Fear permeates the whole government of Alan Garcia Perez
NEW PETRO AUDIOS make you shiver all the government and entrepreneurs
The way out in front, before the new winds raging on the court premises that have made President of the Supreme Court and Superior Court filed leave to try to explain what is already very evident in the eyes of everyone . Corruption so widespread that it has governed Peru. It is necessary to raise awareness of the harsh reality that is playing live for now. Although everyone was aware of the type of government that would do for the second time, Mr Garcia. We can not say we were not warned, they get the government to lo0 not made to carry out the development of our country, if not all, on the contrary to solve the personal problem of each of the leaders that make up the Halls of Power complicity of those who can guarantee them impunity and assurance that their misdeeds will not be discovered and dragged to the sanction of true justice. What they can not hide, are their venal purposes, that to carry them out, intimidate one of the branches of government, as the investigative action by prosecutors, is currently looking at where they want to, which is the perfect impunity. What they do not know that his costume of which are clothed its purposes and its fury with those who at one time raised their voices, mistakenly or not, but they did not take his side all the wealth of the country or give it to MNCs with the holy objective of sustainable development, as they preach in the four winds to deceive the Indians that we are. They looking for favors from their masters and those who defend us belongs to us by the historical legacy of the fathers of our fathers. We believe that such nonsense should be reported that damage even in the state in which our Constitution is spurious, so this disgrace should be punished and devote himself once and for all the Presidency of the Republic, by the moral incapacity of the person who holds in these moments, especially the nonsense that is intended to do with this instrument. There, if the president does not leave the Supreme Court to protest and denounce and process for those who want to tarnish the constitution, trying to cloak of impunity for genocide that is preparing against the fascist Garcia Perez and Andean indigenous communities who are opposed to the betrayal of our territories to transnational companies, such as it is doing in different parts of the territory, and about those who protest, walking cast their machinery of destruction as they have recently been written and still remains vigilant in disappear this humble writer, not to raise the consciousness of your brothers, lest they protest to much destruction of indigenous lands with the blame for progress. But that is progress for only a few Canadian and American families, but habitat destruction of thousands people in Indian territory, as are those of my community who have destroyed a sanctuary that my ancestors came from, only to open a gold mine. I still remember the stories of my Mamacona that came with their animals to graze where they were sacred territories and that only she could graze. As a direct descendant of the panakas, to clothe the future children of the Sun All you have become a great well, which they extract the gold, destroyed altars of our beliefs that were more than 6 centuries ago as a reminder of our history. First it was the Spanish who made us forget our language and know where it was our territory and the life of our community and now we may remove part or all of our history. But when one claims them, immediately comes to political persecution and intimidation to blame for anything that comes to hand them or thought. I'm living in these days of persecution has intensified all genuine opposition leaders, not the opportunistic Red Fatherland or Humala speaks with warmth of his collusion with the collapse of the Peruvian political class. As this sorry Yehude Simon, who after being turned arsonist and firefighter brother's murderer after Awajun and Wampis. We hope to ride with the help of the apus, the Yatiris, Amautas, the hard time that we live. Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui Tupac Isaac II Kuna Kapac Andamarka-Tullpo http://juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com