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Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011


Across the country, was once home to one of the world's greatest civilizations established on 6 July as Teachers' Day. But what I remember from previous years, especially those years when teachers were fighting in the streets to reclaim their rights, how can we forget that great general strike since the end of the dictatorial government of Morales Bermudez. There are many teachers gave their lives and I still remember the young teacher who was paralyzed for life and always accompanied us on many fights to his death, never had a family who never had a partner, but who lived to the teachers' struggle to the end of his days.

In those holding a lot of sense, because the spirit was very high. Now, I wonder, do we celebrate? Did not the betrayal of hundreds of leaders who have secured their future through embedded and screw type have in the leadership of the union. What are their achievements in all these years practicing and screwed into the guild leadership? Or will they continue with their concert ever, there are no conditions, if we do it is adventurism and provocation to the class enemy, or as they always branded as childish when they want to discredit a position that is presented as clear and transparent without any doubt . And this coming from now, that was always his attitude, they would not change, if not only live with the system and become appendages of the system. For them, there came the change, just live with them to get their perks.

The teachers union is inextricably linked to the teachers' struggle and the spirit of the teacher who wants a change, it began to transform from the necessity of being an agent of transformation and this occurred from the seventies, in the given time velasquistas reforms and they want to be dismantled by the second stage of the supposed revolution in its second stage.

There are memorable fights in 1978 and 1979, which cornered the old state it had no idea that calling an election in order to stem the tide of the masses and preparing for a new period of revolutionary ferment that would have changed history, one that was truncated at the table bare, by the infiltration of the henchmen of the Central Intelligence Agency, which again cut short our historical development.

But the most significant step in strengthening the union in a single front to start in 1984 to probate the old state, but also meant the entry of the political opportunism of Patria Roja, where sticks Horacio Zevallos Games coming from other political trenches as a way of allowing cohesion and permanence of the union to meet employers, but in the long run of Patria Roja transform it and make it a more of them, his first felony is the betrayal of the strike of 1981 and which as such they began to use all the minions of betraying Patria Roja to follow the teaching and get crumbs from the employer, one of which remains the Magisterial pours from which all its leaders Fung managers.

We have to celebrate if they are negotiating with the old state, all its privileges. Now there is the teacher union and thanks to Patria Roja, earn less than you earn a laborer in construction, we do not have health insurance if they become unemployed. The devastation of our salary has been so significant that now earn only ten percent of what was gained in 1980. So: where's the accomplishment of the lords of Red country, which now also have divided the Teachers College, because I have seen the reef to take over the paltry contributions of teachers.
So what can you celebrate this July 6?
Nothing can hold, so long as Patria Roja. All teachers must bury it and our teachers and our lives.

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tanyita Yupanqui

Here I am...