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Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Conga not going in or the lead will entering in our lungs

Conga not going in or the lead will entering in our lungs

The transnational entrepreneurs believe that we are a banana republic, although they are right, since most of those who inhabit this territory we have forgotten that we were born here, died here and here our ancestors to our children. That here we are different people that should be visible and take charge of their history and tell those once-collar gentlemen with very white skin, which always have power and we have had enough patience to do and undo what is ours by inheritance and by reason, they have to understand that we are the majority and that this territory belongs to us and not the multinationals. If you do not see the example of the brutality that speaks the Master Sandro Mariátegui dishonoring the family name of his grandfather, a defender of the poor and indigenous peoples who believe that the plundering of our territories, we will develop, will reach work and wealth to our people. We have two different conceptions of development, while the West with the exultation of usury, as companies pursue only what is usury, theft of natural resources, enslavement of the workers, if we take the example of workers in Freedom agribusiness companies, who are given a quota of daily work, which have to labor to complete fifteen to eighteen hours of uninterrupted work, but only for the minimum living wage. We believe it is the same as in the feudal stage, in which the work of the peasants was profited by the feudal lord is now called "entrepreneur" semi-feudalism continues. Not to say that in large service companies. Here we must relate what happens in the big mall sales or spaces very spacious and extremely large, where workers have to make sales for a given amount to just have a minimum wage and not to be told what they do not pay any extra type of commission for what is done, which is a serious violation leagues his right to a dignified life and a fair payment for their efforts.
As we see, the analysis is still valid to make the great Amauta of our society, a semi feudal and semi colonial, our bourgeoisie as mentioned in previous articles, it has always been late to the story and what is more comfortable, is made of caboose of large multinationals, for not even protect the employees of our territory where still working to have the most under the pretext of doing development, which is the most convincing lie, all you need are generated that have nothing to do with the life of our brother workers, all I have to do it with the profits of multinationals settled down in our territory. Here also responsible for the organizations that say the left, but during all this time been paid to the class organizations, especially trade unions have been pulverized in this phase of uncertainty. In what is necessary to have a tool to guide the poor class to achieve their interests, we do not have and so that the wanderer fights are conducted in resounding failures can become. Some will say that the progressive forces in Cajamarca have joined, if it is true that there is unity in the struggle for the different shops, some we have seen in the struggle, we have reservations to other not only by focusing revisionism and opportunism political over the years, as being responsible for the dismantling of the accused teacher, for example, all for wanting to continue to maintain a source of income the teacher pours, which makes live very comfortably in their leaders with a range of merchandise is given each other. But we know that people warn of the slips that can commit these revisionists who are seasoned experts in traffic in the interests of the people. But in fact the people should know that Conga is not going, because the fate of the children of our children is at stake, which subsequently lead and just eat the same material to fill your lungs as we now have children of Huancayo and Oroya.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.
Tupac Isaac II

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Ollanta is a creation of Antauro

Ollanta Humala Tasso is a creation of his brother Antauro and as it has been the Trojan Horse of American imperialism. Here we have to ask the creator, in that moment it became such an instrument?. Well do not conceive that the creator was not aware in what has now become her brother, but we assume that if you have not participated in it, will now have to demarcate very strongly with his brother and fight for that most immediately out of the post he helped put in now holds. Well as a student, murderers School of the Americas, where the Lord Ollanta was one of the smartest students in the school of dictators and murderers in America. But as it was unpresentable and take power today for allegedly living a prosperous stage of democratic activity, it was not advisable to take power as in the past in taking power at gunpoint and tanks. To do this we believe that very conveniently planned once the tyranny of the dictator and genocidal Fujimori had spent abroad. So by the time the offender escaped from Vladimiro Montesinos Fujimori or believe his friend was a screen trying to get the videos, that committed atrocities in a series of financial and human rights violations. It is in these circumstances that existed a number of uncertainties about the future of the country, is that the military stands Ollanta, most of all in a pantomime that he had nothing of rebellion or uprising in arms, he had left his headquarters and wandered through the mountains of southern wandering in a sort of rebellious, but to no avail against the line of circumstances for solving problems that lived in the country.

The newspapers reported and gave no importance, because they did not influence anything to the unfolding of events that occurred in our country. But they took advantage of this to take a principled stand in defense of so-called democracy we live. I think that was the position of the Central Intelligence with respect to our country. It plays here very clearly reporting huge profits on materials that can now argue that northern country does not end up falling in the final bankruptcy.

If we see the major shareholders of both Newmont and the Barrick Gold, has its main deposits in South America. This is clear to us and even the position now taken the same as before Mr. Ollanta, which is the defense of the Great Mining predatory. The ecological damage and environmental liabilities will be incalculable, we are seeing what has happened in the same Oroya and Cerro de Pasco. There we can see what has brought mining to the environment and health of the population and the great development that results in more poverty and misery.

The same thing we already see in the communities of Santiago de Chuco, that large-scale mining, is only giving crumbs that do not translate into anything for the great development of our communities, but if the environmental liabilities that accumulate each day more and that will eventually translate into poverty and unemployment in our communities.

We therefore believe that the Lord Humala Tasso is the Trojan horse of imperialism to continue to maintain dominance in our country and the extraction of our natural resources. This is undeniable, misleading first all the old revisionists who still believe that pigs fly and APRA are immaculate and honest.

The CIA knew that would not win in the first instance, as it were, because they afraid of everything right and tell them that the CIA will not go away privileges, such as politically backward and just prefer to have the remote in your hand to feel they are privilege did not agree to that given by the CIA. It can be seen in the bark that gives the little boy in his rag Mariátegui mail and right there he writes one of the main agents of the CIA, as is Mr. Rey de Castro.

Well, the CIA had to put Alan García Thief as his undercover officer was placed more appropriate to the circumstances and could win the sympathies of the working class, and it is precisely there where the big shots of revisionism help you overcome this valley that in the second round to get the job. And so determined were rendered revisionists, who were the Lord's head Javier Diez Canseco. The rest is history we all know.

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011



In the literature of our people, which is told as an oral source, is the drama of Ollanta. It recounts the episode of heart between the daughter of the Great Pachakuti and Rune Ollanta, which I think moving to today but without the princess Cusi Coyllor or she will be the people, which has been disappointed in their aspirations by a candidate who has broken his promises again. I paint very colorful landscape, despite the lyrical songs of the far right embodied in Vargas Llosa, that peeked through the doorway to burn again to the door of the oven, the bread contained the aspirations of centuries only a small handful of words.

Many avizorábamos it was not so true so beautifully, there was something that did not fit into our consciousness despite all urged us to support this candidate. Did not believe it right, there were many signs that gave us a reason we could not explain. There was a history that began to discover the pseudonym of Captain Carlos, a murderer of his brothers in the civil war, but not a murderer either, but it was being protected seems up to the U.S. state agency. What followed is that this brave soldier to kill defenseless prisoners had been a very diligent student of the School of the Americas in North America, where they make worst dictators and murderers of its kind in the world. What in fact we had not noticed that in all well-developed program by the Central Intelligence Agency to take over territories and nations of the world, was seeping through the armed forces of each country. And therefore we can say that what happened in Locumba can be a great farce, in which the Friend Antauro have to deny the facts and determine with his brother, but this boundary must be certain and transparent as done with traitors to the fatherland, to our true homeland

The true face and intentions it is already proving true in all its breadth, so there is no reason to fight for, it is obvious that all this time has been and will continue to deceive the people. There he is showing his true essence of Misti, an enemy of all who are the Indians, one that is ignorant and worthless, just like them, we mistis qualify. Were mock his supposed paternal feelings and sympathy for the Indian masses that we are more than eighty percent, among those who should be added to those who think mestizos, but his face betrays that are like ours. Therefore they have no diplomatic or chutzpah to be conservative in their behavior, as evidenced by the attitudes of discretion that has his wife in political activities
But there is a clique of alleged leftist intellectuals who want to climb to the illusion, or is climbing to the illusion of brothers with whom we have destroyed our nations for five hundred years and give a series of explanations that have the need to have done so by Ollanta to stop the waves of protest against the mining operations or rather call it theft of multinationals to our resources, the basin headwaters are like a table with four legs, which are holding the board in the level top and said no amount that can be cut and the four legs to serve to fuel the fire, it will remain the board table and may support a higher level things, only to be done carefully so as not to leave the board level
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011



There is a criminal organization, not only enriched and made all kinds of abuse and everything is back to usufruct bourgeois parliament that gives it the perks. But now I want to see is the answer to a reader who remains clueless light in their eyes, so I refer you to go to Congress and ask the office No 994-CI-VMT/AFF/CR-2002 , there are naked to the Thief Lord Alberto Fujimori who emptied the treasury and all the national treasury in a series of misdeeds, but for the confused reader to transcribe only the titles of the report refers to such office of the chairman of the committee researcher, research quotes and financial reports recognized, then it does not come with the question I have stolen, which may be said that this villain has stolen.

You can read the chapter on the accounts of the delinquent tax havens Vladimiro Montesinos Torres, Alberto Kenya Fujimori foreign citizens and their environment has not been able to repatriate some funds, that is another thing because we have such treaties with any of tax havens in Southeast Asia, including Japan.

Confused reader is agreed that the Lord Fujimori lived in a luxurious apartment, first in a five star hotel. Imagine all the time he was there and further its relations with the mafia Nippon, especially Yacuses. That's not free Lord confused reader.

But according to the report, you have all the chapter on human rights violations, him and all his company. That has not caught and shot, is not the issue, the main thing is that the promoted and organized human rights violations. Did Al Capone, fired it, had been mentally ill for not realizing the legal consequences, had to send to someone to make its provisions.

The report goes on as the Lord Fujimori and his cronies including those victorious generals bribes in the bidding and procurement. But collusion with drug trafficking and money laundering.

Well if the Lord does not want to read, there is no best answer. For the other on what he calls Terrorism is just a legal euphemism which took the doctrine of security implemented by the U.S. Secretary of State as part of its plan of world domination, but even for the American people but the opposite for a turn known as the Bilderberg Club.

To see the problem which means the reader clueless, is to teach the theory of law and its evolution, political theories and their evolution, but if, on its own will do. Then we are ready to discuss. It was the euphemism used by the U.S. to justify wars of invasion in Iraq and elsewhere.

For example in Iraq, control of the entire oil field was in the hands of the state. If they used it for the benefit of a few and were not distributed to the entire population by the dictator, that was another problem, that the Iraqi people themselves, without intervention of any foreign power should. But there was the ambition of the American pros companies, is also a U.S. say they are shareholders or owners as not known to what country they belong.

Well what they wanted and ambition was to become the property of the Iraqi oil. And they have done then there were those intentions, but makeup all. That the Iraqi dictator hiding people from Al Qaeda, he had weapons of mass destruction, which had chemical weapons factories. But that was discovered long after the U.S. invaded Iraq, have hijacked the country and have set in motion the expropriation of American companies for business pros.

The same has happened in Afghanistan where the U.S. wants control of hashish, a drug that consumes the majority of Chinese, imagine you have a captive market, but they do, to get fresh money which does not appear to use the money from its budget in CIA covert actions, and would remain so with many factual arguments made palpable to discover all things.

Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

Here I am...