Above all
Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020
Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..
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martes, 25 de mayo de 2010
About Fujimori, a terrorist state primary inmate privileges.
I am inclined, that justice has only the one feeling of restoring an order which is believed victimized by crime. Whereby who suffers the penalty for the sake of restoring it you can not do more than justifying a penalty, nor can enrage the person, as the Constitution, which all refer, what is sought re-education is the right conduct established by society. If we pursue the rehabilitation and redemption of the justice system that should be no difference between one who was Head of State and the other was not, but nevertheless die in the dungeon of a prison in the capital less than a sun live for today, the rest are distributed as part of the corruption in the administrative entity of the criminal.
Justice can not tilt in a conviction or repairs, just to the side of fairness and balance, so it surprised us very outrageous as elders who are in the current government of the privileges that enjoys a terrorist state. This according to his own lexicon used by gentlemen who have a hierarchy for conduct that is not concordant to their personal vision of the law.
So for the sake of equality should be allowed so that all other prisoners of conscience and political prisoners in the dungeons, call or Piedras Gordas Castro Castro, enjoy all the privileges enjoyed by a war criminal like Mr. Fujimori, with aggravating factor is that their nationality is not well-defined since fleeing from our country when it was discovered along and extensive corruption that had generated his government, I choose to flee as a despicable coward. But the most striking are the statements of the President of the Supreme Court for the privileges it enjoys sir thing is to say the same for the rest of the prisoners, who have no human food and I say again, it serves as Peru's prisons is not compatible with humanity, with which a person should be deprived of his liberty.
But to us that we are not striking, because during the entire period of government of Mr Alan García Pérez, are two features that have characterized its mandate. One is the display that shows the degree of corruption that has come and the other is his alliance with Fujimori to obtain impunity in partnership in a future government. APRA is the shielding for the next five years, which will be prosecuted for crimes committed at this time. There are many. Everything has been a patient of all people.
If we list, will not reach the long list, but make a summary of them: Your first offense is its alliance with the high-flying drug. Thus were able to fund before they are in government, electoral aspirations. The shadows on this partnership, many congressmen round of APRA and also lists other groupings. The same was the Fujimorismo during her government, is that they had very good teachers, we refer to APRA leaders before they took his first government. Here we must bring up, some news from the time that Mr. Haya de la Torre, frequented the United States and referred to the activities of protection and screen who was dedicated to this character, but then was silenced, do not know if that was a lie or so it suited U.S. interests, as follows from a reading of the book Legacy of Ashes, which is a compilation of the atrocities of the CIA in Latin American lands.
But what interests us is the accumulation of privileges that Mr. Fujimori and holds no prisoners and the rest of the country, if as if having been head of state would pay his crimes in a golden prison and the rest by being poor must do so in a dungeon as exist in our country. The Lord had committed crimes against humanity and should be confined to the Navy base, along with his partner of adventures, Vladimiro Montesinos, since it is precisely for being a public official, must be double the penalty.
Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui
Isaac II Tupac
viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010
The trap of the right of consultation. Indigenous peoples.
The trap of the right of consultation. Indigenous peoples.
As always, the inexperience of many of our leaders of indigenous communities, have been involved in the trap and Legalese with the complicity of many who now are countless triumph. APRA is not in vain, now many will recognize the essence of evil, to have always served the interests of imperialism, since it was founded, only to murder manipulate consciences consciences of slaves who inhabit this territory to give to their masters as the empire located in the north.
I have not seen such foolishness board, with the bill passed in Congress. I wonder if Denis Pashanase, Hosea Barbaran, Antolin Huascar, Mario Palacios and others who claim to represent indigenous peoples and indigenous, were on their best day or had been brought into force, after several sessions of ayahuasca. Greatly as unworthy of these men are acting against the defense of our people, or is there complicity with transnational lobbying. Well, in legal terms, a word changes everything, and here comes the trap of those who have proposed the text of the bill that we wish to impose. And he remarked to understand the brothers that we want to take for a ride and now with the blindness of our leaders. And it highlights the text so that it can understand and perhaps reverse:
Article 2 .- The right to consultation
It is the right of indigenous peoples or originating to be consulted in advance on a legislative or administrative measures which directly affect their collective rights, their existence is physical, cultural identity, quality of life and development. Also must carry out consultation on the plans, programs and projects of national and regional development that directly affect these rights.
The consultation referred to this law is implemented on a compulsory basis only by the state.
Article 3 .- The purpose of the consultation
The purpose of the consultation is to reach an agreement or consent between the state and indigenous peoples or originating on a legislative or administrative measures that affect them directly, through an intercultural dialogue to ensure their inclusion in decision-making processes of the State action and respectful of their collective rights.
In none of the articles refers to the right of possession and ancient heritage of the territories occupied since the origin of native peoples. They will not be so stupid to dictate any legislative behemoth, both administrative and legal, involving the threat of life, such as the Western bourgeois state understands it, for it and have their output in the previous bill movements. The latter bill will be implemented later, will it make indigenous peoples are displaced from their territory and put in another place where the culture originated. Thus the terms in which it is exposed this bill empowers him and makes viable the previous intention. And even more than we're used to not prevent the Government's intentions Duty seeking pave the way for the looting by MNCs is more fruitful. Added to this is that state entities will be to validate if the indigenous people in a position to right to be consulted and how we see, no ministry of the bourgeois state recognizes all indigenous people when their rights are infringed, the text puts it well clear, in no doubt that this article will be a tool to disregard the rights of peoples settled in a territory since ancient times:
Article 10 .- Identification of indigenous peoples to be consulted or originating
The identification of indigenous peoples to be consulted or originating must be made by state agencies that promote the legislative or administrative measures on the basis of the contents of the proposed action, the level of relationship with indigenous people and the territorial scope its scope.
There is the trap that none of our representatives has noticed and with which we are now more vulnerable than before.
A los 19 días del Aymoray Quilla.
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
Tupac Isaac II
indigenous peoples,
law consultation,
native communities,
martes, 11 de mayo de 2010
It is important to act!
The Socialism of Amazon and Andean, and his ideological-political guide Qhapaq / Kapak Ñam = GOOD CORRECT LIFE /is the only one veracious, and the most authentic policy expression to the indigenous peoples who fighting for the vindication of history of Peru, for our sovereignty and for our INKA IDENTITY.
Kapak Ñam
Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
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