Are you going brother tree?
You're going, but not because you're dying of old, you're going because many men who do not have the color of our skin, eyes are not like ours, you do not have the heart such as Noah or Taita Taita Gerardo, you have and they tear your people, your nation to sacrifice and make pieces. Drawers do feel good Western men and many of our brothers who have lost the habits of the people and the nation they were born, and cried today as yesterday I Raoni together with our brothers, who lived in your shadow, which is water fed to always save for times of drought and you gave us little by little, to have that sow loches or peas, or wheat or potatoes or sweet potatoes. If you remember your strength when in my way under your shadow I put to rest and care for me in my childhood, my youth and respected you as an elder brother who were all runes and apus were once a people who perished under the mantle of the misti, false Huiracocha that trod our lands. What used to go around saying they were stopped, they lived in the spectacled bear, the mountain tapir, cock of the rock. As not remember when the little bear looked at me with tender eyes and his grunts saying that it was strange, but once I knew they stayed quiet and the faces made me see that it was also a brother in the great outdoors. As not to see the colors of the cock of the rock to the sound of their beaks that make us say that water is fresh, delicious breeze that your arms do move the feelings of all the runes and all the antis.

We say it is to bring more development to our peoples. If you talk a lot about development, but they understand that the development means killing with whom we have always lived, with the trees, little brothers, as the spectacled bear, tapir, or the cock of the rock, or Pachamama, water that is our food and our lives, but the tree Tata not always take care and have always respected and we have never tried to harm him and wait for it with his goodness to us something of his being to use and cook their branches to eat together with him.
We talk about development, but we are living worse than before or different than before, because before dying of hunger not, nor did we need to get water, now we do not have and that are contaminated with mine tailings say that brings much development, but we've only seen wound to our Pachamama, crying in her womb and we were starving. Strip us of our mother and take us to places where our bones the cold creek, where there is Pachamama, otherwise she is full of stones and sand that does not give anything to eat for more than watered with our sweat and tears . We in these runes llactas where we live we do not know how they despise the color of our skin and the clothes we wear. Just as the Cayapa, fought for years against logging companies in the Coipa destroying forests and lonely Tabaconas Namballe and we were put behind bars for us to learn, dial to respect the white man and the progress that brought us, then came to Coca shed our many white men, one to follow him not chewing the sacred leaf and others to make her mother of corruption. And there remember that after cleaning the ditches and streams to avoid collapse in the rainy season, we started to chew together with our brothers of coca trees to serve us freshness of breath for the rest of the day.

Today I come, not as a man with power, because I have not, I come humbly to ask us not kill us, let us live, we do not want development, we continue to live our brothers that surround us, with flowers daily smell its fragrance, we want to continue listening to the sound of birds in the trees, our elder brothers, that we follow in our land to continue to accompany our mother gives us life. Do not want your globalization, and their customs. That we are happy where you want to trample on our home. We do not want the deception of graduates, they say, for banks to bring us progress, which is false, because we pay or seek to receive, without saying that we paid and more so with interest. They want to live without killing and brutalizing developing the soul of the runes, which our women become greedy and false and our children and young people make them monsters coming to destroy our happiness. Do not make more progress killing the planet. We want to continue living, because we have no where to go, we were born here, born here and lived here our elders and we want to live, but a good life is summed up in a Kausay Sumaq.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Túpac Isaac II