues and words, we present evidence of what we say and tell you they are obvious, if not we seem blind to the obvious.

For example, put the first. The case of National Unity candidate in the province of Santiago de Chuco and his brother Regional Councillor. Both are known for their economic fortunes. The one has a typing table in front of the University Antenor Orrego of the city of Trujillo, that the just out to stop the pot, the rest is done by his long-suffering wife who works as a teacher hired to say nothing of brother working in the studio, we study, it is just a small office with his father, who is known in Trujillo, hardly renowned for being a lawyer, but quite the opposite. These gentlemen have made a campaign that belied the meager income that hold and which are shown in their lifestyle.

But it is no secret who his patron, as in Santiago de Chuco, say, has helped Don Orlando, Don Manuel, Don Wilmer. Of those who try? The reader can imagine. The same has happened with a poor driver of a truck carrying wood for the mining centers like so many others do. But in this campaign has made a waste of money so unusual, not seen in any province in the country, but if those are related to the above named as the Don. And Don is that they are very confident that by helping the political class, the pledge and not processed by their relationships rather than close to drug trafficking and money laundering. I mention this to the four winds, So if gars are mere child's play compared to these major drug traffickers who have taken and corrupted the political class. There is nothing more to say now this is a narcocracia also under the U.S. government, because without them there would be so horondos to his guns to intimidate the population of a province, a region of the country.
Túpac Isaac II