Television timid and sell people has heard about the recent events shocked domestic violence against minors, to which we should ask if you are truly outraged or just a number most of his circus is always ride to hide defects and the atrocities of this system. Or simply is another event as to not say it's a nastiness that every day we sell, along with the rest of the press. Well, there really is no impartial press in our country. First, because no one has access to their media to present the atrocities that are making the system throughout the country,

because all it does is sell cheap illusions that the people will not awaken from the lethargy in which he becomes involved and can see in the mud in which it is. Surprised to think that a child is assaulted by adults is to have moral to criticize our society as it is unfolding. If the same television is the silence that the atrocities of the system encourages violence to the same people, when news does not like the struggles of the people and critical when you get up and applaud when it is repressed by the soldiers of the old state.
When the state rather than conflict prevention, rather the pokes to the limit, when denied the right to claim and hold that no violation of their rights.

The only thing that makes the old state is to demonize the leaders of the people, to persecute or disappear, as is always the old custom which has been unfolding ever since the establishment of the native republics. Or perhaps the memory leads to Saul Cantoral was gone by the Rodrigo Franco Command, whose members have been awarded, to the more academic portfolios in the ministries and the more callow and insufficient capacity and intelligence with some people at some stage management could be the birthplace of our truly great as it is universal poet Cesar Vallejo. Or we can also remember the great leader of Construction, killed by the armies of paramilitary group whose head is visible alias Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori Japanese.

The most recent and more to try to conceal it, it spreads to pour their designs such as the genocidal experiment Alan Garcia: the command of murderers who appeared in Trujillo to disappear lumpen who were monopolizing Trujillo society. That masquerade as cinnamon command appeared in the city of Cuzco to intimidate the leaders who were defending the Camisea gas. All this history is not unique. There are countless stories in the old state, which is an accomplice of imperialism and faithful guardian of their interests using violence to support their system and bring peace of weapons and the silence of the dead.
What has shocked the press is just the tip of the iceberg or the tip of a large iceberg that looms over this territory which is ruled by the sons of those who invaded us for over five centuries, and now obey a new master, though not new having the Lord began to envision Bolivar, for his descendants. They perched on the power for one hundred eighty-nine years, all you have done is to loot our wealth and lately to give as gifts to foreign powers, particularly in indigenous complicity as Martinillo Felipillo and again have betrayed their race and their peoples and nations. But who can guarantee the rights of all people? None of the estates, because what they seek is to preserve the old state, because of the living and vegetate, so it would be counterproductive not to subtract the rights of peoples, because they would undermine their privileges they receive from their new masters.
Shout themselves hoarse to speak of democracy, along with new chapters, those who previously preached insurrection throughout the country, and now having lost the compass, because their own leaders have shown they are idols of paper trail for the spoils of old system, a caricature of pseudo-democracy. That is not democracy that proclaimed the Great consolidated ideologically Socrates and Karl Marx. Where is this democracy? He is not seen anywhere else, because our people every day is daily losing the gains labor cost rivers of blood, which led Artemio Zavala, who wanted to give our great Felipe De la Puente Uceda. Nothing more. There is only the dictatorship of the Creoles that divided our country vergonzandamente foreign capital.

Perhaps we see daily the haste of contracts harmful to our country by those who claim to represent, with the largest nerve, and still trying to fool us that these are to modernize our country.
Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.