Above all

Tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020

Interview with a Bulgarian who participated in the resistance against fascism in the middle of the 20th century. A man dedicated to helping people, who opened his house and made it the House of chess, where athletes from all countries, ages, and all political currents gathered to collaborate on behalf of the best future of peoples. The post is in his tribute to Levón Ovanézov who died on 09.04.2020, he was a close friend of Juan Yupanqui. Its a big lost..

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miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010


After walking more than four hours on a road that seemed endless stairs, like the Spanish steps had taught them to build their homes, so this rise seemed to Icchal. Just spotted the houses built of stone, were approaching the Umu Villac amauta and religious center of the Andes. We received with great kindness and told them where they should rest and telling them what they had to do them away from the Yatiris, Yachachis, amautas and Umo Villac coming from Cuzco on behalf of the Sapa Inca. For them to be considered in the Andean priestly class did not have to fast, but the newcomers, if they had to do. It was fast eat only white corn and drinking water from standing around Yapan ceremonial mound, where offerings were made to the Father Katequil. Although they also wore a very frugal life, food, nutrition was bearing fruit all bidders at this sanctuary, apart from roasted corn Callanan. Also did not eat any meat, or even the guinea pig is much appreciated by all the runes and Tawantisuyu Panaka.

All entered their rooms to rest, for it was put by the Shulcahuanca Apu Inti Taita. While watching both entries rites in charge of the religious ceremony of farewell to all the gods that were worshiped there and especially the Taita Katequil.
Wilka dawned and daddy came like a bolt that flooded the entire sanctuary and houses that surrounded it and lit a small fire that was in the middle, a sort of altar, like a stone, but heavy. No one in many years had tried to lift it. We knew that papa had sent that stone Katequil unknown to the offerings made there in his honor. This was recognized in charge of the sanctuary and only came for the ceremonies. While in the chambers of Capac and the other visitors already appeared Wilka tata rays and it showed them that they should rush to bathe in the stone pond, where water flowed, limpid and crystalline. And so they did. They bathed every male

While one of the Huarmi Shumaj aunts took the girl to the bathroom for the daughters of the Panaka. After all gathered in their best dresses around the stone together with all the priests of the shrine and left in the first place all the bags full of cocaine brought from the Marañón and the knapsack that sent the Sapa Inca Apu as an offering to his most beloved niece. The Umu Villac Sanctuary in conjunction with the spread of Cuzco all saddlebags on the stone table.

16.Huarmi: Runasimi women in Cuzco.
17.Llacta: city, town
18.Callana: a kind of pan, but an ovoid and semi-closed, that's where the corn is roasted and nunas without any fat.

19.Cuy: domesticated rodent that is the base of the Andean diet.
20.Inti: refers to the Sun
21.Alforja: Exchange of two containers used in the Andes.

To be continued ...

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Sarayaku Kaparik. The cry for dignity by ASPA Association

This documentary is about the social and cultural reality of the Kichwa people of Sarayaku.

This ancient town Ecuadorian Amazon, first-person account of the social motivations, environmental and cultural considerations leading it to be one of the few peoples of the Amazon that have been released from the yoke of oil exploitation in their territories.
We also shows the harsh reality they face every day indigenous and peasants from northeast Brazil, where oil exploration is nsinónimo of poverty, disease and pollution.
Exhibition is part of the Amazon: Kawsay Sumaq

Sarayaku kaparik. El grito por la dignidad from Asociación ASPA on Vimeo.

viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010


... As the gentle voice had carried to the earliest times of their ancestors and longed to return to those that were happy with their customs. When jumping and jumping roamed the roads and fields of corn, eating their kanchita and NUnit, without having to ask anyone, they all had in abundance.

They finished eating and gave orders to Yanas of Mollebamba to enlist the flames and the litter that would travel all. They did and went to present to tell them that everything was ready for the pilgrimage to the oracle at the temple Katequil Icchal. Everyone took their litter, but the flames were out and Alpakas for offerings that would, at his side as guides were the Yanas of Mollebamba. This was one of only Llacta Yanas. They had lost the status of Runes for missing Tawantisuyu laws certainly had stolen, lied or be lazy. For this had been sentenced to Yanas status meant nothing at all, only life were respected.

Started to go all the entourage, it was a caravan, as when in ancient Sapa moved to go to a Huaca, an Apu or a shrine to pay their respects to the deity. The ancient warriors were silent on the convoy, carrying in his saddlebags the milkapa would use the days that would be in the Apu Icchal to make offerings to the Taita Katequil.

The runes Muykan past him, saluted him raising his hands as a sign that she does well on his journey, the closest to the road, they offered chicha from which the community is very famous, others have reached them with ñuña or taleguita popcorn. In the community when they saw a traveler passing, I reached some food and drink, which was prepared in the community. They continued along the road and it was sighted Chakomas community that had once been the fiercest warriors of the nation Cullie and were faithful to the Sapa Inca Huascar. Now they are engaged in wood carving to weave a beautiful chairs that were sold throughout the quartermaster and even were worn by many escutcheons to the capital of the viceroyalty.

As I was passing the entourage all stopped and stood up to greet the procession, some very daring they had small chairs and couches as an offering to the beautiful Shumaj Huambra, who loved much, because they were under the command of Kachulla Capac, who they wanted as well, as he defends the abuses of the Priests who raped their daughters and pregnant and they had to keep raising the little ones had procreated.

Later in the home of a famous warrior and merchant, who was called Muchukayda. It was formed in a single row along with his family to put faces to the ground and beg all the Apus, Temples and Deities of all the heavens to be restored to life they were accustomed to all people, before they came the Damned escutcheons. The cursed all the time why the Spanish and took refuge in that part of the Comarka of Chakomas, easily accessible to the Priests and Flanges. His small house was like a small fort, apart from his numerous offspring who were told by more than a dozen. He kept waving to their ability, together with his family and approached the little girl to give many colored stones and Nunit roasted corn, telling her: excuse you, my girl, the poverty of this rune.

The little girl, she smiled and in his small voice said: Thanks tatita Muchu. Asked to get off the bunk and looked to the large volume Yanas, seeking their approval. With gestures he gave them to understand who agreed the request of his daughter, and she did so with his little legs Muchukayda Valiant approached the to hug and make you get up from where he knelt. Tatita Muchu, Tatita Muchu hug him and repeated to him.

The tearfully received the embrace and say: Chirapag of our people, You will be the mother of the new Condor and your nested within the true master of our peoples and nations. Small Chaska You are the hope for the condor to be born again, that Mother Keel, Grand tata Wilka and help protect you in the light of our peoples and nations, the big car that runs from Chakomas quiruvilkas, to the great Amaru's Tablachaka safeguard and help you.

Having said that the warrior took on small arms and took her where the litter was Yanas.y to put him in his seat, but not before again prostrate on the ground, asking all Apus protect the small Shumaj Huambra, Chirapag Chaska and the hope of rebirth in the Andes.

After this brief tribute to the Chakomas in person from the warrior Muchukayda, all continued their journey, in every community receiving the homage, both Capac and his young daughter. Llaray went through, where they were joined by Yatiri guarding the shrine Icchal and accompanied with his family.

They walked along the road, and at the foot of Apu, only followed the path which should, under the Runes and Yanas, so the Capac took his daughter in his arms to continue the journey through the steep mountain road in a huge , whose path is carved in stone and that ends where you only see clouds throughout the year, where he says he dwells the Great Katequil, protected by the clouds and the water turns into stone. They say that since there communicates with his younger brother and other Apus Shulcahuanca that are in the other Huaranga of Cullie.

From the road you could see the mighty Puma pampa Cullie guarding the south, as did his brother who had the hat Champara water turned to stone. The Cullie of Coronguimarka provided every year after the festival of Inti Raymi out of their districts to pay their respects and leave their offerings. They came out with their Panataguas and Pallas. The Pallas, which were the most beautiful huarmis were left as offerings to the powerful Champara and so did the Puma Apu Sihuasinos pampa. It was always customary for the Sapa Inca Apu take one of the most beautiful women of the Pallas and Quiyayas, besides dancing beautifully and the rhythm of the snoring, should fall in grace to his lord, all in memory when Apu Sapa Inka Tupac Yupanqui conquered these territories many suns ago, they were countless fingers all Cullie runes. The fierce warriors he faced, entrenching themselves in their cities, but control wise they remove water from their regions who were ingenious aqueducts to supply water to the highest of them.
The sources of water knowing the cut control, and so they and their Capacs Sinchis and surrendered before he dies any rune in their communities and to grace the Sapa Inca Apu and not command them to kill, because he had heard it was very fierce with their enemies, commanded his daughters who were the most beautiful to dance before the Inca.

They danced very beautifully, having the Inka love with the two girls who belonged to both the Chuco guaranga as the Guaranga of Conchucos. Of course the main Llacta of Conchucos was Coronguimarka and the Chuco was Aque.

Continued ...

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010


Since its first rays was appearing the Taita Wilkes, who woke up to Yatiris, Huamanis and Villac Humu. Just as the Capac. Acllas kicked out voices and started to wake up to other people and were quick to turn on the stove to prepare the cushal for visitors and other people to prepare for the pilgrimage to Icchal and then to the Apus and Anahuanca Shulkahuanca.

While Yatiris and other visitors were washed with hot water in the water jet, known as the Loro water that sits on top of Andamarka in conjunction with the Capac, the rest hurried to make the cushal and milkapa, as well as preparing the cocaine, the animals for offerings to Katequil and Apus. All were traveling too hasty, knowing that visitors do not mince words and would bother unless they were very diligent in all things.

When they returned the Capac with visitors of the bathrooms and found everything ready and sat down to serve them and their side the cushal limpet with kancha and toasted nunas kallana. All rushed to consume the material presented.

Acllas took the little one to sit with his father and with visitors. She stood before them and sang the songs of their ancestors, and in mid-song, all present shed tears, as the gentle voice had carried to the earliest times of their ancestors and longed to return to those that were happy with customs. When jumping and jumping roamed the roads and fields of corn, eating their kanchita and NUnit, without having to ask anyone, they all had in abundance.

8. Kushal or Cushal: soup in the morning you take breakfast.
9. MILKAPA: food for the road.
10.LAPA: Wooden dish
11.Olla to roast corn and beans known as ñuña.

To be continued ...

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010


In the last days of Peruvian citizens have seen with wonder and shame, as this trilogy that as cancer is consuming the few values of some Peruvians is preying on the same society as a whole. Some might think of political vendettas, that when it comes to such process with newly elected mayor of the city of Lima and precisely by a judge whose past and present is APRA, the same holds his family. Yet, at that moment was not uncovering the rotten and the cancerous APRA government has permeated our society, despite the parliamentarians of every variety have tried to cover up the affairs of some members of Congress and the president himself APRA APRA if of petro audios. There we feel the delay almost as sick of justice to find those responsible and above all intended to punish, as in the case of the first murders of Mr. Alan García, probably wait to hell freezes over which prescribe the crime.

That has always been the tactics that have faced the APRA to get rid of guilt and sentences for crimes committed. Very cool back then and continue to govern our country. It's the same way that criminal organizations are the Fujimori and to the same current former mayor of Lima Castañeda Lossio. Examples calan and panic in our society, there is nothing to do. For all these attitudes and behaviors of people is appointed as local nature and that is the hallmark of Creole ethnic class that governs us.

The second point of the sentence gave clarion call to a journalist who is known across the blog in the overlap of communication like the internet. The coincidence problem is also given the sentence by a judge with a history APRA. At stake here is freedom of expression and opinion that is being curbed by the band of criminals APRA covered by takeover in the judiciary. But that is not there, knowing of the close relationship between drug trafficking and political power have had the impudence, as always, the judges acquitted the background criminal APRA Former mayor of Pucallpa, a convicted and confessed actor large-scale drug trafficking. Therefore not surprise us that the Clan of the Sánchez Paredes Traffickers are acquitted, because their relationships are very close to the entire political class. Not in vain in the recent municipal elections have supported candidates of the APRA party, the National Unity and even some that were believed independent. Some ask you to give us more clues and words, we present evidence of what we say and tell you they are obvious, if not we seem blind to the obvious.

For example, put the first. The case of National Unity candidate in the province of Santiago de Chuco and his brother Regional Councillor. Both are known for their economic fortunes. The one has a typing table in front of the University Antenor Orrego of the city of Trujillo, that the just out to stop the pot, the rest is done by his long-suffering wife who works as a teacher hired to say nothing of brother working in the studio, we study, it is just a small office with his father, who is known in Trujillo, hardly renowned for being a lawyer, but quite the opposite. These gentlemen have made a campaign that belied the meager income that hold and which are shown in their lifestyle.

But it is no secret who his patron, as in Santiago de Chuco, say, has helped Don Orlando, Don Manuel, Don Wilmer. Of those who try? The reader can imagine. The same has happened with a poor driver of a truck carrying wood for the mining centers like so many others do. But in this campaign has made a waste of money so unusual, not seen in any province in the country, but if those are related to the above named as the Don. And Don is that they are very confident that by helping the political class, the pledge and not processed by their relationships rather than close to drug trafficking and money laundering. I mention this to the four winds, So if gars are mere child's play compared to these major drug traffickers who have taken and corrupted the political class. There is nothing more to say now this is a narcocracia also under the U.S. government, because without them there would be so horondos to his guns to intimidate the population of a province, a region of the country.

Túpac Isaac II

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010


Television timid and sell people has heard about the recent events shocked domestic violence against minors, to which we should ask if you are truly outraged or just a number most of his circus is always ride to hide defects and the atrocities of this system. Or simply is another event as to not say it's a nastiness that every day we sell, along with the rest of the press. Well, there really is no impartial press in our country. First, because no one has access to their media to present the atrocities that are making the system throughout the country,

because all it does is sell cheap illusions that the people will not awaken from the lethargy in which he becomes involved and can see in the mud in which it is. Surprised to think that a child is assaulted by adults is to have moral to criticize our society as it is unfolding. If the same television is the silence that the atrocities of the system encourages violence to the same people, when news does not like the struggles of the people and critical when you get up and applaud when it is repressed by the soldiers of the old state.
When the state rather than conflict prevention, rather the pokes to the limit, when denied the right to claim and hold that no violation of their rights.

The only thing that makes the old state is to demonize the leaders of the people, to persecute or disappear, as is always the old custom which has been unfolding ever since the establishment of the native republics. Or perhaps the memory leads to Saul Cantoral was gone by the Rodrigo Franco Command, whose members have been awarded, to the more academic portfolios in the ministries and the more callow and insufficient capacity and intelligence with some people at some stage management could be the birthplace of our truly great as it is universal poet Cesar Vallejo. Or we can also remember the great leader of Construction, killed by the armies of paramilitary group whose head is visible alias Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori Japanese.

The most recent and more to try to conceal it, it spreads to pour their designs such as the genocidal experiment Alan Garcia: the command of murderers who appeared in Trujillo to disappear lumpen who were monopolizing Trujillo society. That masquerade as cinnamon command appeared in the city of Cuzco to intimidate the leaders who were defending the Camisea gas. All this history is not unique. There are countless stories in the old state, which is an accomplice of imperialism and faithful guardian of their interests using violence to support their system and bring peace of weapons and the silence of the dead.
What has shocked the press is just the tip of the iceberg or the tip of a large iceberg that looms over this territory which is ruled by the sons of those who invaded us for over five centuries, and now obey a new master, though not new having the Lord began to envision Bolivar, for his descendants. They perched on the power for one hundred eighty-nine years, all you have done is to loot our wealth and lately to give as gifts to foreign powers, particularly in indigenous complicity as Martinillo Felipillo and again have betrayed their race and their peoples and nations. But who can guarantee the rights of all people? None of the estates, because what they seek is to preserve the old state, because of the living and vegetate, so it would be counterproductive not to subtract the rights of peoples, because they would undermine their privileges they receive from their new masters.
Shout themselves hoarse to speak of democracy, along with new chapters, those who previously preached insurrection throughout the country, and now having lost the compass, because their own leaders have shown they are idols of paper trail for the spoils of old system, a caricature of pseudo-democracy. That is not democracy that proclaimed the Great consolidated ideologically Socrates and Karl Marx. Where is this democracy? He is not seen anywhere else, because our people every day is daily losing the gains labor cost rivers of blood, which led Artemio Zavala, who wanted to give our great Felipe De la Puente Uceda. Nothing more. There is only the dictatorship of the Creoles that divided our country vergonzandamente foreign capital.

Perhaps we see daily the haste of contracts harmful to our country by those who claim to represent, with the largest nerve, and still trying to fool us that these are to modernize our country.

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Santiago de Chuco disappears

Santiago de Chuco disappears.
Is there Sanguino, then I do in this unknown land?
In a recent controversy in the city of Santiago de Chuco, the birthplace of the greatest poet Cesar Vallejo was a point of order as the insult made against us by a master poet of universities that usurps its name, which unnerved the populace by abandoned and sold ridiculous aspirations to see if that was placing on the table, which brought up to state their views of those who believed locals and respected the memory of our greatest poet to the enervated body said that not more interested in all this affront to his memory and check their work.

Although different in mind emissions and radio interview I said I made my rejection and my solidarity with the older brother, it seems that nobody takes it personally, bypassing this affront inconceivable. Despite appeals to the sense of Santiago to the populace to rule against the insult that had already released countless times, as I return to say, everyone wanted and did not give up their purpose not saw this affront, or flinch even the proponents of the controversial election.

As if it were the most important propositions beardless trivial candidates, who by the way in the form desornada and unscientific, whimsical proposed tasks unreal and extraordinary adventure want to do for our homeland. I had to show his inability to lead the destinies of our people, only one candidate showed rationality, actually comes from the quarries on the left which is headed by a woman, who also took to the electoral arena in the capital. The other candidates are supremely ignorant in this area and only go in search of personal economic favoritism, as his career, proves it. Many organizations representing right-wing fascist dye, such as clusters Force Exchange 2011 and ninety others are adventurers, some were not presented to avoid the embarrassment of being caught in the wrong intentions and are supported by drug trafficking organizations . Well, boasting the economic waste in their campaigns.
But back to the subject of my uneasiness. As there is no spirit to rescue the historic values of the literature of those who have given luster to our hometown, as I said earlier, that there Santiago them resent. So 'I do on this earth? It is better to go and my efforts for the love of my country girl and should disappear and the pain of my heart go where I really appreciate it, For in the place that there is capacity for indignation. In that place to combat the most powerful forces against the most irresponsible mining pollution and plundering our wealth, very smilingly received the affront to the Mayor's brother, we can expect from this mob. Best is to leave and never come back, as was also the desire of Cesar Vallejo.

And I'm going. Because I have been struggling alone in a desert where there is not even sand or stone that can reflect the sun. Is more abrupt and sad loneliness that may exist. That in the great land of Vallejo and Luis Felipe De la Puente Uceda, prefer to choose a mediocre teacher that geography does not even know they are contour lines, believing that the lines are drawn to the level of the builders civilians, or to appreciate a candidate or candidates who are the caboose of the drug. They are right that many mollebambinos intend to change the name of his people of Arequipa, because they say it is the capital of the white city. It is the irony of life, gentlemen, so I prefer to be in an inhabited place, as with anything you can not fight, you can only die. For many prefer the crumbs of drug trafficking, austere and decent life often offers poverty.

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Colonization as a process political - ideological in the Lands of South

Colonization as a process political - ideological in the Lands of South
When I mention "South Land", I refer to the territories of existing native republics of South America. I do not mean by the term Abya Yala as it has many strengths in different aboriginal nations as not to hurt their septibilidades just call it "Land of the South" in speaking of the invaders of our territories and nations.

This process of colonization political - ideological developed because the process of consolidation of the Confederation was not completed due to the Spanish invasion in the Southlands. At the time of the invasion process of consolidation of the Confederation accused Inka strong leadership crisis due to fight or dispute between factions who felt entitled to propose who should assume command throughout the Confederation. In other words, who should have the maiscaipacha or power over all aboriginal nations. Incident is known in history as the fight between the brothers Atahualpa and Huascar is not the rivalry between the factions or factions of the above and below - the hurin and hanan. And this because Huayna Capac not completed the process for a possible transfer of power to the fittest who govern after him. Some historians talk about the death of two Inka Raptin of the same disease as Apu Inka Sapa, this is not diluciodaremos as it is in the field of forensic history of these events, which does not interest us now.
Taking an overview and see how the European invasion or Hispanic is a quite easy to harvest only for his political and military dominance is strengthened by the support and consent of nations that were in the confederation.
But they saw an opportunity for independence of the Confederacy and seek their own historical development as nations huanca, Cullie, caxamarcas huamanchucos and who were the decisive factor in the Southlands be invaded almost without any resistance, well, that what some historians say, but the truth is that there was a confrontation between different nationalities. Confrontation commissioned million deaths, since about defending the Confederacy and others trying to find their becoming independent - which later changed scenario when they developed the true intentions of the Spanish invasion, they were just intent of looting and deprivation of the wealth of South Land - a fact that culminates in a first stage with the Insurrection of Tupac Amaru Segundo. The second stage of this release is a step unconsolidated undefined because the process of colonization has occurred not only in the political, military, ideological, but also cultural, social and economic development.

Sprayed in the economic structures of production and consumption that had resolved the problems of hunger and misery, which met the basic needs of the population.
Instead Europe was an economic structure that had not resolved their problems which they - as the Northern European peoples who had invaded Rome to solve their problems of hunger, for which they had to destroy the Greek Roman culture. A culture past due - in the barbaric stage of evolution forward - to solve their problems of existence have to invade and take over those existing in a nation more civilized than her.

In the social: The Confederation Tawantinsuyo society had an order that had emerged from the very vision that the Andean people have about things, about life, about family, and relationships as they should be there.
Principles were based on the philosophy Yanantin parity, reciprocity we call philosophical principles that describe very well what Javier Lajo, Eugenia Choque, and Walker Amauta the Andes.

Culturally, Hispanics did not bring anything because we already had advanced several hundred years in different areas of knowledge: for example in genetic engineering as it developed thousands of varieties of different species from plant foods are harmful to the human consumption. Hydraulic engineering principles were known capillarity and osmosis to transport water up rivers. So we were the most educated people that the European peoples. But Europeans told us that they knew we were writing or the wheel, to which I answer: that the forms of memory are different in the script is one of them, or is that writing is one of them, we have the tocapus and quipus. The phonemic representations tocapus are the author's thought. Quipus of which there are 2 types: the single-colored colorful and their use is not only for accounting systems but also for entering phonetic information using the search binary or other number systems that are currently used in computer to do what our ancestors did.

But we did believe until now that we are a people ARREARS uneducated and without development, which are the foundations of mental colonization also known as misogenia or loss of identity.
As is the case of the mayor of the city of Trujillo Cesar Acuña indigenous or ex-president Alejandro Toledo with life and vision schemes Western which is very inconsistent. It's like watching an Australian kangaroo trying to put on the back of a turtle. And always live in it.

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Oportunity in the movements of indigenous people

Oportunity in the movements of indigenous people

We as an antecedent in a previous article I referred to the processes of appointment to the leadership within the original motion, which are generated from the redemption of the values and traditions of each of the peoples that constitute it.

Needless to say that this implies the responsibility to lead the struggles within the nation vindicated Creole at the moment is the dominating us because of the high degree of acculturation, this contributes to the high degree of misinformation that prevails and makes it originating movements do not, for now, will fly a north set for the rescue of their rights which have been violated for centuries

to the parturition of the Creole nation overpowering rights has been established, making us believe that only we are one nation and we have the same tradition. It is an example what is happening in indigenous communities of Santiago de Chuco in a sector that dominates the clutches of drug trafficking and even under the government and judicial threads: Here is chosen bridesmaids Reyna and anniversaries to chair either school or community, like we were a monarchy, that when they proposed the name as a reference to one or aclla qolla Sumaq ñusta are the first and second wives as a reminder of our identity, what they did is to contradict and argue that it is not used, that is out of focus etc. Such arguments we demonstrate the high degree of loss of identity in these communities. And have lost their identity; acquired all the vices and deceptions that sustain native nation and its leaders that subjugate us today.

It is from there that the natives have tried to undermine the original motion, and even from the inside with items that have sought the personal role and in some cases the pecuniary advantage. All so that the movement does not hold. In these organizations, which only seek such revenues, as did the old left of Javier Diez Canseco, Brena Pantoja and other specimens that all that is sought to deceive the just aspirations of our people. Under the pretext that we should give battle to the bourgeoisie in its own grounds, or in parliament. Where exactly are diluted all the aspirations of our people. For there is handled by the economic power of the owners of the country on both sides, both kings of the drug lords, as the owners of Peru's economy. These same habits, unfortunately for originating movements are occurring in our midst. There have by now Alberto Pizango;

without the relevant conditions who are trying to deceive the brothers of some communities to embark on the adventure of the Creole bourgeoisie election, knowing that this is a ploy of our nation's enemies that we forget our claimed responsibility and the main problem such as ownership of land and natural resources which are being donated by the government in power at full view of everyone without the slightest protest. It is well known in the negotiations with many transnational companies to seize the resources of the Amazon. They would enter a game that imperialism has always longed and wished very hard, as is the handling of the Amazon under the patronage of the United Nations as a figurehead. For their own textbooks printed in the United States and in which students form this nation. They make us look like irresponsible to prey on our resources and pollute nature with open-pit mines,

oil wells without environmental management, there are very corrupt governments. He wants to join in this dance Pizango, to make this carnival of electoral masquerade. From here we perceive that means, undermining the original motion, as was once Palacin and his CONACAMI

and other freaks that all he did is to play into the local bourgeoisie to enable them to implement its anti native, one that strips the original peoples of their territories and their identity.
Thus we say and warned the brothers not to be fooled by the siren song of some brothers who do not know where if you traded, with the enemies of our peoples and nations. Then at the precise moment when we must develop original movement organization, they aim to divert attention at this time. We say: What is the purpose, they pursue?

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


In referring to the Apus we are referring to the leaders of the First Nations that follow the ancient traditions of all our nations, which have many features that detached from the description that may be similar in the Western world. In the tradition continues Amazon also identifying the fittest within the original core of the nation, its qualities you should be responsible for the political, economic and administrative herself, nor is there from the legation hereditary. You must be ready to be always ahead of the needs of their nation and never leave and be at risk his own integrity, which incidentally is sheltered by the best men of his nation who would give their life for his Apu, because he represents the summary of the qualities of its people. The same happened to a brother Awajun faced the bullets of the servants of the Creoles, National Police call them bad, just the chance he would not die in the act by the numerous holes in the murderous bullets received, but also fell with the other brothers for trying to protect him with her body, because they had no more weapons than his hands. This could start until the murder weapons of mercenaries native state, to give of their own medicine, knowing that we are brothers who have fallen off and alienated as they are, they do not know what their true nation, having the same skin and the same soul that all of us.

In the Andean tradition is very different because the Sapa Apus are appointed from the existing Kuna Capac an ancient tradition for over five centuries, a practice that has survived despite the existence of the extirpation of idolatry and persecution against the traditions of our people. Just has remained untouched by his anonymity in which they have continued to develop. But the other part is the description of the sinchis who are the leaders of the hatun runa and after being appointed Apu Sapa dependent, it also follows the tradition of appointing the fittest within the community, quite distinct from Sapa Apu has to be Kuna Capac lineage. The peculiarity in Sapa Apu, who despite belonging to a family of Inca lineage, and be the fittest among all, has to be chosen by the visions that have the Yatiris and sages and lie with him the omens of the legends that are protected by the oral traditions of the Quechua and Aymara and are transmitted from generation to generation. But by no means an indicator that it can no longer lead his nation and its liberation. Inkarri In the tradition of many Western historians comment referred to the union of the parties that was cut last Apu Inka Sapa by Hispanic hordes that ravaged and their descendants continue to plague the West, that it would re-join. Feeling they continue to nations and peoples who have not lost their identity. Those who have lost, are guided by their historical memory, as is the case of villages that are located in the central region of what was the Chinchaysuyu, very different from the peoples of the north are the bravest warriors, I native rulers have found what is the nation's native Ecuador. In the south, what is now Bolivia have been careful to appoint a ruler like Apu Sapa, as this would have been a sacrilege to the memory of our ancestors, this can only be imposed as tocapu blessing, which was prepared to the original image to have in place. But he was not imposed mascaipacha, only imposed the headband bearing all sinchis as representing their authority coming of Apu Sapa.
This introduction makes reference to the intentions of two brothers for access to the occupation of Western authority.

The first is a former scholar educated at the University of Harvard, with its laurels intellectuals believe they have the right to represent the original nations. Nobody takes the merits that can be found in Western science, but is unaware that the process by which indigenous peoples are experiencing and especially the Amazonian where appropriate, and also has a mistaken view that we need, which is counterproductive to the original motion.

The second is a brother who leads an organization that represents mostly Amazonian nations, referring him have his latest winding road that left the struggle of peoples to go to live comfortably in Nicaragua, and then return. Most striking is his return and as if by some wonderful ended judicial political persecution, more about who the leaders today, which do not grant any license if they have not gained much greater privileges than those granted. And precisely the APRA, they are not known for their generosity in politics, the opposite is the antipodes, and more knowing how to handle the judiciary at will, so it's amazing what this brother has obtained concessions from the judiciary. There had to be concessions from the brother, who is now translucent and their appetites as electioneering and also assume betray the brothers who can make echo and chorus.

So my answer to the brothers who desperately seek a lifeline within the Western framework. We know it will be impossible to obtain because everything is nothing but a fool boys and the brothers who think we are betraying them, are nothing more than the figurehead for the betrayal of our peoples to consolidate. Our Hope can not die, for it must turn to our traditions, to the advice of our Yatiris, Amautas and Elders in our communities. This is my advice, as I am.

Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Mollepata - Qhapaq Ñan

Picture and description to the part of the route of Qhapaq Nan, from the hills of Mollepata, in the Peruvian North.

Qhapaq Nan or 'Way of the Righteous'
View: Javier Lajo: "Qhapaq Nan, the Inca road of wisdom ", Edit. Amaro Runa-dine, Lima 2005

Túpac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos.

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

EXTREME lumpenisation of the Peruvian bourgeoisie.

EXTREME lumpenisation of the Peruvian bourgeoisie.

As we have come to be spectators of what happens in Mexican society. The factors and the same events are taking place in Peruvian society, as a corollary same cancerization of capitalism in its imperialist phase. Mexican society shelter and gave great facilities for the lumpenisation of their society was to head the political destinies of it.

With the emergence of the large cartels that mobilized enormous amounts of drugs, which require financial organizations to wash and legalize illegal assets from such business, its financial system which lent itself to such actions. The organized crime and assault on the bourgeois control of Mexican society, which was accepted by the great Mexican bourgeoisie, as usufruct benefits that this union brings. Costs has happened is that one of the side effects come from the middle and lower strata of the lumpen which like its partners and employees of the big bourgeoisie has enriched them as well. The problem becomes that they also want to benefit from these grants belong to a new social status even though the Great Mexican bourgeoisie will not infer such a condition. For the overnight come to light their cattle millionaires bank deposits and its many businesses around the world, precisely that money laundering which are induced by drug trafficking.
Currently as low-and middle sectors of the Mexican lumpens want to be like those who led them to drug trafficking. Because they are not accepted by Great Mexican bourgeoisie. Rather, use of the army to his service have been terminated the relationship between Mexico and the big bourgeoisie middle sector of offenders who were previously at your service. What has led to these give an answer to this situation, especially the betrayal of his former associates, who shared the political and economic power. So much so that a good majority of presidential candidates agreed and received funds from drug trafficking to win elections.
But these have a history or precedent as an example what happened in Colombia, where drug trafficking and has had to present its tentacles into the local political society. The difference between Mexico and Colombia, is that in Mexico the politicians who belong to the great Mexican bourgeoisie want to give their former partners, the opposite of Colombians who live with this scourge and even we can say that the country of Colombia drug trafficking is the ruling. To try to make up their alliance, blamed the guerrillas release. That is the tactic, for two reasons, one: to legitimize their alliance with drug trafficking and secondly to disqualify political enemy is constituted as a belligerent force.

In Peru, we see the same signs. More example of the release of the drug trafficker Valdez, former mayor of Pucallpa, which again has been welcomed and blessed to re-election as a candidate for mayor. The other example and others is much more shocking, seeing in advance the power exercised by the drug trade in Peruvian society in the procurement actions under or with the kindness with which they are treated. For example in many drug cases, and defendants involved are arrested and seized their property, just to smuggle a few grams of drugs, drug barons, however, as Luis Valdez Villacorta, are treated with kid gloves with releases

or the same drug with the Sanchez Paredes clan who have given not only attendance and seized him any good. It is well known relations of this family that promotes drug candidates such as the province where appropriate, I refer to Santiago de Chuco. So I think we walk now and be sure that we are in the Colombian Mexicanization by the great Peruvian bourgeoisie, especially the financial and whitens receiving dividends from the big business that harms mankind.

Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

THE COMB from gold of SHIRACKAMPA. 3th part

The day came when all Sinchis of all communities and nations of Tawantisuyu be prepared to scroll to the Marka of Cajamarca and see in person to the color of water Bearded had dared to enter the territory ruled the Great Apu Inka Sapa . The bearers of the Grand Apu walks were well rested as they had to run fast carrying his master. At the same time all the runners took to the four suyu with the news that the Sapa Inka Marka be moved to the Cajamarca to meet with the rare men who had much facial hair.

They did so wearing the colors real quipus where he entered the news and other orders for the suyus Tucricuts respective orders for the various chores that fell aynis as planned for this year that possibly the great Mama Cocha overwhelmed by all the great chala.
In Canada, where were the hot springs, where he was the Grand Sapa Inca, was arriving the day before hundreds of acllas coming from various nations with many offerings and aromatic plants as well as to serve the great Apu Inka and their wives. They reached the beautiful acllas Coronguimarka the region known as the pallas, those of the region known as the Quiyayas from MOLLEPATA.

Were younger, many of them would not exceed twelve years and were chosen among the most beautiful of acllahuasis and that just existed in those Markas. Took them to work in many professions, such as help in their chores Coyas day or tell the traditions of their peoples, because in the acllahuasis learned many things they play when they reached adulthood, and also be given as Sinchi some wives who had excelled in battle or Inka sapa project. Sinchis especially the singles, because the only thing that could have several wives was only the Villac Humu and Sapa Inca Apu, the only two rulers of Tawantisuyu. They arrived and were received by the great Mamacona, which had grown from Atawalipa child because his mother had taken charge of directing the Tawantisuyu, by the sudden death of Apu Gran Inka Sapa Huaynac Kapak due to a fever that no shaman Kuraka not been able to decipher or cure. She reigned for many years until he re gathered all the elders and determine the succession of government.

The Mamacona was giving orders to every girl, which is what they had to do, some prepare the control of the Inca baths, others as assistants to the two Coyas, which were very smug and fought the love of the Inka. The two were of a different lineage, one belonged to the Panaka Pachakuti Inka Yupanqui and Tupac Yupanqui another. That rivalry was recent, since the death of Huaynac Kapak, who had chosen them as wives to sisters of the same Panaka, however were of different Panaka Atawalpa. Every one always boasted of their ancestors, as the most important in the history of his great nation and spent their days in endless discussions that sometimes ended in fighting them, even in the presence of the great toad Inka, who stopped to admire the skills in the struggles of their wives
and the winning of Qikyusisa from the panaka of Tupac Yupanqui and they said the princess, who had brought the great navigator of land beyond the Sea

She was noted for the whiteness of her skin and hair color of copper very different it was beautiful Yanacoya Panaka descendant of the oldest and most traditional Grand Pachakuti Sapa Inka. But he loved the beautiful Atawalpa Qikyusisa and according to the oracles of Great pachakamac Catequil and told him that Mother would be one of the greatest warriors to their villages Libertarian. But the thought of going to free them if they were not slaves of any Grand sinchi, or any Grand Apu Sapa which existed at the time, but that as Ruler of all nations of the world as he had for his Father the Tata Wilka . But such an idea he seethed that he had nailed the Huacas amautas such servers, but also feared, for all oracles that said such huacas became reality, so the assault of her fears destroy the huaca command in Icchal that Catequil remains in the Nation of Huamanchucos, former tributaries of the Sinchis Waris. The huaca Amauta that will echo a curse: "You will die in the hands unworthy of Yanas and criminals for destroying a sacred site, it took our ancestors and your people will suffer the ignominy of five hundred years people will destroy the Pacha savage breast waterless deserts become all forests. Open holes in liquid spilled everywhere and kill all the runes of a few without them knowing it. The days will be cloudy and Tata Wilka disappear forever till the coming of the new Condor to order and fight for their nations, tried to kill him and put you in a house of horror, where his life almost extinguished, but so breathless to be reborn destroy the wild for five hundred years they destroyed our nations for the offense of Atawalipa to Catequil our Protector. "Judgement that he had not commented on any of the Coyas, not to worry and tell of the warning he had made not to undermine the Oracle of Catequil. He hated that he berated his actions, because in them that if they disagreed. But that idea bothers him greatly and she began to get ready to go to see the Runes with facial hair, which smelled very awful, as if his body fired the most foul odors, but on the advice of the army not Sinchis was afraid because some animals that walked felt sorry for the burden they carried on their backs.

And in their bodies Runes Bourbons, wore a heavy metal that was laughing to see them walking. If it was very funny, as if they were ill of his testicles and his ass, and the babies when they are well cared for by his mother. This they said to their sinchis and they laughed heartily, making fun of those barbarians. Therefore advised not to fear them, for they were too wild about runes, who had no manners or even know the things of good food and good nutrition, because they looked very bad health.

Thus the beautiful Qikyusisa would not go the Marka of Cajamarca and preferred to stay in the Encañada and stayed with Pallas to talk of their nation and communities from which they came. But the cunning Yanacoya if get ready to travel with the sapa Inca and enlists his best clothes, especially to impress the Inka and curiosity to meet the Wild Bearded, and those that came mounted on a beast had impressed him greatly .

She had her dress color of the orchids grown in the nation of the Chachapoyas, where one of the daughters of that nation Sinchi was his friend and talked of the curiosities of their peoples.

It dawned a new day that would enter the Sapa Inka Marka. All were ready and had already made their papakashqui with toasted ñuñas Callanan. The Akllas followed the Coya to accompany the Sapa Inca, as he was the representative of Villac Humu. All nations with their heads and fittings Sinchis accompanying these, all were ready and unarmed. Just as the security entourage Inka sapa. All trainees were expected to go up to the litter all the major characters together with the Sapa Inca and advance on the road.

In that appeared Atawalpa, with the best of his clothes and arrangements of gold. What stood out was the Mascaikpacha and wand that had been relieved of Tawantisuyu every ruler since the founding of the great confederation of nations. He sat in his bunk and took forward signal, to which all carriers as a single will be put in place. They followed the Great Capak Yum or path of the Righteous, designed as the main communication channel, but it was contained all knowledge of astronomy, sciences, agricultural engineering, hydraulics and so on., Of the many years and thousands of years had the Andean man.
It was all paved, some yanas cleared the way by which had passed the Inka, was his custom and his duty to pay for the affront they had done in the past their ancestors and which they had removed the name and did not know that nation they belonged.
The Sapa Inka revels with plantings to be sighted in the countryside of this nation, they were all to be harvested and stored in drums. He followed the way in which the Runes stopped to see the procession pass, some their knees facing the ground out of respect and admiration for the ruler, the children remained with staring, as if wondering who will spend the owe much more respect. In the distance, we could see the stone buildings of the Marka and the complete silence that reigned in. To continue advancing the crowd was singing his songs for the start of festivities Tata Wilka in Cuzco, which presumably should go very soon. All danced and even those who had the litter of the Sapa Inca, the Coya, as well as the Sinchis of different nationalities, especially the Sinchi of Chincha, who was recognized as an accomplished navigator and merchant Tawantisuyu frontier. At the door stood out ungainly figure of one of the bearded Runes ...

to be continued...

Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui

Acllahuasi: EN LA CASA of the chosen, they were for sun worship or other Temples, for the service of the Inkas SAPAS deaths, there were chosen for secondary wives of the Sapa Inca.
Mark: is similar to people, as is La Bamba and other similar synonyms for the rune. The Runa Simi referred to the speech of the people.
MAMACONA: The largest and wise women who taught in acllahuasis was also serving the Coyas or Sapa Inka.
QIKYUSISA: white flowers.
YANACOYA: black princess.
TATA Wilkes Father Sun
Yanas: Runes no name, no nation.
PAPAKASHQUI: yellow potato soup with quail eggs and mint, which is an aromatic plant.
Ñuñas: special bean that is used to sample the soups.
Callanan: pot.

jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Biography of Tupac Isaac II - in RADIO Roots - ARGENTINA


sábado, 17 de julio de 2010


We can see it in action with all his party colleagues, who take as true to the conventions dictated by capitalist society with its neoliberal model, notably authoritarian submission to the dictates that make Alan Garcia and is not criticized none of its followers.

We say they can not justify the trampling of fundamental rights of every human person, such as life and free expression, which are now kept under distress in full force, and many episodes that have tried or exercising Abuse its authority to maintain its many abuses shade to freedom of expression, as for example the closure of several stations in the provinces, by the mere fact of being rebellious to his regime. This is what Theodor Adorno conceptualized as authoritarian aggression, which also can be seen on the criminalization of social protests in the attack on former political prisoners and aggressive crackdown on fundamental rights of the human person, regardless of the side human, if not punished, otherwise everything nice and personal with the imbalance which would be in the lack of insight into their actions, reflection of themselves. Go on with your thinking of rigid categories and are not interchangeable, the APRA party destination and the same Alan Garcia as predestined to be the saviors of Peru, despite all evidence to the contrary. His rough handling of power toward the general population, which is expressed in the endless propaganda spread by the media addicted to his regime and to put through as a sinecure avisaje commercial.

Another feature is its cynicism clearer so obvious to their outrages, as happened with the consideration of appointing teachers, where their co-religionists, many of them without intellectual merit, or even curricula, are named for which we all and logistics elements for such unlawful purposes and the agreement of many directors and corrupted by APRA attache. All of which he projects that if no one agrees with his assessment, is that it is against the whole system and against society itself. The sycophancy of his followers is another of the fascist personality characteristics.

We say that Mr Alan Garcia has very definite characteristics, for which trends can be considered as strong a personality to be a fascist, I argue for its strong ethnocentrism which emerge with regard to indigenous peoples and peasants as people walk backward and unintelligent, while this consideration is re-affirm the political persecution through the ministry of education that makes the former political prisoners. Treating them as objects of their anger and hatred for daring to question society and disrupt the status quo, or it could define the above terms of submission to the social convention that Theodor Adorno pointed out in its definition of authoritarian personalities.
They do not enter logic, and if they want to refer to it as a tool for validation of their position, their arguments are so simplistic easy folding, but which uses sentimentality to feel supported in their statements, such as are done to affirm the nomination of Ms. Keiko Fujimori. I think in essence that the two positions are supported because they need each other to assert its validation in the social consciousness, allowing them to circumvent the electoral campaign and that is where all political organizations, including the opposition have not able to differentiate and put in cars so that people can discriminate the fascist behavior all they do is create a much more acute to repeat one of the bloodiest I happen to be living in the past century of civil war. But we believe that they too are infected with this spirit behaves fascist personality Alan Garcia and his party, so do not expect the opposition to do something to improve the social, political landscape in our country.

Tupac Isaac II
Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos

martes, 13 de julio de 2010



The inability to solve the acute problems of Peruvian society and hiding their commitment to the insatiable transnational corporations that are willing to plunder our natural resources with the complicity of the entire political class of our country makes in a clumsy, with the tantrum as which is thought to mask the liver, is what makes them be implementing measures that violate all human rights enshrined in the statement after the French Revolution. Although it is no accident of this type of behavior in government, so much so that the implementation of their death squads, which tested killing common criminals, is a hall that used to do with leaders who do not undergo to its dictates.

These tactics and strategy being implemented, are looking for a pretext to consolidate a fascist state in order to have open letter to hand the country over to the voracity of the friends of the north. You begin to feel its effects, such as the supply of gas, and we delivered, as could also say the gift of our resources to northern countries, the domestic market shortages. The energy and mines minister has tried to lie to the nonsense trying to justify the more evident that the government was doing. For now this shortage is already being felt in the capital of the republic and probably try to weather the storm, but I see impossible without exposing its dealings under the table they were doing and more this government.

We wonder: Why the demonization of those with opposing views and different? Can not meet the sake of free thought and free expression. If they say to defend their democracy, ie they represent. So why are not scrupulous in respecting the freedoms or are considering such as the northern neighbor that sent murder their own countrymen and destroy signs of wealth, only to have a pretext to make war on the world and plunder the wealth of the countries that are different from them. Their need to control their appetites prevail obvious and then discovered his deceptions and lies.

A clear example is the war that broke out against the brotherly country of Iraq, under the usual pretext that Saddam Hussein had biological weapons. What they did the Americans?. Perhaps not to submit to their whims and destroy this country to make oil handling their businesses. In saying that their business is an understatement, because big business has no borders, no country. All we know is that it is a policeman who takes care of their interests. Subsequently, Mr. Bush seemed to him to make war on the Muslim peoples who are in northern Southeast Asia, rich in strategic minerals for nuclear war and what he did?. First to foist these people who were a threat to world peace, the law did adjetivización to the struggles of liberation decried as terrorism and declaring that they were a danger to peace, these same arguments with no logical sense being used in laws of many countries in order to discredit the protests against government abuses.

To this tranche destruction and murder of his own fellow citizens, that's what happened at the Trade Center in New York, which put his side to public opinion in your country to make their desires warmongers. Mercilessly attacked the Afghan people. There are already thousands and thousands of civilian casualties, only in order to maintain power in that part of the east.

These same measures are taking the Lord Alan Garcia and his followers, with the chorus of singers followers genuflectioned a Congress full of defectors or rather agreed and opportunists who are only seeking economic returns but not the real interests of those claim to represent.
Therefore, we have no hope to come more repression and disappearance of free thinkers, and so the social activists who will be missing from their death squads are already preparing to disappear petty criminals. So we are warned.

Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui.
Tupac Isaac II

martes, 6 de julio de 2010


PERU of ALAN GARCIA - Ministry of Education or Inquisition?

In a country where is rewarded all bribe of submission !
In a country where ignorance is justified !
This is the place, where the government has dominion !
This is the place, where the government attacks
and preys on all things that might has, like: resources and natural resources
only to satisfy his ego-feeling of predatory animal.

And the government of Alan Garcia
with his advocates and supporters
which are the great bureaucratic bourgeoisie,
because it is the appendix of the empire.
The government of Alan Garcia with his supporters
is trying to corrupt and is trying
to make idiot the minds of the people,
presenting the discontent and the rebellion as a symptom of insanity.

But what we can say about a leader who ever and ever: lies and lies
trying to justify for example the theft of gas ?
There are the brothers from Southern regions
which are defending the peruvian gas being a national resource !
and most unfair that this resource is selling,
if you can say "sell" because is given away for nothing !

All that gas could generate development of country Peru !
All that gas could generate higher wages !
All that gas could generate more tax to improve teacher salaries,
but the government does not make anything !

Upside down this resource is given away to foreigners
despite the fact that belongs to all Peruvians,
and the government / to cover that injustice fact and other things.../
he makes the most Inquisition's campaign
against the teachers who was rebelled times ago.

Their rebellion maybe was right,
maybe was wrong,
we do not judge them.
Because those teachers believed in a false prophet,
if he was false prophet or not it was so,
we do not judge.

The rebellious teachers, they gained nothing from their rebellion !
The only thing that they won:
was jail and a terminal diseases.
It is necesary to report that in times of Fujimori:
the government was making the scientific experiments with the prisoners !
No one was making the justice sentence to Alan Garcia or to Fujimori yet concerning of those scientific experiments with the prisoners !!

The difference between
the pursued more than 400 teachers and Alan Garcia:
is that they paid for their daring to rebel for the injustices in our country.
But Alan Garcia is a criminal and murderer
who judges from APRA
or justice controlled by APRA
not allowed to purge his misdeeds and send him to the jail.
While those rebellious teachers are the conscience of the country.
and Alan Garcia represents the most rotten of human existence.

Therefore there is more visceral hatred of the extreme right
who are member of the multinationals
that which harry of our natural gifts,
and serve as the pillar of this inhuman order.
But why the government's man is afraid?
Because in the realm of facts,
they can not justify the most horrific inequalities
that are living the people in our country !

So much peruvian people die in hospitals due to lack of medicines !
or lack of physicians who care for them !
or lack of health posts also !
The government are making sterilization campaigns with the peruvian nations to which we have subjected regulary...
thanks to the dictates of their masters - the emperors of big business.

The government gave to the his members teachers on a plate
all keys in the performance tests.
The same made His Minister Chang,
who for only one night took the title of Industrial Engineering at the University of Noah's Ark.
He also got his doctorate there by the same way.
And to makeup theese lies
Minister Chang took his mastery of an American university
and this American university did not offer an MA in education.

And the government still hatred to the 400 because these teachers showed:
they know more than the evaluation committees formed by APRA !
And the government to reject them good work
was had to do the opposite
for despite the evidence.

Those rebels teachers showing that:
they are masters of heart and by conviction !
And the teachers of the peruvian government APRA
- showing that are not masters of heart and are not masters by conviction...

Or is that: because those 400 teachers do not seek profit,
neither they were had the basest instincts of the peruvian rulers.

But the government was hurts most from the fact
that these rebels teachers have shown more professional
from the APRA's teachers wich wanna tell them self "professors"...
Neither from these "masters teachers" from APRA denounced
the marriage between drug trafficking and high places in their APRA government.

Is not it true that the Sánchez Paredes family of drug dealers,
This family is the one that solves all costs to the election campaigns
of the Peruvian political class. Isn't ?.

Despite the farcical trial which has been submitted today.
For in Trujillo can not hide
this kilometric reality truth
which all people are witnesses.

For this reason:
we calls everyone honest people to make campaign
against the persecution made from the government policy of Alan Garcia Perez and his Ministers of State.
A campaign against the persecution of the 400 rebels teachers.
Because the government policy of Alan Garcia Perez want to violate
their rights to work,
their rights to education of their children
and want make their stigmatization eternal.

Please, all labor organizations and Guilds in the world
to get their voice of protest
and make this news a public to their governments
to take action to protest against these inquisition methods of the Peruvian government.

Isaac II Tupac
Juan Esteban Villalobos Yupanqui

Here I am...